March Break Part 5

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Though the trip to the private beach did not turn out the way they wanted it didn't mean they couldn't enjoy themselves before they actually had to get serious. That's the mindset Remi wanted to keep since they were blessed to be able to stay at Sera's private beach. When she woke up that morning she was determined to at least have one day where they could actually relax instead of worrying about the threat that's hanging over their heads. Again.

It was only 9 but she could tell that her fellow friends were awake as well. Maybe not Isen but that's expected, when Isen was worried he tended to sleep more than usual which speaks a lot. For her to be awake at 9 was unsurprising either. She could hardly get a wink of sleep last night, her mind too occupied with worrying and other ideas and theories as to what Ember planned to do other than attempt to kill them.

If this was a few months ago the thought would have sent a shiver up her spine but now, after fighting Ember head-on and mourning her brother's death she wasn't fazed. She could hear shuffling in the room next to her. She would assume it was Elaine since Sera usually would wake a lot earlier.

Remi changed into something suitable a t-shirt in shorts before heading down with a list in hand.

For today, this one day before they actually had to start worrying and thinking, they would have fun if that was the last thing she did.

Elaine sighed, she was up since 7, thinking and brainstorming with doc, Arlo, and Leilah. She found all three of them out on the patio when she went downstairs and decided to join them. She was hardly surprised to find out that they were gathering thoughts and ideas on what Ember 2.0 was planning. Eliminating them was one thing but they also needed an end game and a plan for it all. She could tell from yesterday that when they attacked them it wasn't planned whatsoever but that didn't mean they weren't prepared either. The scarlet-haired woman clearly thought out what she was going to do if they failed; attack the pilots.

Or it was for her own sadistic pleasure but even so it did act as a backup plan.

She checked her phone, it was 8:47 now and they came up with a few different ideas as to what would happen, what their plan was but nothing solid. They didn't have enough solid proof or information to go off of so what they had was little to none. What they did have down were their abilities. It was quite obvious that the people that attacked them were team alpha, the strongest among the attackers.

Leilah and Darren talked about their abilities in detail to understand what part they have in the team. What they know so far was the Sleeping Cloud ability, fluothane, was a support ability among the 5 attackers. A surprise attack but nothing offensive, the ability is however deadly. The woman could activate it whenever and if they weren't ready they could lose in an instant, knocked out completely. The woman was taken out relatively easy but she was strong to be able to conjure the gas again having taken almost all the lightning-powered beams. Blyke and Remi were strong on their own but together combined they were almost undefeatable. To be able to stand back up and use her ability again was scary.

The two adults estimated that her level was between 5.3-5.7.

The black-haired woman's ability was termed Impact Orbs. Similar to Blyke's except not as bendable, she was able to create orbs of any size that would explode upon impact. It was clearly an offensive ability and one to watch out for. The actual size that she was able to create the orbs was impressive though it took a while for her to do so, her ability was quite time-consuming yet efficient. Unlike Blyke who could charge up energy fast the woman needed time to be able to, probably because the orbs would fizzle out if hastily charged instead of exploding.

Leilah guessed that she was a 5.8 or a 6.

The red-haired woman's ability was a little more challenging to decipher. It was poisoned-oriented and very deadly but it wasn't anything that would be in form of gas or liquid. Her ability was like she could create vessels that held poison which she could then direct. She only created 2 types of vessels when they were attacked so they don't know what else she can or cannot create. Her ability was offensive and defensive which made her stronger than the other 2 women. Doc called the ability Poison Vessels since there wasn't much else to call it.

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