Chapter 36

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After the class, Iason wished to clear his mind and headed home. He had other lectures but didn't feel like executing them. All the other professors let the students read books or play games to drag out the time left. No one seemed to be taking it seriously, and it didn't matter to him of the holidays; his high work ethic wished to continue the lectures as usual, yet his mind was filled with thoughts and clogged by them. He couldn't think straight; nothing in this matter seemed ordinary anymore. He felt that something within him was altering but didn't comprehend what was changing.
                 Before leaving the institute, Iason told Mei he wanted to take a day off, which she didn't appreciate. Still, Iason didn't respond to her grimace and left immediately without Mei permitting him. Although at this point, he didn't get worried by anything on this matter, Iason felt burned out, and it wasn't because of his work. But because of Maeve, which was oppressing his character, moods, and sanity.
                 When Iason opened his outdoor, he realized it smelled female perfume. Then he took a quick look around and discovered a big mess. Female clothing spread everywhere on his furniture, and red suitcases opened filled with expensive shoes and bags inside. Iason grunted, exhaled, and hoped to evaporate from existence momentarily. But instead, he shut his eyes, wishing all this mess would magically disappear if he opened them up again.
                 Finally, he heard two familiar voices nagging and talking shit about him inside the kitchen. "I swear to God, he has nothing to eat here," Mev complained, searching for something on the counters. Counters were closing and opening, and packaging was discarded and put back in place. Jangling, clutter, and other noises gave him a migraine.
                "Well, don't expect him to either get anything. He's an introvert and hates his kind. Probably humans too." Mariah stated and washed something in the sink.
"Does he even like anything or anyone?" Mev asked with a sarcastic voice tone.
                 "Yeah, dogs and that vampire slayer." Mariah joked, and Iason's eyes shut open.
"ENOUGH!" He shouted the loudest he could, and both women got startled. They came out from the kitchen looking guilty and embarrassed. Their heads were downward, staring at the ground; Iason gazed between them, expecting them to excuse themselves. However, the clock was ticking, and they didn't say anything. Eventually, Iason gave up; he put down his laptop bag and sat at his desk. He threw away a white faux fur jacket hanging on his chair and picked up a book to read.
                "Seriously, the silent treatment?" Mariah finally spoke after this long awkward encounter. "I understand; we barged into his home and made it a mess, then we dared to talk shit about him. We are sorry." Mev stated, and it surprised him that a young girl was far more mature than his cousin, who's the same age as him. Plus, 3000 years old further.
               "Thank you, Mev, for understanding me," Iason said, though he didn't take his eyes away from the book.
"You said your name was-"
"They call me Mev. That's my oracle name, well, birthname. But I prefer Mev." Mev explained and interrupted a confused Mariah.
              "So, you and Iason have something in common. Changing the real yet painful identity or, as I like to call it, getting away from your problems instead of facing them." Mariah stated, and Iason put down his book. He took a long and serious look at his cousin, attempting to conclude how to dismiss her from the family tree, though he got nowhere.
               Mariah was staring back, grinning triumphally at her statement, yet Mev seemed disturbed and uncomfortable standing in this situation. Mev cleared her throat and took a fast glimpse at Iason.
             "We are here to talk about everything. Do you want to listen to us?" Mev asked severely, and Mariah sat on the corner of the sofa. Iason stood up, walked past his desk, and sat down in the middle of the sofa, and Mev was still standing up, gazing between the two vampires in front of her.
             "So, we need to talk about you and your transformation. You're evolving into something more than just a sexual vampire. I can't explain to you what yet, though on Friday if my Oracle powers are correct, you'll transform into that... Creature." Mev described carefully.
"Creature?" Iason asked perplexedly, and the whispers came back. Monster, you're a monster.
              "She can't tell you. If she informs you, it won't happen because you'll probably prevent it. So on Friday, whatever happens, you should let it happen. You shouldn't disregard it." Mariah explained. Iason frowned; he believed he was becoming witless with all this knowledge about prophecies. But, instead, he's staring at two women talking nonsense.
              "You are out of your mind. Both of you." He groaned and smacked his forehead with his palm.
"I know things beforehand. I know what will happen in the future, big events that will occur, and I also know how they will end. I hate keeping everything from you, though I have to. So, whatever I say, please accept it and move forward. We are not warning you; just be prepared, that's all." Mev stated, and Iason rolled his eyes. Mariah inhaled deeply, getting irritated.
