Chapter 25: It's Witch Time

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(The scene begins with another Ar-Carrier heading through a Lightspeed tunnel as it headed towards an Earth. It cuts to the inside of the ship as we see Fox typing some coordinates into the cockpit. Shadow, King Dedede, Akira, Pit, Palutena, Tails, Dark Pit, Emmeryn, Lissa, Amy, Sonic, Guen, Steve, Charlie, Hylena, and Biruma were preparing for danger. Akira stood up to accompany Fox.)

Akira: Say about this Cereza lady. What is her job in all of this? In fact, what is her work at all?

Palutena: She goes by the name of Bayonetta. She kills angels for sport. She's an Umbra Witch. I swore they were extinct until we met Bayonetta and her sister.

Akira: So, you had trouble with them before?

Pit: For a 622-year-old lady, she knows how to kick some ass around here.

Akira: Excuse me, 622? How is she still alive for that long?

Steve: The only witches I saw that old had warts and other yucky stuff. Not to mention the number of glass bottles smashed against my head.

Dark Pit: Well, I hate to tell you this, Steve. Bayonetta is nothing like that. She looked like Akira if he was a girl.

Akira: What do you mean?

Dark Pit: Well, first off, despite her age, She looks as if she stopped aging in her 20s.

Akira: So she uses black magic to keep her beauty?

Dark Pit: That, and whatever the hell Link did to keep his beauty because someone sealed her for 500 years, but some people founded her and woke her up, leaving her with twenty years of amnesia.

Akira: What else do you know of her?

Shadow: Other than sounding like your mother, Akira, She's married to Luka, a being that once believed that Bayonetta killed his father. As it turns out, it wasn't true.

Akira: It sounds like a love/hate relationship right there.

Palutena: The other thing that changed is that Bayonetta agreed to keep us safe because she said we are helpful angels, and Pit and I protect our world from the underworld.

Steve: Sounds like a peaceful truce.

Fox: I can agree with Steve.

Hylena: Did they have any other family members?

Biruma: Well, When I heard from Cereza, it was a few months ago. She has a thirteen-year-old son named Pierce.

Hylena: Is he like her?

Biruma: Cereza said that he's been struggling to be like her.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Tails: What he means to say is that Bayonetta tried to have him become an Umbra Witch like her, but Pierce wasn't ready to take the chance yet until he becomes one when it's time.

Hylena: I see. Is he well-taught and well-kept than his mother?

Fox: He should be. Now, here we are, guys. Welcome to London, England.

(The scene cuts to an aerial shot of London as the Ar-Carrier zoomed past the view. It cuts to street level with civilians looking overhead at the Ar-Carrier. The cars stopped on the street to take a look at the Carrier as well. It cuts to the Carrier as it lands on top of a building. The side doors opened up as the fighters walked out of the Carrier.)

Emmeryn: I could not help but noticed how the entire city looked at us.

Amy: It's like we were not familiar with the people around here.

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