Chapter 6 - The parallel Bristol landscape

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I wonder around the parallel Bristol. It is is in same place in the country. But it looks a bit different. See there is no modern houses and there is mostly landscape. As the school is based on the over side of the mortal version. There is a lot of ground to cover of the place. Within what is meant to be the area is four schools, a lot of woods, lots of shops and a bit more.

I think a peaceful quite spot. I can hear the birds singing in the woodland. I see a squirrel ran up a tree. I wish it was red then it would be a native squirrel. I see light dancing through the trees. I take it all in as no one is here at the moment. As I sit here for a while I see creatures running around. Then I realise that there might more animals here. Do they know about this place?. As I spot the squirrel again I end up talking to it. I tell it my name and start to explain my life story to it. It listens for a bit and off it goes again. Which is really a bit rude but then again it is a squirrel.

As I walk around the woods I reflect more of what has happened. I really feel a sense of being overwhelmed. I just left my life before no "sorry mum I'm a witch now got to go now love you bye." Or "sorry mum I blew up a whole building. Can you forgive me? by the way in a new college setting for witches". I hopes he does. I will explain to her I'm safe and feel a little bit safe. I still am not safe in this new world I don't know the dangers yet. I can hear the trees blowing strongly in the breeze. I start heading back towards the school. I'm still trying to work at where I would be if I was on the other side of Bristol. I'm not sure. I can see the school it looks over the area like a castle would. It looks across like if an invasion could happen. That would be great but as I know soo little I would probably be making the drinks to keep everyone going.

I know in a little while I will have another class. I feel like my thoughts are more clear now I know a bit more. I came up to the gates and look across the landscape pretending to hear every one moving about. like the sound of busses and other traffic noise. The wind is picking up again so I go inside.

I feel a bit strange all of the sudden and it doesn't feel peaceful now. It feels like something is out there. I ahead inside.


Unknown persons memory

I'm running from London towards Bristol with stops in between. The British countryside look beautiful. No giant manmade structures towering over the place. And no fumes of the cars just crispy fresh air. No annoying lawnmowers sounds. And the lovely sound of nature with its wonderful tune. Just like it is spose to be.

I spot a young lady she dances away to herself, she must be from the special needs college. They never focus around their environment. I sometimes actually worry about them. 


I do not know who that was. I thought I felt safe here. I hope they don't cause any trouble. But then again are they even human?. And why are they running from London to Bristol?. 

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