Chapter 22

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Maeve ran upstairs like a maniac and rushed into her dorm room. First, she peered around to find her purple shower bag on the desk beside her laptop. Then, reaching through it, locating her much-needed razor.
              She later on rummaged through her wardrobe to find the sexiest underwear to wear. Finally, she found a pair of red-laced victoria's secret Brazilian panties with a matching bra. Quickly undressing, she tossed away her costume and pride and hurried into the restrooms. She took the quickest shower and shaved places she had never thought of shaving.
             Maeve smeared victoria's secret body lotion on in the scent of vanilla, put on the sexy underwear and her black thigh-high heeled boots. Then, she slipped into a long black coat, wearing nothing underneath, only her underwear.
            Maeve looked at herself in the mirror; she fixed her hair, put on some more lipstick, and was ready to get some after all those years. Her heart was pounding, her adrenaline was racing, and she felt like collapsing, thinking of the naughty stuff that could occur to her tonight.
            She had the terrific idea of writing down the date and hour in her diary, so she would constantly relive this day. She wrote down a few sentences on the night's event and what's she about to do. When she was done, she hid her diary under the bed.
            Maeve left her phone in the dorm room, not wanting to get disturbed. She sped down the stairs, leaving everything behind her, her friends, the case, and the fact that what she was about to do was highly forbidden. Somehow though, she didn't care. She yearned for this. Maeve looked back at the food court, which was crowded with people; nobody would've guessed where she had gone.
           Abruptly she hit something hard; she turned towards the person and was remarkably displeased. Antonio was examining her as if she was an artificial artifact, taking her in, devouring her with his dangerous eyes.
           "Where are you heading, princess?" He asked with his Italian accent, staring down at her coat.
"Leave me alone," Maeve grumbled, giving him a scowling look before departing.
Although he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back violently, meeting his gaze again, Maeve tried to fight it off, but he was stronger than her. "What do you want?" She sneered at him, about to spit on his face to remove that malicious grin away.
          "Are you fooling around with the professor? What was that dance about Bambina?" He questioned her, staring at her as if he was belittling her. Maeve spat on his face, not taking any shit from this man or any man.
          He shut his eyes grumpily and wiped away the spit with his other hand. Antonio was still holding her arm, steady and rough. He reopened his eyes; this time, his eye color changed; they were yellow full of hatred and despair-Maeve, stunned by his new aspect of a character, dreaded for her life.
        "Antonio, leave the girl." Acalan's voice echoed in the entrance hallway. He walked casually towards them, arriving with a stern facial expression. Antonio let Maeve's arm instantly and disappeared supernationally. Maeve discovered that Antonio was a vampire; even if this was overwhelming, she had to push the shock away.
         "Thanks." She whispered, nervous at Acalan's sudden appearance. Maeve didn't yet grasp what Acalan could be. One thing was sure, Antonio obeyed him, implying that he was not human. Acalan didn't respond; he just gave her a sharp gaze and returned to the Halloween party.

