Chapter 13

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Maeve closed her laptop, placed it in her tote bag, wrote down the new clues in her diary, and got up from the chair. She took her diary in her hands, holding it near her chest; she was about to leave, although she wanted to check aisle 8. But, for some indescribable reason, her gut suggested checking what Mr. Jason was reading that night when she was intoxicated. Somehow, she felt it was necessary as if something within her was whispering to discover the matter.
             She walked through all the aisles on the right side; Mr. Jason was on aisle 15 on the left. On aisle 8 was the biography section of different biographies of well-known people. She went through them one by one book, although nothing seemed to catch her eye. Then she suddenly saw a white candle burnt out with a brown holder on one shelf. Under the candle holder was a book; she turned around, peeking to see if Mr. Jason was near. Then, she put her diary in her tote bag to examine the book.
             Maeve carefully took the candle away from the book and set it on the side. She was inspecting the book that seemed old; it was heavy and had neon note stickers sticking out on some pages. The book's title was Abraham Van Helsing, his life, and his future relatives. Thoughtful, she browsed some pages, reading through the lines.
             Maeve loved supernatural fantasy books and had read about Van Helsing, yet this book wasn't fiction. Instead, it was an accurate biography of the man who slew vampires. Browsing some more, she came upon a familiar surname, her own. She read through it rapidly, trying to understand what it meant. The book tells that Van Helsing's firstborn son became a slayer like him and his son's child. An alarming clock was ringing inside Maeve's brain.
            It later stated that dutch blood was mixed with Irish, and Van Helsing's future relatives were Irish. All the firstborn babies were sons, and all gained their ancestor's careers, being vampire slayers like their descendants. It became a cultural tradition to send their firstborn son's into camps in the Netherlands, where they would train to slay vampires until reborn. They will be reborn when the blood moon rises, and then they'll be supernaturally strong, have a sixth sense, and start killing. If they surpass 18 and haven't become reborn yet, that indicated they'd never evolve into a slayer, although that had never occurred, according to their research.
           Another important matter was to wear the Van Helsing crucifix after they'd been reborn. His crucifix had red dots on it, which were his blood. It was an heirloom that every new vampire slayer earned before they'd become reborn. There was a picture of the crucifix; it resembled the relic she got from her father. To her utter surprise, the last recorded vampire slayer was Cian Van Molony.
           Maeve dropped the book; she was shocked and shaking, and they were tears running from her eyes. She didn't know how to react nor what to do. Her mind was all over the place, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Then, suddenly, she ran outside the library, the entrance, and the front porch of the building, and she stopped. Maeve took a deep, shakingly breath by placing her palm on her heart, which was beating fast.
           The clock was about 6 PM; the sun was slowly setting down. She started to walk to calm her nerves and her mind and let everything sink in. Maeve sat down at the tree where Elizabeth was hanged on. On the tree was a plate pinned with her name on it.
          "Oh God, I hope I'm dreaming." Maeve stuttered, still shaking from what she'd read. She wanted to call her father, although she didn't know what to tell him. Her phone suddenly vibrated, and an unknown caller called; she picked it up without a second thought.
           "Hello?" She answered as calmly as she could.
"Hey, your friend Soojin is looking after you. Her phone died." Mr. Jason said on the other line, and Maeve froze.
"Oh, thanks. Can I talk to Soojin?" Maeve asked casually, although deep inside, she was screaming because Mr. Jason called her from his phone.
           "Hey girl, Patricia is with Rishaan in the sorority house; I went to the dorm an hour ago and came to look up for you here in the library, but Mr. Hand- I mean, Mr. Jason stated that you just left. Where are you?" Soojin babbled fast, and Maeve didn't feel like talking to anyone at this moment; she had to calm down first.
           "I'm outside. Listen, I had a misunderstanding with my dad on the phone. I feel kind of down. I want to be lonely for a while; I'll meet you at our dorm a little later." Maeve said with a half lie and half-true statement.
"Yeah, girl, no problem. I'll wait for you there. Bye!" Soojin said empathetically.

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