chapter 1 - In the beginning

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Here I'm in a world I don't know. In a new educational setting looks like a college. I'm far away from home. I was never prepared for this. I went to Bristol and I have entered some magical world. I do remember going through the secret passage. And one day will go through it again. I just never thought it would happen to me. An autistic female witch. "Yeah me" but "oh no lots of change". I have entered because I unknowingly had powerful magic.

My name is lily, I'm 21 years old and I accidentally blew up the department of work and pensions, during a autistic meltdown. Luckily no one got seriously hurt and don't really remember it. As you can imagine my assessment did not go well. It was about my benefits as well. What I'm calling "the magic police". Noticed the abnormality. And here I'm in a special needs magic school/college. Which is good I guess. There was no sign that I had any kind of magic before then.

The institute are keeping me away from other people until I settle down. Also people back home are all on alert about the incident. And I have been told I'm classed as a missing person too. I struggle a bit with autism, ok a lot. I knew I had it when I was young. I was supported by my family. They are a nice bunch I guess. They did the basic for my survival giving me food and shelter.

I'm not aware of any witches or magical beings in my family. I guess we were like any mortal family including an autistic family member into the mix. Well what ever normal is. I guess they won't tell me anyway in case I said anything to other people. I have a mum and dad. I guess they are very worried about me now. My mum thought I could just about handle doing something that big on my own. She was going to wait in the car in case I needed her. Unfortunately she didn't get a chance to. And is now begging me to come back on the national news and social media. Thanks mum your doing a great job keeping a low profile for me.

I guess I'm ranting a bit here. And need to channel it somewhere. My mum said that I should rant to the wildlife in the woods. Because then it will be like they are agreeing to you. I guess one in the morning is not a good time to wake them up to rant.

A knock comes from behind the door. "Can I come in?" Its a man's voice.

"Yes" I replied with a snap not at all happy with this. He brings in some food for me. His dressed all casual smart. The food his bringing is not what I would have. But then I have no choice or i will starve and I don't want that. Or the clothes that they let me have. He puts the food on the table. As he heads out.

"Anything else?" he asks. I shake my head. He then leaves and I'm left alone again with my thoughts. I can hear the footsteps getting fainter.

I was lying in bed ready to go to bed. And then this memory hit me but I know it is not mine.

Joe's  I think.

I enter the room we put lily in. I see she is scrunched up in a fluffy, thick blanket we gave her. I can see the top of her head, her brown hair is messy and tangled. Her head appears her eyes are red and puffy. I see her arm red like sunburn from scratching herself. She is much calmer now I see the chair did not survive. I wish I could give her a hug and tell her it is going to be ok. I guess the room makes her feel horrible. My colleges and I didn't know where to put her. So she is in stone type room and it is freezing.

I leave her alone. She must be soo scared. It's all new to her this world.

It has to be his. Now I hope this is a one off.

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