Chapter 1: 15 Years Later

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(The scene begins with the sun shining in the sky, in a desert valley, zooms down in it. We see a man walking in the lower part of the valley. He limped, implying that someone struck him in the leg. It was Mario, now in his 40s. He bled all over, and he wore torn overalls and a torn shirt. He held a torn, bloodstained green cap. It was Luigi's cap. Mario stumbled onto a rock, panting. Mario stood up and sat on the rock. He gasps for air. He grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a bloodstained ring. It was Peach's wedding ring. Mario tears up a bit. Mario heard an insect sound. He turns his head to his right. He sees a scorpion crawling on the ground. He starts talking to it.)

Mario: Ha. Did you see that? I only survived. After all that trouble, I made it out alive. Haha. It was a hell of a fight. I lost my whole family. We were trying to attack a giant-sized floating eyeball with vines. We tried to fight some of his armies as we did before, but they were stronger than we thought, and they outnumbered us. They killed my sons and daughter at first, then killed my wife, my brother, and my sister. I got almost beaten to death by the army. *Tears his left sleeve off. He realized what he talked to* I can't believe that I'm talking to a fucking scorpion. *Uses his torn sleeve to make a make-shift bandage around his wounded leg and sighs* I wish my family would have made it out alive. *A tear started to drip from his eye.*

A wind whisper: *Quietly* Tell me who did it, Mario.

Mario: *Turns quickly to the right* Who said that?! Hello?! *Turns to the scorpion.* Was it you who said that? *Calms down* No. I'm just fucking crazy.

(The scorpion crawls away. Mario shakes in fear and looks into the sky. It cuts back to the sun in the sky. It transitions to nighttime. It pans down back into the valley. We see Mario troubling with something. It cuts to him trying to light a campfire with his hands, but the wood was so defective, it could not light the fire.)

Mario: Fucking light, you shit wood!

(Mario tries to light it again, but it will not spread the fire. Mario screams in anger and throws down his hat in the wood, but he accidentally ignites his hat on fire, causing the campfire to ignite. Mario calms down by panting. He sat on the rock from earlier and looked down at the fire. Mario looked scared. He looks down at his gloveless, scarred hand. It cuts to a view of the hand. He has a wedding ring on his ring finger. Mario tears up. Mario looks up to the sky again.)

Mario: I'm sorry, Peach.

(It cuts to the sky again. It pans down, seeing spiky vines in the sky. It pans down more until we see a giant-size light-eyeball. It cuts to a view of Mario, Peach, Luigi, Daisy, and his three kids. One was six years old. She had hair that looks like Rosalina's hair, but it has a bit of Peach's hairstyle in it. Her eyes were like Mario's eyes, but she has her mother's face. She wears a light-blue silk dress that looks like Peach's pink dress, but it had a star design on the dress. Her name is Rosie. She was the youngest member of the family, and her name came from Rosalina. The other kid was eleven years old. He wears a red sweater over a white cardigan and dark red denim shorts. He looks like Mario but has a nose like Peach and has messy burgundy-brown hair. His name is Paul, The middle child of the family. His name came from Pauline. The last kid there was fourteen years old. He had a green t-shirt and blue denim pants. His hair is similar to Mario's hair, and he looks like Mario, but he looks a bit like Luigi. His name is Luke. The oldest child of the family. His name came from Luigi. They were standing in defense. As it turns out, they were in the Sand Kingdom, and the villain that the characters were confronting was Galkon.)



Galkon: I'm infinite. I'm in your head, Mario. I might be dead, but I'm alive.

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