Chapter 11: The Killing Blade

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(The scene begins with the Ar-Carrier landing on Fódlan. The whole town was empty, with no one in-sight. The side doors opened up. The ten fighters came out of the Ar-Carrier. Banjo takes a look around.)

Banjo: Looks quiet around here. Why is that?

Bowser: There's a wedding for Robin and Lucina today. The town's empty cause of it.

Banjo: Who are Robin and Lucina?

Shulk: Robin is the leader of the Tactician force. He utilizes enchantment books to make himself strong, and Lucina is a time-traveling princess. She has this time thing in her left eye.

Banjo: Do they have any relatives?

Captain Falcon: Lucina has a father named Chrom. She is also a descendant of Marth.

Banjo: You sound like you know so much about her.

Captain Falcon: That's because I have beaten the shit out of Chrom.

Banjo: Why?

Captain Falcon: Because he almost killed me after he blamed me for destroying their land after the fucking Subspace shit.

Banjo: I've heard about that from DK. It sounded terrible.

Meta Knight: It does, Banjo. Now Let's keep moving.

(The fighters walked forward towards a cathedral. They stepped behind a food shack. Mal pokes his head out. Shulk gets a vision.)

Mal: I see something.

Banjo: What does it resemble?

Mal: Dark purple, Big sword, and a cape.

Bowser: Is it one of those shadow creatures?

Shulk: *His vision stops* Yes. It is, And He's about to destroy the wedding and will kill one of us.

(The fighters looked at each other. It cuts to the inside of the cathedral, showing a glass art-stained window. The camera pans down to see two people walking to a Priest holding a book. Many people are in the seat stands to the sides. It cuts to a Bouquet that was grasped by the bride. It pans up to reveal Lucina as the bride. Chrom, Her father, was walking her up to a Sharp-dressed Robin standing by Marth, Roy, Corrin, and Byleth, A retired professor. Lucina looked at the other side, Seeing her mother, Sumia and Dorothea, Byleth's Wife, Emmeryn, and Lissa, Lucina's Aunts. It cuts to a Hooded figure, hidden in the shadows in the corner by one of the seat stands. He looks at the Bride and the Groom together. It cuts to Robin and Lucina holding hands. The Priest opens his book.)

The Priest: Friends and Family of our dearly beloved, We are here today to join hands and unite these two people in marriage. Princess Lucina and Prince Robin. *Cuts to the Left side of them with the males standing proud. Cuts to the females looking proud like the males.* A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered or absorbed by the other. One in which neither person is possessive of the other. The other, in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. Princess Lucina, Would you take Prince Robin, as your lawful wedded husband?

Lucina: I, Lucina, take you, Robin, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in the bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. *Puts a ring on his ring finger.*

The Priest: And you, Prince Robin, Would you take Princess Lucina, as your lawful wedded wife?

Robin: I, Robin, take you, Lucina, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part. *Puts a ring on her ring finger*

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