Chapter 9: The Bear, The Bird and the Sha-Woman

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(The scene begins with a Fade in with Link waking up in a bedroom in his sleepwear, covered with bandages. He sits up, seeing Samus in her underwear and bra covered in bandages and in-bed unconscious, Falco only in his jumpsuit covered in bandages and in-bed unconscious, Rosalina in her underclothes covered in bandages and in-bed unconscious, and Megaman standing up with bandages around him. They were healing up after the crash. Link gets out of bed, Sees his armor, tunic, and weapons at the bed end. He hears something that sounds like sound effects from a game. Link grabs his satchel, scabbard with his sword in it and shield, He turns the corner, sees a red and yellow bird playing "Super Mario Odyssey" on her Nintendo Switch. He notices a dusty Xbox One in the corner with the wires wrapped around it. In the game, Mario got blown away by a Ty-Foo off a platform in a sea of Purple goo. It killed him, Losing coins.)

???: Damn it! Ugh! Now I can see why Microsoft bought us.

Link: *Quietly* What?

???: *Turns her head* Oh, Hey, Link! Nice to see you're up!

Link: I'm sorry, But how do you know my name?

???: Banjo, and I assume your Link because you have those familiar Hylian ears.

Link: Um. What?

???: Oh, Right. The timeline.

Link: What timeline?

???: There are a bunch of you, and we only met one. And that's the Young you.

Link: Oh. And Who are you?

Kazooie: Kazooie! By the way, I know the writer of this story told me this, but I ignored him, he's a weird guy.

Link: *Confused* W-What Writer?

Kazooie: *Grabs something* What is this?

Link: That's my Sheikah Slate. My Zelda gave it to me.

Kazooie: The one with a lot of fanboys jerking themselves a lot because of that ass meme?

Link: *Confused* Okay, What the hell are you talking about, Kazooie?

Kazooie: Never mind. If you want to see Banjo and Humba, they're outside.

Link: Thanks. And may I say a beautiful place here.

Kazooie: Well, We rebuilt this place after Grunty destroyed it. *Gets back to her game*

Link: Oh. I'm sorry.

Kazooie: Killed short-eyes along with it. I know the dark beginnings of that game. But that's how Rare wanted that to be.

Link: *Confused* Okay?

(Link opens the front door, Hearing a few banjo notes from the porch, He sees a name on the door. It said "BANJO" with the J crooked. He looks around the scenery. He sees a grassy land with flower patches everywhere. He notices Samus' gunship crashed in the lake of the spiral-like mountain. He sees up ahead a Witch's face and hat sculpted in the side of the other mountain, Being connected by a bridge. Some bits from the top of the hat were knocked off by the ship. He turns to the corner. Sees an aged Indian Sha-Woman sitting in a porch chair with a teacup in her hand, watching an anthropomorphic-like Bear sitting in a porch chair as well, playing his four-string banjo instrument, and they looked up, and the Bear stopped playing.)

???: Hello, Mr. Link! How are you feeling?

Link: I feel alive for some reason. I should have died in the crash.. *Sits in another chair* You must be called Banjo and - *Looks at Humba* You must be Humba.

Humba: Humba is grateful to see another Link. Wedded, Older, and muscular.

Link: You two live here?

Banjo: Yep, We sure do! We saw your friend's ship crashing in the lake. It was a terrible sight. Humba here had to use her rain dance to get rid of the fires. We soon took you into the home and wrapped you up in bandages and took off your weapons and stuff so it won't harm you while resting.

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