Chapter 7: The Backstory

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(The scene begins with The Great Fox, Samus' Gunship, and The Halberd landed on the Popstar's ground. The doors open up, Showing the remaining fighters walking out of the ships. They were glad that they survived.)

Zelda: Link! I'm glad that you're okay.

Link: *Hugs Zelda* I'll stop Beothric to avenge Hylena. *Something shines on his hand, It was two pieces of the Triforce, Courage, and Power.* I'll do anything to keep my family safe. *They kissed*

(Mario steps out with Peach, He looks around at Popstar, He sees a cliffside. Something hurts him in his chest. Peach looked concerned. Mario walks to the cliffside. Peach follows him. Link sees them walking to the cliffside. Link and Zelda follow suit. Akira watches.)

Meta Knight: *Walks up to Akira* Excuse me, sir. *Akira looks down* I heard Fox said that you teleported from your universe to another universe. Is that true?

Akira: Okay, First off, This is the weirdest day I've ever lived, and second, Yeah, I did.

Meta Knight: What's your name, sir?

Akira: Akira Kurusu. *Points to Mario, Link, Zelda, and Peach* What's going on with them?

Meta Knight: It'll be them to tell you. *Walks away*

Akira: *Looks at he walks away*

King Dedede: *On the Phone* Get some of those housing rooms ready for some guests. They might stay for a while.

A Waddle Dee (on the phone): Of course, sir.

King Dedede: *On the phone* Good, Over and out. *Hangs up*

Funky Kong: Yo, Triple D! Any pub or bar that is open for Me and the kongs?

King Dedede: Oh, There's a Pub just down the hill from here, Kongs!

Diddy: Thanks, Dedede! *The kongs walked*

(It cuts to Mario on the cliffside and he sits down, Looks at the ocean. Link and Zelda see Mario sitting. Peach sits with Mario. Akira just catches up.)

Akira: What's wrong with Mario, Link?

Link: *Examines a rock with bloodstains on it* He died here.

Akira: Who died here?

Link: *Looks at Akira* Mario.

Akira: Wait. What? Wait, If he died, How is he still alive? I don't understand.

Link: I'll tell you what happened 15 years ago. You might want to sit down, Akira.

Akira: *Sits down* Okay.

Link: *Holds a burnt piece of cloth* 15 Years ago, on this very cliff top, we confronted a being known to us by Galeem. *The scene flashes back to a shot of Fox holding up his gun.*

Fox (Flashback): Don't let a single one getaway!

(The Gun was pointed to Galeem in the sky. The camera pointed up to see Galeem in the upper-regions with many Master hands around him. Mario and Link ran up to Fox.)

Link (Voice Over): We got an emergency message from King Dedede, We came as fast as we can.

(All the other fighters run up behind them. They were getting ready to attack.)

Link (Voice Over): We were sure that we got a good advantage.

Marth (Flashback): 私たちはそれぞれ約10人を倒す必要があります。 (We each need to take down about ten.)

Red (Flashback): How, There's like over 100 of us here, Marth, and there's like a billion of them in the sky!

Zelda (Flashback): *Runs up to Link* They need to show their fear, Link. It's a great advantage. It's now or never!

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