Iason changed into comfortable clothes, wearing a white carbon open tank top and black Adidas striped shorts. He was leaning on his fireplace, conflicted in his intense thoughts.
           He was studying the fire blazing with the wood. He saw how the flames were dancing into the air, how the crackling sound of the log was echoing in his living room; it seemed to ease his battle within his consciousness.
          A knock on the door woke him up from his deep pensiveness. He lifted his head, excited to see her. But instead, Rashidi stepped inside with a pained expression on his face.
"From the look on your face, I notice you're expecting someone else," Rashidi said with a judgemental stare. Iason didn't respond and looked back down at his fireplace again.
          His best friend walked ahead, coming near to face him. Iason didn't care about the approach; he remained deep in his mental state.
"Why didn't you tell me? I know that you loathe talking about your past. But I have to know, were you ashamed?" Rashidi asked, worried, puzzled by this new information about him. Iason glanced at him with a stern look.
          "I don't want to talk about it," Iason spoke angrily, reassuring Rashidi that he wouldn't talk about the matter, yet Rashidi oversaw it.
"You know everything about my past. Why are you so stubborn? Take away that stubborn beast of yours and speak up. Bring some beers; let us sit down and discuss as men." Rashidi told, persistent to somehow help him out.
           "As if you haven't realized, I'm expecting company," Iason said ironically. Rashidi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Miss Molony, I guess? Is she the one you've been thinking of since the start of term? Staying sleepless at night and daydreaming, smiling like a goof. And let us not forget, starving yourself at some points." Rashidi told Iason, looking straight-faced at him.
           "As if you don't do the same when it comes to Kamama." Iason snapped at him, giving him a taunting expression. His buddy's face turned red because of that statement.
"Well, you're correct. But she's your student, Ian." He stated, concerned. "I see that you're outraged, and you mostly do awful things that you later on remarkably regret. I want to prevent that from happening. Don't drag her down with you simply because you're mad with the principal; it's not fair nor wise." Rashidi explained, trying to make sense of this. Iason didn't answer, although his face was gloomy.
           "Why did you call the principal a rapist? What did he do?" Rashidi asked carefully, yet noted that he put fuel to his blasting flame. Iason's eyes darkened and changed to fuchsia, yet a red color did emerge. "Bro, relax; you're eyes are almost turning red. That's not a good sign. The last thing I want is for you to lose your humanity." Rashidi explained by taking a cautious step back.
            Iason shut his eyes, visioned Maeve's face, and pacified himself. He then shakingly sighed, loosened his extremely tensed body, and reopened his eyes.
"He raped my mother," Iason spoke almost too flatly than he expected. Rashidi gasped, then furrowed his eyebrows.
          "And he's still alive because...?" He asked calmly, astounding even Iason from that most unlikely comment. Rashidi has never harmed anyone and has always believed in peace and love. Still, after thousands of years of friendship, he viewed a new perspective of him.
         "Ra, he's capable of remarkable things. Yet, no one can reach him. If you think I'm way ahead of all of you, then he's ten times more than me." Iason explained, disconcerted yet frustrated.
"Do you remember Miss Martin?" Iason continued, seeing Rashidi's doubting expression. He nodded, saddened, although looking questionable at him. "I believe he was involved. He has exceptional power and wealth." He whispered, almost as if anyone was eavesdropping.
           "I think you're madly in love, and that has caused you to put down the principal in an unimaginable way creating all sorts of scenarios of him being the villain," Rashidi replied instantly. "Give me a call, man, and we can finish the business together. Make it seem like an accident." Rashidi continued, hoping his friend's madness would disappear.
          "I'm not saying this to get back at him, you nincompoop! His motto has always been that knowledge is power, so I have been working to figure out what he genuinely indicates." Iason said, frustrated.
"He is skilled, and he investigates and excavates thoroughly. But, if you think about it, why would he establish an archeological school with the head of King Leonidas as its symbol? Or under the address of King Leonidas name too." Iason started to converse quickly.
          "I don't know. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" Rashidi shrugged.
"Well, I thought of that too. But I finally learned that he had killed my father, so I stepped closer to his secretive head. He won the war, concurred my land, and..." Iason babbled like a madman. Rashidi was staring at him, trying to figure out whether he should hit him in the head or leave him.
           "You know what, get laid. I think you need it. I won't tell a soul. I swear and promise." Rashidi told his buddy, waving his hands.
"You don't get it. My mother had AB negative blood type. Just as Miss Martin and now Miss Molony." Iason expressed it in a neurotic way.
         "What does that have to do with all this nonsense, Ian?!" Rashidi raised his voice, looking miserable at his friend.
"He imprisoned me, was constantly raping my mother and draining her blood, keeping it somewhere. Then, when I got control over my new vampiric powers, I escaped and found out that he sold my mother's blood to other powerful vampires." He described, taking a deep breath. Rashidi was stunned by his statements; he had never told him this, to be exact; Iason hadn't exposed this to anyone.
           "That's what made him wealthy and powerful over the centuries. Can you imagine how much money he got from Miss Martin's blood? Which was a virgin? Do you know our vampiric government? Have you ever read or seen how corrupt they are?" Iason continued narrating his facts. Rashidi had a troubled expression, and it seemed that this was a lot to take in. Although somehow, Iason wanted and needed to talk to someone about his most profound and darkest thoughts.
           "Also, has it never occurred to you that he can adjust archives? That I, Pleistarchus, don't have documents of my past, nor that I ruled, I battled with the Persians and died on the battlefield? Or I was forced to change my name to something unrelated to my past. He's capable of making history in his way. Burning evidence of proof and facts, creating stories the way he wants to be portrayed." Iason explained furiously. Rashidi stared at him for a long moment. Then he cocked his head and seemed weary.
           "But why? What for? What's his motive?" Rashidi asked confusingly.
"Power, wealth, knowledge, corruption. And I just apprehended one thing too. Envy." Iason said, looking straight at his friend, who was afflicted. "I think this is not the time to analyze how corrupt our government is and worldwide. And your bringing it up is baffling to me." Rashidi said confusingly.
          "Since when do you even care about this matter? I know you've always been secretive and don't like oversharing things. But I had no idea it was this bad. But, Bro, I'm worried about you." Rashidi explained, heartbrokenly trying to cope with everything he had just heard. Iason rolled his eyes and gave him a saddened look.
           "That's why I never share anything private with you or anyone because you'll give me that look. The look of staring at a madman." Iason stated and crossed his arms.
            An unexpected knock on the door startled them both, and Maeve passed in, startled to see Rashidi with Iason. Rashidi inhaled angrily and gave Iason a stern look.

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