Chapter 8

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After an intense first lecture of the term, Maeve was already exhausted and still sexually frustrated. She'd never thought a man would upset her, especially since that man was her professor. Maeve tried to focus as hard as she could on the second lecture of the day, but from time to time, her brain went to her deviously handsome professor.
           Their second-day lecture was with Mr. Alfsson at 11 AM, which was tedious. Mr. Alfsson as a professor, was severe, stressed, unbalanced, and spoke extremely fast. He seemed, in general, to be a lost soul, too anxious like he was in a hurry all the time. Almost as if he was afraid of his own shadow.
           After his long and stressful class, they had a lunch break; the lunch had two different food options to choose from, meat or vegetarian. Maeve being a real Texan girl, obviously chose the meat option. It was roasted potatoes with beef, asparagus, and some brown sauce. The food was incredibly delicious and filling.
           After finishing their lunch, they went outside to take some fresh air. The greenery was again breathtaking, relaxing, and calming, precisely what Maeve needed. "So, now that it finally sank in. Can we talk about how disturbingly hot our professor is?!" Patricia shouted when they settled down under a big tree.
           "I mean, I don't know about you. But I'm pregnant; either that or my ovaries have exploded." Soojin applied by laughing. Maeve was quiet, looking at the sorority house on the other side. "Yeah, all the hunk celebrities can jump off a cliff. He's taking the price. The throne even!" Patricia shouted by staring at both of them. Soojin agreed, although she turned around and glanced at Maeve, who was silent.
           "You were eye-fucking with the professor," Soojin whispered loud enough for Maeve and Patricia to hear. "Oh yeah, you did! It was an intense girl. I felt it. I think you're his type!" Patricia answered. Maeve, on the other hand, wasn't interested in talking about the matter. Instead, she was staring at both of them, not talking nor reacting.
           "Anyway, we will have a lesson with Mrs. Xing at noon, which I'm looking forward to, and after that, we have a 1-hour break, and lastly, we have a lesson with Mr. Naeem at 3 PM," Soojin said, respecting Maeve's decision not to comment regarding Mr. Jason.
           The girls were chatting about other stuff while Maeve was in deep thoughts. Inside her tote bag, she had her journal with her; she got an idea to write down her feelings on today's events. As the other two girls talked, Maeve opened her journal and wrote down anything about her conclusions, feelings, also thoughts about Elizabeth. She hasn't given up on her yet; even if Maeve was a total amateur investigating for clues or any information, she was hopeful that she'd find something.
           Finally, Soojin cleared her throat loudly enough to distract Maeve from her excessive writing. Maeve looked up, seeing Kai smiling on the opposite side; she never comprehended that he was sitting with them.
"Hey, how are you?" Kai said graciously by looking sweet and deeply into her eyes. "We'll just leave for a sec." Patricia applied while dragging Soojin away from them. Maeve felt embarrassed by their behavior; she also didn't want to talk to Kai at the moment. "Hey, I'm fine; a long day today. How about you?" Maeve put on her fakest smile and tried to sound sincere and not annoyed.
           "Yeah, I'm fine too. I get why my sister always talked so much about Mr. Jason. The man is attractive. She further complained about Mr. Alfsson being a stressful wreck which I also get now." He said jokingly. Maeve had a eureka thought that if she hung out with Kai, she might get information out of him about his sister and perhaps meet her someday. Although Maeve felt terrible about it, manipulating him wasn't righteous.
           "Does your sister still live here? Or did she move out after the horrible... The accident that occurred with her best friend?" Maeve forced herself to seem clueless, although he never revealed to her if it was an accident or not.
           "Oh, yeah, she still lives here. Well, it wasn't an accident. It was, unfortunately, a murder." He replied with a heavy tone in his voice. Maeve theatrically seemed surprised and also heartbroken. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. Did you know her or met her?" Maeve spoke with a high pitchy voice so she could sound genuine.
            "Yeah, Elizabeth was kind and smart. But unfortunately, they never found out who possibly did it. Some speculate it was a male student, but it never got through. Shockingly." Kai replied and shook his head. Maeve was somehow celebrating for getting her very first clue in the back of her mind.
           "I'm so sorry; I hope they find that bastard who did!" Maeve complained angrily; this time, it wasn't theatrics. "The saddest part is that everything got lost, all the clues about the investigation got burned down, someone got a hold of them and burned down the whole section of the police station." He looked at the other side, breaking their eye contact.
            "Very suspiciously, this happened when they find a video recording of her last minutes before the murder," Kai explained slowly, which gave Maeve the creeps with that statement. She was dealing with something foul; oddly enough, this didn't let her down, and she wanted to continue searching for more information.
            "It must be devastating for her parents. I can't even imagine the pain." Maeve whispered loud enough for him to hear her. "Yeah, her father was a pastor; she came from a strict religious family. Her mother wanted to get to the bottom of this, although it appeared that the police didn't want to do anything more about the matter. The system is whacked." Kai said, looking back at Maeve. He was vulnerable, which made Maeve feel guilty.
            Out of reflex, she bear-hugged him; to his surprise, he embraced her back. Although she didn't think through that, she wanted to comfort him, yet this was a sweet, almost romantic moment. When she recognized it, she took a step back, smiled awkwardly at him, and left as fast as possible.

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