Chapter 21: The Final Horizon

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(The scene begins with Ar-Carrier arriving at a planet from lightspeed. It cuts to the Ar-Carrier landing in a flower field near the ocean and the docks. The side door opens up, showing Krystal, Knuckles, Tails, Raven, Waluigi, Nana, and Popo. They walked out of the ship, and they saw a cabin cruiser boat coming closer to the docks. It docks right to the port. Kapp'n was in the boat as the driver. He saw the other fighters as the ship was arriving.)

Kapp'n: Ahoy, Krystal! I got your call for more help! Good thing that they were on vacation. It would be hell trying to get them if they didn't.

(Seven people got out of the boat and walked onto the dock. Three of them were Human-like, two were orb-like, and 2 were smaller humans. It was Biruma, Sanji, and Guen, The Mii Fighters. Guen was Biruma's wife, while Sanji is Biruma's brother. They were with Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man and Brittany and Alph, Brittany's husband.)

Biruma: We got your message a while ago, Krystal. Are the others okay?

Krystal: They are. The others are going around universes and trying to find things for our weapon.

Brittany: Were any of them successful?

Tails: No Confirmations because they haven't sent anything to us yet. No leads, No sightings, No deaths, No anything.

Pac-Man: Not even anything from Fox, Krystal?

Krystal: I'm afraid not. I think they might be in a hurry for something.

Sanji: That'll explain a lot.

Alph: But why are you guys here?

Krystal: We need to find the Mayor to find some material for our weapon against Beothric. We haven't heard about the others if they got it.

???: What are you looking for, Mrs. McCloud?

(The fighters turned around. A white female pelican-like person was behind them. It was Pelly. One of the workers at the Post office and the Town Hall.)

Krystal: Oh, Hello, Pelly.

Nana: We are looking for steel. I was wondering if there's any around here. We were wondering if the Mayor knows where any of it is hidden.

Kapp'n: Well, Tom Nook hid it somewhere with the Mayor and Isabelle because he was thinking about having his sons take over the business after they finish their academics.

Waluigi: Tom Nook is retired still?

Kapp'n: Yep. Still on that little island.

Knuckles: Well, Call him up and tell him to haul his ass here now because we have a bigger problem than retiring.

Kapp'n: I can't, sir. Nook cut all contact from Smashville. He only comes in contact with his family, but he didn't communicate with his family these past couples of days.

Krystal: That's strange. Maybe half of us should investigate the problem. Tails, Alph, Brittany, Sanji, Kapp'n, Raven, would you explore the island?

Raven: We will, Mrs. Krystal.

(Raven, Sanji, Tails, Alph, and Brittany go onto the boat. Kapp'n looks at Krystal like she lost her mind.)

Kapp'n: Are you letting a young kid go on his own like that?

Krystal: His father wants him to fight the dangers at a young age.

Kapp'n: Right. Link.

(Kapp'n goes on to the boat, and it takes off from the dock to Tom's island. Leaving Krystal, Guen, Biruma, Knuckles, The Pac-Mans, Pelly, Nana, Popo, Waluigi on the dock platform.)

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