Episode 6

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I gasped slightly, then my throat started to feel tight, "Go back to bed, it's safe now." Windu said. I nodded and ran for my room, I opened the door seconds before I got there and slid in, the door closing behind me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would come out of my ribcage. I sat on my window sill bed and took deep breaths. I heard a knock at the door,

"Who is it?" I called,

"Me," said Obi-Wan's voice. I waved my hand toward the door and it opened. Obi-Wan came in and sat beside me, "I like what you've done with the place," he said looking down at my bed and around the room. I gave him a serious look, "Just trying to defuse the tension..." he said cheekily. He looked up at me, "She's going to be alright," he said.

"I know," I sighed, "I'm just worried for her," he opened his arms, inviting me into a hug. I leaned against his shoulder and he put his hand around me. I snuggled into his chest. His robes smelt clean with just a hint of lavender. He rested his chin onto my head and after a while, spoke,

"We can go see her in the morning," I pulled away and looked up at him, "First thing, Ari." he said smiling. I smiled too, I always loved his nicknames for me, just a few of them were Ari, Ris, Ira and, very rarely, Ty. "I'll see you in the morning, Aris," he said getting up, "Oh and also, what's your code?" I was confused but said anyway,

"9843, why?" He smirked and opened the door,

"No reason," Then he was gone. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes. Though I tried, it was a long time until I had got to sleep.

-- 3 DAYS LATER --

I stood beside Master Windu who was talking to Jedi Knight Adi Gallia. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying I was looking at a group of younglings in the corner of the gardens playing with a ball. I waved my hands slightly and the ball flew to the other side of the garden. The children went after it but one of the girls had noticed that I had done it and was staring at me, I smiled, "-what do you think padawan?" said Adi. I snapped back to the conversation,

"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive me Adi but I was not listening," I said cooly. Adi chuckled slightly and walked off after excusing herself, "Now can I go see Violet?!" I whined at Windu. He scowled,

"You need to start having more respect for those higher ranking than you," he said gravely. I rolled my eyes behind his back,

"I'll respect them when they've earned my respect, plus respect goes both ways. Adi didn't respect me, she thought me an irresponsible child." Windu's brow unfurrowed as he sat down on a bench,

"And how do you know that?" he said smirking slightly. I turned my back on him and crossed my arms,

"I sensed it!" I said, triumphantly, "That's why I wasn't paying attention," Windu shook his head but I could sense a slight bit of amusement building,

"You can go see Violet," he said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, starting to run out of the garden, the girl youngling's eyes still on me.

"Meet me in the cafeteria in an hour! Don't be late" Windu yelled. I gave him an enthusiastic thumbs-up over my shoulder as I went slid between glass doors leading out of the garden. I turned on the comm that Obi-Wan had given to me,

"Obi-Wan!" I said, going into the turbo-lift. There was no reply, I sighed, "Meet me at Violet's bed in two minutes," hoping he got the message I turned the comm off and stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened onto the 2nd floor.

I ran into the second room on the right and to the very end bed, "Violet?" I asked pulling the divider back. Violet was sitting up, stuffing her face with food on the tray in front of her,

"Aris!" she said through a full mouth. I rolled my eyes and went into the secluded area around her bed. She swallowed,

"You feeling better?" I asked sitting on the bed. She nodded, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. I rolled my eyes again,

"Hey, keep rolling and you might find a brain back there," she said laughing.

I laughed, "You're definitely better."

Obi-Wan dramatically came in. "Helloooo ladies," he said, sitting down in a chair at the end of the bed. His eyes were on Violet but I saw them flutter to me a couple of times through the conversation that occurred over the next 55 minutes. When I finally looked at the chronometer on my wrist I said a hasty goodbye and then bolted out of the medical bay toward the turbo-lift.

When I got to the cafeteria it was exactly one hour since I had left Master Windu. I spotted him talking to Master Qui-Gon in the corner. I walked over to them, "I'm never late," I laughed slightly but neither of the Master's grim expressions changed. I breathed out heavily, "Tough crowd!" I sat down next to Windu,

"This is no time to be joking padawan." He said sternly. I had learnt over the 4 days I had been with Windu that he only called me 'padawan' when he was serious. Obi-Wan came in moments later,

"You wanted to see me, Master?" he asked Qui-Gon. He nodded and gestured to the seat beside him. Obi-Wan looked at me and gave me a wink before putting his attention on the holo-map that Windu had just put down.

"Master Shaak Ti has discovered a bounty hunting settlement on Dantooine." Windu told us, Obi-Wan and I looked at each other,

"Master Windu? What does that have to do with the Jedi?" Obi-Wan asked,

"Master Ti reported that they were planning to attack the Temple," Windu replied, I nodded and crossed my arms,

"So bounty hunters attacked the temple?" I asked looking at Windu. He nodded before continuing,

"It is our job to go and find out why and how they attacked us. I have enlisted the help of Master Qui-Gon and his padawan. We will leave in 10 minutes we will be in hangar bay 4. May the Force be with us....."

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