Chapter 3 -The other new room mate

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Over the weekend I got to know Beth and we seem to get on. We went and showed me where the classes were going to be. "It's very big this place its like how you think a magic type school is going to be like the tall windows" I admired at the windows. We continued walking back through the quite school as everyone was on a weekend trip which was great. There were a few people around as we walked back luggage was stacked in the door room we both peered in. There was a young woman she was tall with red/brown hair she looked very fashionable and stylish. Unlike us we are a bit more scruffy looking. Thou Beth does look like she did fall into a fabric and crafts shop. And I think some are handy me downs. But as we are getting on I'm not going to tell her (yet).
"Ah you two" says the one and only Joe. I don't think I have meet any other authority figures than him. "I see you have spotted Tash". Of course we have there is soo much stuff in the hall way I thought answering him back in my head.

Tash turns to me "So you are the new one I been hearing about" she says with a look of judgement. "As for you Beth it will nice to get to know you better". " Your one to watch with your magic." I don't know who she is talk to. As she looks down what appears to be old books .

"Yes I'm" beaming from my side. "I been doing a club or two. It's raising vibrations".

"Yes but I think you are going to have a good amount of knowledge" She smiles.
"Well that is good feedback there" Joe chirps up. Probably hoping there isn't an argument when he leaves. "Do you think you think you three will be fine" we all smile like well behaved people. he the leaves. "At last he is gone" Tash say exhaustedly." He is nice and caring and all but can be too helpful I find". She goes and rumbles her bag "Do you want a drink I got some soft drinks." I thought it was nice offer so I smiled and nodded she passes me an orange juice and we all get to know each other. Tasha turns out is younger than me and is nineteen. All of the clothes are designers and a few she "saved" from her mum throwing it out after wearing it once.

We spend the evening together all three of us. We use the tiny kitchen and make a basic meal together a veggie lasagne (with way too much cheese). It seems we all have some food knowledge between us. There was no magic used in the process by the way. We did it the old fashion way. By hand and machine. I was hoping for magic to be used too. But that's alright anyway. Beth yelled "grubs up" as she thought it was said among mortals all the time.

Later that night I was preparing for Tash's memory but nothing came. So I don't know if this new power has gone or not. Is it a power or something else. I still waited for a bit. Nothing so I end up going to sleep.

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