Chapter 16- Monopoly

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Two week has now gone and now Luke and Will know about Tom. Apparently it made sense why Tash was asking for clothes and not knowing the sizes. Will just came in. It has been quiet since the attack the teacher was fine. You can feed him now. Tom I mean not the teacher. The injuries look bit more better and he still does not do much. Everyone is still on alert. I was right uno is more fun when Will and Luke plays. We also have craft stuff from sewing to to paint.

Tash does sometime play especially if the monopoly is out. On two occasions she get competitive. Any other time, no, not interested.

I'm now being asked to do test and stuff now. Like basic level one because I'm new to the world. Like just before joining secondary school. I guess that is understandable. I'm not doing levels as high as the others. What is a bit annoying is Will knows most of it. I have a fourteen year old helping me. I can't say it at the moment to him bit his got a few spots at the moment. 

There something off with Tash and Luke, they get on a lot and chat a lot. Like if they were on my side the mortal side, they would be texting or video chatting. No, there is a writing system on your arm.  And it can light a room up at night. I think I know but not too sure about it.

I feel Beth coming in to my mind. As I begin to drift off.


It has been more easier now Will knows. It feels like I don't have to lie to him. And I like that Luke is helping us. It is just us five at the moment so it feels like a secret between us. And we got new games too. Lily said that she always thought I would be a crafty person. Like glue went everywhere. I thought it was going to burn me if PVA glue went on me. And Tash panicked too. She looked at spells trying to work out how to get rid of it. 


That was hilarious for me. I was also trying not to laugh out loud. But I failed at it. I feel Tash now coming through.  


Luke is a life saver he manages to get clothes. And I think he is really nice. He is also has helped in other ways. There is a little spell on the door we casted. It hides them a bit. Unless he is screaming his lungs off then the spell won't work. Luke and I have decided that we should move him to an old look out point. We will be able to then let him go eventually. I think even though he looks human he acts more wolf. Like inhaling the smell of his food. Or growls at you if you don't approach him right. 

I hate the thing called PVA glue. It did not help that Lily was howling with laughter. Until she said small children use it all the time. And parents let them. But I love to win at the monopoly. It involves fake currency. I wish we could play it more.

I'm alone with Beth and Luke in the dorm. Luke is on look out. Weirdly no one really knows how old he is. It because he looks really young but is very mature. At the moment his looking at the the door seriously scanning the the hallway. Beth is suppose to be grinding herbs for a spell or medicine. I forgot where she is with it. But the look in her eyes looks like she is going to kill it. Her muscles in her arms are really going for it.


Well thanks Tash. It was funny. I haven't laughed like that for ages. My whole body went for it. I was on the bed. Tash keep glaring at me. She does love monopoly, she will watch that board. I feel Luke again.  


So I'm on guard duty at the moment. If feels weird that my dad doesn't know about the werewolf. But it really nice to get to know this lot. I think Will has a little crush on Lily. I mentioned it to Tash and she smiled and then laugh.  She thinks it is adorable. But she doesn't let them know that is what she thinks. At the moment Tash is doing some hand sewing. She is repairing one of the clothes that she got off her mum.

She is actually nice to be around when its the two of us. I like that she thinks I'm much older than I'm. Its funny so I go along with it. I once heard Lily speak to Tash telling her it too. So I think Tash is not the only one. I'm growing a beard now to look even older hopefully.


Wait Will is fourteen. I think I get it now it makes soo much sense now. Just don't break his heart. So are Luke is not old as I think he is. And his going to grow a beard just to make him look older. Cleaver.  I feel Lynn coming through again. She seems worried about things. 


It is too quiet here. And I don't like it at all. A one off brick being thrown into Bryan's window then nothing else. I think it is a warning. And Bryan is terrified of sleeping that room. The poor man now shakes. We are all on alert at the moment.


I didn't know he felt like that. It feels like a hidden adult issue behind the scenes. Like teachers being strong for us. And not knowing they were struggling. I feel Joe's feelings coming through. This is a lot to take in. 


I have a strange feeling it is too quiet at the moment. Lynn agrees with me. I'm thrilled that Tash, Lily, Will, Beth and Luke are getting on. They tell me they are studying together which is great. I feel there is something else too since I think Lynn is involved. I think she has got something from the mortal side. If that helps then I guess it is ok.


Well yes of course we are. Hiding a werewolf in our dorms. You know normal teen supernatural stuff. I love that everyone else is telling you were are studying. Although we are fitting that in too. With all the tests in between. Though it does help us understanding magic. I have manged to make a seedling grow. Of course Tom didn't look impress by it. I can also make tiny bubbles. 

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