Chapter 5- Breaking into the first class

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I'm entering my first session I have decided to go by myself. You know to be brave and all. I can do it and Joe says he is here if I need him. So there is that. I have a lady called Lynn she will be talking about what types of magic you can have. As I enter I see an older lady who looks like she might be her. I also see the class is a bit small.

She scoots up to me in a wheelchair. Her wheelchair looks cool. With lots of different things on it.
"Hello my name is Lynn I'm your main tutor" I smile and nodded at her.

"Hi" I replied. I still am fascinated with the wheelchair.

"Ah I see you are looking at my chair. I get that a lot I have lots of gear in it. With a mix of magic supplies and a mix of normal gear like compass and pens." I was taken back by it. " Don't worry the woman in the chair she can move around by herself." With a little cackle.

"If we are every in trouble and your with me we should be fine". As she turned around I notice she had pumpkins reverse lights it had me smile.

As the lesson went on I learnt about that I'm classed as a late bloomer. Which means of course early bloomers are preteen to early teen. I learnt that there are different types of magic. I have a energy one. There are different types. I produced a sort of bubble when I had the meltdown. And that comes from within myself. I think back to breakfast. I was having energy coming off me due to nerves meeting a nice looking guy. It seems that when you do spells you got to channel it in to the spells. There are people who raise the energy. Lynn seems like a nice person I definitely would want to continue you listening to her. She is very engaging.

As I look around the classroom I see symbols and pictures of the ingredients to the steps. I see they try to be inclusive to different people's understanding. It is very different than my old school and college. I think back and remember Beth's walk and how we saw the tutors faces on the door. And the food in the canteen.

I learn that it skips generations so it could be 1 or 2 generations. I wonder if this is the case. It might be that they do know if they do why have they not asked the authorities over here. I miss them a bit and wish I could say hi. I found that when you can control a bit better then you can.

I also learnt that there is a whole world out there of mystical creatures. I don't think I will sleep now. I will just get Beth and Tash to help protect me.

"So how was my class?" Lynn asks.

"I enjoyed it you explained it well. I can understand why you put the symbols and pictures up" Lynn looks a bit surprised i carry on" when I lived back where I lived outside of Bristol there were stuff like this, so it makes it for me a bit familiar. I did find weird being in a class of young teenagers. You ok?" I take a deep breath in.

"Yes, I was given the impression from other people you didn't speak much" smiled back.

"Well I been here a little while now" I chirped.

Later I felt another push in my brain. Luckily they go away and don't last long. Along with the pain.

Lynn's memory comes in. This should be interesting.


I quickly eat my egg mayo sandwiches. Oh I love the creamy texture. I noticed that the students are arriving. I hide my sandwich in my never ending bag on the side of my wheelchair. Because if they find out I've been to the mortal side to get it. They will ask for stuff. Especially sweets. I have a new person in my class today called Lily. I have decided to try and go over the basics just so she has a chance to understand it all. 


She what?!. I feel another one.

Joes memory again


I hope Lily will be fine today with her first lesson. I hope I have done all I can. I will slip by later and have a peek.

 I feel a bit but on the spot when Maddie told me to have Tash. And the look on Beth's face. She went bright red. Poor Lily didn't know what to think either. 


Well at least I know where to go for food. Well Joe Maddie barged in and demanded we have Tash that's what I think. But Tash is ok I guess.

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