Chapter 8: The Battle of the Observatory

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(The scene begins with a nighttime shot of Dedede's castle with the Halberd and the Great Fox around it. It cuts to Akira in a bedroom, lying on the bed, looking at his phone, with sadness. It cuts to Link washing Raven, looking sad as well. Then It cuts to Mario, in the bathroom, looking at the mirror, in grief. It cuts back to Akira.)

Fox: *Knocks on Akira's door* Hello? Akira?

Akira: *Opens it* Oh, Hello there. I'm sorry, I haven't asked what your name was.

Fox: It's Fox McCloud.

Akira: *Looks down in grief and sadness*

Fox: Oh, I'm sorry. Did my name remind you of someone?

Akira: You may want to come in.

Fox: Okay? *Walks into his room.*

Akira: *Shuts the door* One of my best friends, Yusuke, has a codename called Fox.

Fox: Does my name remind you of that?

Akira: Yeah. That's why I surrendered myself on your ship.

Fox: *Looks down* What did your friend look like before he died?

Akira: *Shows him a picture on his phone of Yusuke* He always loves to paint. Ever since his parents' death, He's been under the care of a teacher named Ichiryusai Madarame. We later found out that he's been plagiarizing his art. And his other friends were abused by him. So, We've stolen his heart, with Yusuke's help. He later confessed his schemes, Freeing him from his cruel life.

Fox: Were the Phantom Thieves ever known to people?

Akira: A Lot. But, Some of them think we should get arrested for our antics. I have gotten falsely arrested, once due to a crime that someone falsely accused me of the felony.

Fox: What was the crime?

Akira: Assault. A Wannabe Prime Minister named Shido assaulted her. I got blamed for it. I was drugged, beaten, and forced to move out of town. Later, on Christmas eve, My sister-in-law, Sae, told me I should turn myself in to protect the thieves. I later did. It took everything in my friends' power to prove my innocence. The woman that Shido assaulted also helped my friends out. I was a free man after that. I later moved back to my hometown, and a few years later, I came back, married Makoto, and spent my whole life with her. Until Beothric.

Fox: I'm sorry that happened to you, Mr. Kurusu.

Akira: It's okay. *Sits on the bed, looks down*

Fox: *Sits down* I need to tell you something.

Akira: What?

Fox: *Looks down, sadness, Thinking*

(Cuts to Link washing off Raven, Finishing up.)

Raven: Father?

Link: What's wrong, Raven?

Raven: It's Rosie and Hylena. I hope we can avenge them, especially for Rosie. If we had that ocarina from your younger self, I would save her.

Link: *Puts a hand on his shoulder* I know my son. I know. It's hard on me too.. Especially Mario.. *Puts down the Rag*

Raven: I remember that story you told Hylena and me about Mario. I'm worried about him too.

Link: If you had that magical ocarina, I would have used it to save him. Or course, His Zelda told him that it might mess-up time. So, If I used it, I wouldn't have you or Hylena.

Raven: Sorry, father.

Link: *Smiles* It's okay, Raven. *Pats his shoulder, Gets the towel.*

(Cuts to Mario whose hand is around the sink, looking down, Only having a towel on and wet, he was in the shower, He continues to look down, closes his eyes for a while then opens up, Sighs.)

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