Chapter 27: A Demonic Street

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(The scene begins as if it was a point of view shot because it looked like eyes opening. It cuts to Terry as he wakes up from his nap. He leaned on the wall of the Ar-Carrier as he sat up. His hat sat in his lap, and Terry put it on. Terry sees Diddy and Dixie cuddling next to each other and Mal cleaning his Inkling gun while Sumia and Luigi watch him. He turned his head to see Pelly resting her head on his shoulder. Terry cleared his throat as Pelly woke up suddenly, and she looked at Terry while blushing and sitting up.)

Pelly: Oh- I-I am sorry, Mister Bogard.

Terry: Oh, no. It is okay, Pelly. It felt weird, but it is okay.

Pelly: It is just the fact that I lost my sister because of Beothric. She might be an asshole to many people, but to me, she was a lovable sister. I needed a shoulder to rest my head.

Terry: *Sighs* It is alright, Pelly. You can take a nap in the seat. I am going to stretch my legs.

Pelly: Thank you, Mister Terry.

(Terry smiled at Pelly as he stood up. He walks up to the cockpit to where Krystal sat. Terry began to say something as he opened his mouth to ask something to Krystal.)

Krystal: *Interrupts his thought* We are heading towards Santa Monica in Los Angeles, Terry. If that was your thought that I read. Their anniversary party will be on the Pier.

Terry: *Shocked* Wait, You read thoughts?

Krystal: I apologize. I should have told you that I am a telepathic character prior.

Terry: *Confused* What does that mean?

Tania: Krystal can read minds and thoughts. She can also see things from the other room. So, better not think of anything to say and do anything to get on her ugly side.

Terry: I better clear my mind then. So, Who or what do we need from there?

Krystal: We need to find Ken and Ryu to ask them for help as they need to power our weapon. Unfortunately, We need to crash the party to see them.

Terry: I think I might know who they are. Ryu and Ken. I might have had a run-in with them before. Is Ryu married to a girl named Chun-Li now? I think I remember Andy and Rock telling me about them. I also remember being invited along with Mary and Rock to Ken and Eliza's wedding. Are those the same people?

Mac: They are, Terry. Their anniversary is today, and they are celebrating at a private party on the Pier.

Roy: It sounds like you have known them before as well. How did you meet?

Terry: *Sits down* Long story short, Some organization invited us to an event, and then It felt like something came over me and controlled me to fight them. I did not know why they chose us to fight. It turns out that there have been corrupt political gods who wanted us to fight for money.

Bowser Jr: W-Why the hell do they want to do that?

Terry: *Sighs* It is because they want to test our strength to be stronger than them, we fought them luckily, and we went on our separate lives. We still kept in contact for a few years. I doubt that they still remember me after all these years.

Krystal: I can assure you that they will, Terry. Anyway, we are here now. Welcome to Santa Monica, California.

(It cuts to the Ar-Carrier exiting the lightspeed tunnel as the ship flies towards Earth. It cuts to the sun-setting sky above the entire city as the Ar-Carrier looks for a spot to land. It cut to the bridge of the Pier as seagulls flew over the water. It pans over to a photographer with a camera on a tripod. He started to take photos of a bearded, sixty-nine-year-old Ryu and a sixty-five-year-old brown-haired woman named Chun-Li in Wedding clothes. A bearded, sixty-eight-year-old Ken and an aged woman named Eliza, the wife of Ken, stood behind them, also in wedding clothes. An eighteen-year-old child stood in front of them. He was in a nice suit and smiling. It turns out that the child was the son of Ryu and Chun-Li. His name was Gouken. The name came from the Mentor who trained Ryu and Ken. The four former fighters laughed and giggled in joy. Ryu kissed Chun-Li's cheek. She blushed and giggled. She turns to look at her husband and her other friends to the side. A blond, pig-tailed, fifty-nine-year-old woman named Cammy, A blond, strange-haired, seventy-three-year-old man named Guile, and his wife and daughter, Julia and Amy, A huge, muscular, seventy-seven man named Zangief, A petite, yet athletic-looking woman named Ibuki, A Japanese bow-wearing woman named Karin, A slight-obese African-Britain named Birdie, A voluptuous pig-tailed, pregnant woman named R. Mika, and Ken and Eliza's nineteen-year-old son Mel stood proud and enjoyed for Ryu and Chun-Li. The speakers played Miss Me Blind by Culture Club.)

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