Episode 15

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Obi-Wan came to lunch with a smile on his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Master Qui-Gon and I have just been assigned to protect the newly elected Duchess of Mandalore, there are some people who don't want her on the throne, I'm going to be away for a year," he explained. I felt my face fall.

"A whole year!?" exclaimed Violet. Obi-Wan nodded,

"We can still be in communication with each other though, I asked Master Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan replied.

"We're gonna miss you Obi-Wan," I said simply, Violet agreed.

"I've got to go pack, I just came to say goodbye, so... bye, I'll see you around," Obi-Wan got up to leave. Violet and I stood up. All three of us did the three-person handshake that we had made up.

"Bye Obi-Wan, be safe," Violet sat down again. I hugged Obi-Wan quickly,

"I'll see you around Obi-Wan, have a nice trip," I told him. Obi-Wan waved as he walked out, we waved back. I sighed and continued eating.


Obi-Wan was on a mission. He had gone with his Master to negotiate with the trade federation on Naboo. But everything went sour when Qui-Gon claimed he had found the chosen one; a slave boy from Tatooine. The two of them had gone back to Naboo to help the queen. Violet was also on a mission. Master Yaddle and her had gone to Alderaan to stop a civil war from happening. That was all she could tell me. I did not have a mission. Master Windu was very busy with the council and I normally just hung around the Jedi Temple, meditating and reading in the archives. I was 25 now, so was Violet and Obi-Wan. Master Windu said I was nearly ready to take the trials to become a Jedi Knight, he also said that I could become a Master in the next 5 years if I kept it up. I was excited about this. I couldn't wait to be a Jedi Master and have a padawan.

Right now though, I had concentrate on the present. I was meditating, it was nearly dark and I was about to leave for dinner when I felt something. A strong anxiety was growing in someone. I couldn't tell who. I relaxed and quieted my mind. Someone was fighting. There were red, green and blue blurs. Then I felt the biggest amount of pain I ever had. I heard screaming. But I still couldn't tell who but the green blur had disappeared. The blue blur and the red blur fought. Anger and sadness were growing in someone. The blue stopped and the green started again. Then the red and green stopped. All I could sense was anger and sadness. I didn't know what was happening. I tried to look harder but a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Enter," I said, eyes still closed.

"Aris?" asked Windu.

"I have felt something Master, the greatest pain and sorrow I have ever felt," I told him, my eyes opening slowly to face him.

"Do you know who?" he asked.

"No Master, I don't," I sighed. We began to meditate together but neither of us could feel anything more.


Windu, Yoda and I had flown to Naboo. I immediately went to find Obi-Wan.

"Obi-Wan!" I called when I saw him down the corridor. We looked up from his holo map and ran over to me,

"Aris! What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came with Master Yoda and Windu," I told him, "Master Windu said you had news for me,"

Obi-Wan nodded, "Sit down," I did as I was told and then nodded, "Master Qui-Gon has been killed," I gasped. Qui-Gon had become like a second father to me.

"Oh Obi-Wan," I said sadly, I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"He made me promise to train Skywalker and it has been approved by the Council, I'm going to become a Jedi Knight without passing the trials," he declared, "I defeated a Sith Lord so the Council decided that that was trials enough,"

"Oh Obi-Wan," I smiled, "Congratulations!"

"There's going to be a funeral for Qui-Gon in a few minutes, are you coming?" he asked.

"Yes Obi-Wan, we should go," I answered. We walked to the place of the funeral, hoods over our heads. I stood beside the Naboo Queen and Obi-Wan. It was dark and we walked in before Qui-Gon's body was placed on a table and burned. Obi-Wan turned to Anakin and they shared a few words that I couldn't hear. I looked over Windu who nodded solemnly before turning to Yoda.

The day after the funeral was a day of celebration. Many Jedi came to Naboo to celebrate. The Queen of Naboo presented 'The Globe of Peace' to the Gungan leader, Boss Nass.

We flew home not long after. Reuniting with Violet and telling her the grave news. If she was sad she did not show it. Obi-Wan began training Anakin Skywalker, a nine-year-old boy who was believed to be the Chosen One. I trained with them often and became fond of Obi-Wan's young apprentice. Violet and I passed the Trials with flying colours, becoming Jedi Knights alongside Obi-Wan. I immediately started training to become a Master and Violet celebrated at never having to go to the archives again except when completely necessary. Even though Obi-Wan became a knight before me I became a Master before him. I became Jedi Master Aris Tyra when I was 31 years old. Violet and Obi-Wan congratulated me and Master Windu said I could soon pick up an apprentice. Violet soon became a Master at age 33 and Obi-Wan not long after, at age 35 after the Battle of Geonosis.

Everything was great and calm. And then the Clone War began...

The End...

Hope you enjoyed the first Aris Tyra book. Tysm for all the support on this story and I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

Edit (24/11/2021): Thank you all so much for over 200 reads! I didn't know this book was going so well! 😂

Edit (3/2/2022): TYSM for over 300 reads! I never thought that my books would get past 100!

Edit (17/7/2022): Over 600 reads! Holy shit! Thank you all so much!!!

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