Chapter 16: Terry's Story

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(The scene begins with an aerial-view of Terry resting on the Ar-Carrier, with jacket and hat removed. It cuts to Cloud opening the chest. All of the Materias were there. Summoning, Magic, Independent, Complete, Support, and Command. The fighters stood over Cloud.)

Cloud: This is all of them, Fox. Which one do you need?

Fox: We need the Independent, Complete, and Support ones.

Tifa: I hope the weapon will be defensible against Beothric just to have our daughter back.

Cloud: I hope that's enough.

(Cloud handed the 3 Materias to Fox, Fox puts them in a containment unit on the ship. Fox looks in a mix of Joy and sadness. Mario twitched violently, causing his hat to fall off his head. He grabbed his chest and his head. Akira, Link, Cloud, Tifa, and Fox stood in alert and fear.)

Mario: AUGH!!!!!

Luigi: Bro?!

Mario: UAGH!!!!!!!

(Mario twitches more violently. He looked at the ceiling of the ship, screaming. Once he looks down, His eyes were flashing white.)

Link: Mario?!

Mario: (In Master Hand's Voice) *Shakes his head violently* You have done great, Mario.

(Mario shakes his head violently)

Mario: (Normal Voice) Really, Master Hand?!! AUGH!!!

(Mario's head shakes again.)

Mario (Master Hand's Voice) Oh, Bad timing?

(Mario's head shakes again. Terry was waking up from being unconscious. He was hearing what was going on. His eyes open wide. hearing Master Hand's Voice.)

Mario: (Normal Voice): Yes!

(Mario's head shakes again.)

Mario: (Master Hand's Voice): Oh, right. Sorry! But you did a great job.

(Mario's head shakes again for the last time. Mario holds his head tightly with his eyes closed. They open. Mario was himself. He looked up. He saw the fighters alert and scared. Terry got up.)

Terry: I know who he is.

Link: Master Hand? Wait a fucking minute. Mario! Why did you sound like Master Hand?

Mario: L-Look, I don't even know! He said his spirit is in me.

Luigi: When?!

Mario: Fifteen years ago, when I died, and he resurrected me.

(The fighters looked in shock. Terry stood up.)

Terry: That's what he told me. He said he was helping someone to stop Beothric, and it's you?

Mario: Yes. Master Hand gave me some power to stop Beothric but, Beothric has a link to me, also that's why I've been getting those nightmares.

Fox: They were warnings, were they?...

Mario: They were, and I get warnings from Master Hand as well, In his Human form.

Link: H-Human Form?! I didn't know he could do that!

Luigi: Me neither.

Terry: What the hell are you guys talking about his human form?

Akira: You sound like you know about Master Hand then any of us do.

Fox: We've been at the end of his stick five times.

Terry: Five times?!

Akira: So, He's been a villain for many years, and now he's helping Mario and us.

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