Chapter 4 - The guy in the canteen

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As I wake up ready to take on the day. I will be doing my first day here. I'm a bit nervous and I still can not believe I'm a witch. Apart from those annoying memory thing I keep having.

"Morning, are you excited about your first day?" I smile back at Beth I think she is excited. So I nod but really I'm nervous, It will be lots of new people coming up to me. There with also be questions about my public meltdown. List could go on and on.

"Hi we are going down to the canteen. You coming?" Says Tash.

"Yeah, I just need to get ready". Then I quickly get ready and then I change into my clothes and am ready to go. I didn't want to be left.

"Are you ready to meet some new people?. I got someone for you to meet." a squeal of excitement from Beth. I think she is more excited about my future than I'm.

As I enter the canteen I can hear the bustling of people. Not too noisy but this is manageable. As I look around I see an ocean of people from staff to teenagers. I walk down I can see a guy smiling to people. Tash tries to follow my gaze.

"Are you looking at the principles son?" She questions whilst whispering. He looked young but came across maybe mature. I nodded.

"His name is Luke. His nice and everyone seems to like him.". continues Tash. Then he spots us and comes over a nice looking guy is coming over. "You ok? I can feel your magical vibes are picking up" Well yeah a guy is approaching me. And when guys like these approach me you can't go out with them was my reply in my head. And he is still coming towards me.

"Hi my name is Luke" offering his hand to me. I go and shake it back with a polite smile" You must be Lily" I feel a bit calmer and flushed.

"Yes I'm" I replied. "It feels like everyone knows I'm new".

"Well it is a bit of a small place and people do talk" Luke says to me. Thanks for letting me know. Now I will shut myself away.

"Are you going to have breakfast now?" Tash says who I forgot was still there. Then I turn and spotted you guessed it Beth. What I was not expecting was a young midteen looking guy with a big afro style hair, also beaming.

"Oh Lily this is my younger brother Will who I was telling you about" said Beth. " He tried to give you space to settle in. But usually his around a lot".

"Hi" he said to me "I can introduce myself Beth" Trying to make a point. Which was sweet really.

"See you around" said Luke. As he walked off.

I then sat down with my breakfast of lots of different things. Like cearals cooked breakfast. I sat with Tash who really would want to socialise with others. And Beth and her brother Will. Will is fourteen. Their parents sometimes work at the school. Their dad works here and their mum sometime does lectures and owns a few business.


Luke's memory hit me later on

I was in the canteen doing the morning rounds trying to say hello and have a brief chat to lots of different people. I look up is the new girl Lily is standing on the stairs. She was dressed a bit casual way. She looked a bit scruffy but pretty. She looks nervous twiddling with her light brown hair. I walk towards her.

Later on I look at her. She looks calmer her nose scrunches up a bit whilst thinking. Well Beth I see is so excited that she is going to have a new friend. She is getting much better at trying to make friends with people. Tash over there looks like she wants to leave. But I think she is trying to make Lily feel welcomed. Then my attention turned to Will. He looked different towards her. His face seemed a bit rosy and fidgeting with his hands under the table. 

It is a big place the canteen. Dad says it looks like a shopping centre. Because the stairs where she is on look like you could use an escalator on it. I have no idea what one is. when your at the top you can go around the room. And the little side bits are the shops (so he tells me). But really they are quiet space. And on your left going down is where food is served.


And then I felt my head go again.

Will's memory hits me.


I'm waiting for Beth to come. A message appears on my hand. They are on their way. Then I see her waving at me. Then Lily appears. My heart started to feel different in my chest. I don't understand this feeling.  


I really don't want to work out what he thinks of me. And Luke's thoughts are a bit deep.

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