Chapter 22: Steve and Alex's Story

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(The scene begins with the Ar-Carrier flying through the lightspeed tunnel. It cuts to the inside of the ship to see Pelly, Timmy, Tommy, Missy, Kapp'n, and Rover weeping about Tom Nook getting sliced up and Phyllis being burned alive. Alex came over to them and then sat down. Her legs were out-stretched because she could not bend her joints in her legs. Steve puts down a furnace block, and he puts some coal in the furnace.)

Steve: Is anyone hungry? I got some raw steak that I am going to cook up.

Krystal: *From the cockpit, She looks back at Steve.* No, thank you, Steve. I am a vegetarian.

Alex: That seems unusual for a fox.

(Krystal smirks at Alex's comment. Waluigi and Raven raised their hands.)

Raven: I-I think we can try some of your steaks.

Steve: Perfect! Good thing that they do not overcook.

Raven: My father mostly overcooks things sometimes.

Alex: *She lifts her arm to Waluigi* Is he your father?

Waluigi.: First off, Alex, We might have pointy ears, but he was born in another universe, by other human species, and I had these ears as a birth-defect.

Alex: I did not realize that. My apologies!

Raven: It is all right, miss, but you know? I like the Swedish accent you two have.

Steve: Oh, Why, thank you, Mister-- Um.

Raven: Raven. Raven Hylia. My name came from my grandfather.

Steve: Nice name!

(Alarm went off. Krystal looked at the cockpit controls. The fuel was running low. Krystal pressed some buttons.)

Krystal: Shit. The fuel is low! Hold on! I am setting new coordinates!

Isabelle: Where are we going now?

Krystal: When we left Smashville, Fox sent me a message via the Ar-Carrier's telegram system. He said four of the ships need to rendezvous on Hocotate.

Brittany: Captain Olimar's planet?

Krystal: We will be able to fuel up there also.

(It cut to the exterior of the ship, and another lightspeed tunnel appeared, and the ship went down that tunnel. It then cuts to a view of the Hocotate planet when the Ar-Carrier emerged from the lightspeed tunnel and when the engines turned on, the ship flew closer to the Hocotate Planet. It cuts to a view of a building that the Ar-Carrier is approaching. It was a large building with gas tanks at the bottom. The Ar-Carrier then landed on the platform with the gas tanks. The side doors opened up. The Fighters then hopped out. A short human that remarkably looks like Olimar, Brittany, and Alph, walked up to the ship and the fighters. His name was Charlie. He was the new The Company President Captain of Hocotate Freight.)

Charlie: Ah! Krystal! Nice of you to be here.

Krystal: *Gets a gas canister* It is great to have me here, Mr. President.

Charlie: I have received a message from your husband, Mrs. McCloud. Feel free to pick up whatever you like from around here!

Villager: Thank you, sir.

(Villager sits down on a rusty barrel. It cuts to Missy rubbing her arm in depression. Alex walked over to her. She bent over a bit.)

Alex: What is wrong, Missy?

Missy: I lost my fiance. I loved him so much. He got brutally murdered by that mechanical beast you guys killed. *Cries*

Alex: Well, We avenged the murder of your loved ones, but he was not the real murderer.

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