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Hangovers were not my thing. I could drink my way out of a bottle, as long as it wasn't vodka. I honestly have no idea why I even had that bottle.

The light coming in my room was way too bright and the birds were way too loud. I sat up in my bed and felt like I had been hit by a train. My head instantly started pounding and I surprisingly wasn't nauseous. I gathered the strength to open my eyes and look around. I was in my bed when the last thing I could remember was being on the couch. I looked to my bed side table and saw a water bottle and the ibuprofen. My hand reached to it so fast I almost fell out of my bed. The ibuprofen were in my mouth and were chased by a flood considering how fast I drank the water.

I finally got out of bed and made my way to the coffee pot and started my daily brew. Small snores came from the living room where a sleeping Christian laid. The sunlight was coming through the window worse than it was in my room. I walked over, shielding my eyes as much as I could and closed the curtains as quietly as I could. I caught myself looking at Christian with his messy hair and his sock-clad feet peeking out of the bottom of the blanket. A smiled formed as I went to go brush my teeth and grab my glasses. I went back to my room and grab the bottle of ibuprofen and another wanter from my fridge to set next to Christian.

My attention turns back to the holy beverage that has now finished brewing. I got a mug down from the cabinet and started preparing it how I like it. The sound of stirring comes from the couch as Christian starts to wake up. He slowly sits up and his eyes land on the water and ibuprofen. When I thought I had taken mine fast, he had taken his faster. Sip my coffee while I scroll through my phone and sneak glances at Christian.

"Good morning" he mumbles as he goes straight for the coffee pot. I return the greeting as he gets down a mug from the cabinet and making coffee.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask him. "I'm sure something greasy will help the both of us."

"What were you thinking princess?" He ask.

"I don't know. Anywhere really." I tell him. "I know a small and casual breakfast place not too far from here if you're up to it or I could make something here if you don't want want to go out."

"You always cook. Let's go somewhere" He says sitting down at a bar stool. We finish our coffee before grabbing our shoes and going out as we are, pajamas and all. I grab my purse and keys.

"Why'd you grab your car keys?" He ask me as we pull on our shades as we walk outside to the cars to avoid making our headaches worse.

"Because we will be taking my chariot today lover boy" I tell him as we go towards my silver Kia Soul. I unlock the car and get in with ease while Christian stares at it for a second.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Mo, no offense, but I don't know if I'll fit in this. I'm kind of a giant and your car belongs to hamsters in the commercials" he tells me. I then reach down and pull the lever to make the chair go further back. He shakes his head and gets in. We drive the the breakfast place and get out.

"So Denny's was the small and casual breakfast place you told me about" he looks at me with a look of doubt and a smirk on his face. I nod eagerly, not to my hangovers approval, before going inside. For 11 am the place was luckily fairly empty.We take a seat at a booth in the corner of the restaurant. I take my sunglasses off while Christian leaves his on.

"Why'd you keep your glasses on? We're inside" I tell him.

"Why'd you keep yours on? What if someone sees us?" He shrugs.

"That's never stopped you before"I tell him. Realizing that I have a point, he slides his glasses off. We scan the menus before an older waitress comes to take our orders.

"Hello Morgan! We were wondering if you'd come around again now that you are a big reporter. Everyone that I've talked to loves you. The usual I assume" she tells me. The truth was that this woman was no stranger to me. I'd spent many hungover mornings here and even a few where I wasn't. The lady's name was Gladice and she's been here for years.

"Yes ma'am. You're too sweet. How could I not come around? This place is home" I tell her. She smiles before writing down my usual order before turning to Christian.

"Don't worry Mr. Yelich. We won't ask for pictures. Now what can I get ya" she ask him. He almost looks shocked at how she didn't freak out about it.

"Oh um, it just Christian, and thank you. Can I just get the grand slam with scrambled eggs and orange juice please" He says. Gladice smiles and turns to me.

"Keep him around" is all she says before turning back to go put in the orders. Christian looks completely confused by what she means.

"What's that supposed to mean" he ask once she's out of ear shot. I smile.

"That's exactly what I get" I tell him.

"Like exactly??" He ask.

"Yep" I tell him

"You have good taste" he smiles. There was always something about that smile of his that made my stomach flip. I could never tell you what exactly it was, but I loved it. Gladice came back with our drinks and we scrolled through our various social medias in a peaceful silence.

"Have you looked on twitter today?" Christian ask. I shake my head and immediately go to the app. The screen is flooded with notifications. I check my followers and notice my 12 followers has now turned into 12k. I've been tagged in numerous tweets welcoming me to the team and commenting on my accent along with other talking about my appearance. Just with any boost in following, there are a few bad tweets mixed in with the good ones.

"I told you they would love you" Christian says. I smile and keeps reading through them. I'm just glad to know that I've got Wisconsin on my side.

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