Chapter 7 - Blurry eyes

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I enter my room. There I see Beth. She is is curled up and sounds all sad. I begin to go over and the I creak a floorboard. She jumps up and rubs her eyes and smiles.

"Hi" she smiles. I know she is not fine.

"Were you crying?" I ask.

"No" she denies.

"Oh" I said. "It sounded like you were".

She wells up and is choking up. "yes" I have started something. "I always look like I'm a happy person but I really struggle inside". She calms down a bit. "Everyone expects me to be happy or willing all the time. But it is hard".

"I see" I replied. " Back on my side where I was growing up people were starting to speak up about it". She looks curious so I continue. "People were sort of talking about their experiences like you are now".

"Really!!. That's something we don't talk about here much". She pauses. " You got to hide some emotions and try and fit in".

"Oh well I can try and help if I can" trying to be helpful.

"OK, is it OK if you hug me?" She whispered. "I think that's what I might need".

"Sure" I beamed. Like I wasn't going to say no to a hug, I need one too. " Its been a while for me too". I gave her a big hug. It felt nice having her head on my chest.

"Yeah maybe my community of witches are not ahead like your  mortal side are". I thought about it. I don't know what they do and don't do here.

"Ah well I guess our world's where we come from are going to be different" I explained. She looked up with a tired smile and nodded. I think this smiley, cuddly thing might be my new friend. Which will be nice. If she carry on she might be squished. Tash is nice too but she has her own group of friends.

"One day I will have to take you to our shops and stuff" she said whilst wiping her face and sorting herself out a bit.

"That will be nice" I replied. "If I get back to my world I will show you the shops we have". She looked thrilled by the thought. I could tell she was feeling more happier.

A moment later Tash came in. She didn't notice us sitting on the bed. She was looking around for maybe something. "Ah there it is" puts what ever it was back in her pocket. She turns around and sees us. "Oh hello sorry I was getting something. Got to go". And then she went.

Beth's memory come s to me later that night. With her thoughts and feelings.


It is so hard sometimes to try and fit in. I try to not fidget soo much in front of people. I hated myself last year. I struggle to read the spells sometimes. I'm frightened to people will laugh at me again. Maddie has never forgiven me for turning her into a pig. And has never let me forget it. I have said sorry to her and it was an accident. 


That's what she means. Maybe the history of this world still have an affect on people here. From what I gather. This place does have dark history. I saw a book in Lynn's classroom. I wonder if she will let me borrow it.  

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