Chapter 24: Sephiroth's Story

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(The scene begins with The Ar-Carrier traveling through a lightspeed tunnel. It cuts to the inside of the ship, as we can see Sephiroth looking at the screen in a sour mood. It turns out that he was in a human-sized containment unit, and he stared at some of the fighters looking at him, which were Meta Knight, Mewtwo, and Robin. Sephiroth turns his head in shame and sighs. It cuts to Pichu and Greninja as they lie on two medical beds. Red, Nana, Paula, and Leaf examined them and to heal them. It cuts to the Baby Pokemon sleeping with Incineroar. It cuts to Gloria drinking scotch from her flask and handing it to Marine. Marine drank the flask. It cuts back to Meta Knight looking at Sephiroth.)

Sephiroth: Look. I did try to kill Cloud and his friends, but-- I did not know why I wanted to. I mean, I became insane and evil when I learned the truth about myself. I betrayed my formal friends, and I killed almost every single one of them. Why did I do it?

Mewtwo (Telepathically): Because you saw corruption, My friend. Hate, Greed, Anger. Everything leads to it. You wanted to destroy Cloud because you wanted to be a god.

Robin: And the fact that you fucking killed his mother and his father-in-law.

Sephiroth: IT'S BECAUSE I COULDN'T CONTROL MYSELF! *Sighs* I'd be happier if I remained dead. I have thought about reforming while I was in the lifestream, But I knew it might be too late. Until--

Mewtwo (Telepathically): Beothric?

Sephiroth: Yes.

Meta Knight: So, Let me get this straight from what I heard so far. Beothric can devour universes, can bring people back to life but only as shadow creatures, merge two beings at once, transfer a being to another world, and he can make villains stronger.

Claus: *While treating his wound from the battle* Don't forget, he is tearing apart Mario, remember?

Red: *Heard from what Claus was saying* Wait. What do you mean by that, Claus?

Mewtwo (Telepathically): *Interrupts* He meant that Beothric has a connection to Mario ever since he died. We don't know why he chose Mario, though.

Sephiroth: That is because Beothric knows him. He knows Mario from his life and what he did. He said that he spoiled his plans ever since the beginning of time. His family tree has, but Beothric wants to kill the Mario that you all know and all of you with him and make you into his shadow slaves. He saw something powerful in all of us. He wanted people to use that power in a never-ending war, but he wants to test every skill you all own.

Leaf: H-How?

Sephiroth: I don't know how exactly.

Robin: How do you know all this, Sephiroth?

(The scene flashed white to transition to many green-white fluid light-streams flowing past by the camera. They were called Lifestreams. The camera turns around to follow another path of Lifestreams. It zooms into one, having a lying body fading into a distance. The camera zooms closer onto the body. It was Sephiroth. Only, he was in slumber, and before he was one of Beothric's shadow soldiers. His sword was by his side. His body started twitching violently, and Sephiroth began to have violent flashbacks. The first one was a flashback of him destroying Nibelheim, then another with killing Cloud's mother and Tifa's father, then another of Jenova, President Shinra, and then finally killing Aerith Gainsborough. The last flashback that Sephiroth had was painfully mind-controlling Cloud until Tifa kills Sephiroth with Cloud's Buster Sword. It flashes back to Sephiroth waking up from his sixteen-year slumber in the lifestream after his death. Sephiroth sits up suddenly, and he starts to sweat. Sephiroth began hyperventilating as he seemed to regret what he did. He puts his hands on his face to be calm, and as he lowers his face, blood appears. The camera went into Sephiroth's POV as he looked at his hand as he hallucinated to see blood on his hands. It pans up to see a woman with an outfit that resembles Rikako's outfit. She also has bows in her pigtailed hair. It was Aerith. Her back was towards him. Sephiroth looks down again at his hands. The blood disappeared. He started hyperventilating again as he looked up.)

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