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I woke up the next morning with probably every butterfly in the world in my stomach. The night went by with hardly an hour of sleep. Tossing and turn was how I spent most of the night.

I got out of my bed and went straight towards my coffee pot. The refrigerator was the next thing that I found myself looking through as I waited for my coffee to brew. I grabbed a bagel and threw it in the toaster. I scrolled through my Instagram for what felt like the millionth time since I even set my alarm. The toast popped up and spread cream cheese on it before making my coffee and going back towards my room to get ready for the day ahead of me.

I sat down at my vanity and curled my hair so it would have time to relax. I finish it and get up to brush my teeth before I do my makeup. Upon returning my phone buzzes, interrupting my music and catching my attention.

Good luck on your first day rookie!! You'll do great!!

I decide to text him later or thank him when I see him. I continue my jam session and do my make up. I just do my usual glammed up natural look and add a pink toned lip. I threw on a white flowing blouse with a colorful skirt. I grab minimal jewelry and some hoop earrings before bringing my dishes out to my dishwasher. I grab a pair of blush colored heels and slip them on before grabbing the remainder of my stuff and leaving my apartment.

The drive to the stadium just reminded me how nervous I was. The idea of so many people seeing me and instantly judging loomed in my head. A good impression has always mattered to me. What if people didn't like me? What if people turn off their TVs because they see me and know I'm not Sophia? I don't want to let people down.

With my thoughts elsewhere, it almost came as a shock when I realized I had arrived at the stadium. I pushed back all of the negative thoughts and grabbed my thinks before getting out of my car and going inside. I scanned my badge and made my way to the field. Because I was so early, the hallways remained fairly empty, which left too much space for me to think.

"Mo!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see none other than Christian jogging towards with with his duffle bag in clutch. He must have gotten here not long after me.

"Hey" I told him. Any other time I probably would have sounded happier, but with all of the thoughts and stress of the day looming, I sounded much flatter than usual.

"Hey what's wrong? You didn't next me back and you don't sound like yourself", he tells me. A smile forms at how this man has already picked up on the small things about me after hardly knowing me for that long.

"It's nothing. I guess I'm just a little stressed about today" I tell him. His face shows concern for a second more before returning back to the smiling one I know.

"Morgan, you will do amazing! The people will love you if that's what you are really worried about. This is a family and you are party of it now." He tells me.

"Thanks C" I tell him as we continue walking.

"If you want, I can introduce you to more of the team during batting practice so you don't just know two people" he offers

"I might have to take you up on that" I tell him as we stop at the media entrance to the field. "And depending on how this game goes, I might have to invite you for movie night."

"What do you mean it's depends on how the game goes? Do you mean on my end or yours?" He ask me.

"Both" I tell him before opening the door, just so Christian can reach over me and hold it open. "Do good Yeli."

I slip through the door and up to where I see Joesph. I make my way over to him so I can get set up for pregame all on my own. I get my microphone and ear piece before moving in front of the camera and waiting for my cue. I my earpiece I could hear what they were talking about in the studio.

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