               "Listen, you PMS of a man, do whatever you feel is best for you without second guesses. If something feels right, do it. Simple as that. Just be prepared for something major that's going to happen soon. Whatever ideas you've had these days, yet dreading to achieve, do them. Just fucking do it." Mariah nagged by raising and pointing her index finger at him.
               "I'm aware of your thoughts, and I know what you want to do. However, you are skeptical if it's a good idea. Please, don't. Don't let those ideas push you back to that darkness you've surrounded and punish yourself." Mev said, and Mariah nodded.
               "Play with fire, cuz. It's time to get out that Pleistarchus I once knew. Stop being this, whatever you call, of a man." Mariah waved her hand upside down at him.
"Whatever you've kept back because it feels wrong is wrong. It would be best if you embraced this new self. We need you. All of us require you to save us." Mev whispered loud enough for Iason to comprehend and Mariah too. He stared at Mev, feeling something inside him trying to crawl up. Yet, he pushed it back by shaking his head in disbelief.
               "She needs you too," Mev stated, and at that moment of giving up the conversation, he froze. Then he took a look at Mariah, who seemed worried.
"You've put everything on hold instead of enduring your privileges back. Your land, history, identity, and life, take it back. Enough is enough. Time to fight your battle. Time to let the world know who King Leonidas' son and Xerxes' son were. This time though, the truth only, not changing archives to your significance, but offering the accurate world facts." Mariah expressed and crossed her arms.
              "I don't know what to say. I'm baffled." Iason shut his eyes and placed his hands over his face, covering them from reality. Somehow, they were correct, and he had multiple plans. First, he wanted to save all the girls from that godforsaken nosferatu club. He wished to shelter them at any cost, yet felt unattainable. Secondly, Iason wanted to check Armeens library and computer.
              What he could find was unknown; therefore put that on hold too. Third and lastly, he must move far away from all of this. The migraine became worse, and it felt like someone was knocking his head with a baseball bat unstoppable.
             "Anyhow, I'm going to buy something to eat. Mev, do you want anything?" Mariah asked, and Iason was still face-covered in his palms. He was tense, exhausted, and hungry too.
             However, he didn't want to eat; Iason desired blood. A dangerous hunger was emerging, an appetite mixed with lust. A phenomenon that had never occurred before, making him feel uneasy, disgusted even. Iason doesn't recognize himself anymore, he'd changed to something different, but he's terrified of something sinister.
              "Hey, are you alright?" Mev asked, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. Iason jolted, surprising even her; he looked around, realizing that Mariah had left and Mev was sitting beside him. He'd lost track of time and way of living too.
               "Where's Mariah?" He asked and scratched his head. Mev scanned him as if he was insane, and she analyzed his psychological behavior like a therapist. Iason turned his head to his library, looking through his books, trying to find the one he wished for. He then picked out the vampire book about Modern and Nosferatu vampires. Iason leaned on the bookshelves searching through the pages. Finally, he came upon the chapter specifically about sexual vampires. Iason read between the lines trying to find answers to his multiple questions.
              "Ehm, I should leave," Mev said, and Iason nodded. He was face down on the book, yet he gazed up for a fast second, noticing her holding a phone.
"Since when do you have a phone?" He asked, glimpsing at the mobile she was holding tight. The last time they talked, Mev told him that her phone was at the club, and he was sure she didn't get it back alone. So first, she stood up and looked at the phone. Then, she smiled sheepishly.
              "Cava bought me a phone." Mev wheezed, and Iason raised a questionable eyebrow. Mev seemed hurried, glancing at her phone and the door nervously.
"Yeah, you should sit and put on some relaxing music. Maybe bring some wine too." She continued and winked at him, leaving when Iason opened his mouth to ask about her sudden mood change and strange behavior.
              Iason changed into something more comfortable clothing. He put on a white open tank top and some black Nike sweatpants. His fireplace was on, the lights were off, and he cleaned up his cousin's mess with her suitcases. Then Iason brought a glass of red wine and played soft RnB music in the background. He finally sat down; the book he was reading was on the coffee table, although Iason only wished to lie down for a second.
              He rotated and lay on the sofa, looking straight at the ceiling. The soft romantic RnB tune made him sleepy, calm and nearly feeling high. Then, a sudden familiar song came up; one of his favorites, Killing me softly with his music by Fugees, caused him to smile. A sincere grin, happily even, something he hasn't done lately. His mood changed again; he felt nostalgic by this 90s song and became sorrowful again.
              Throwbacks of his life in the 90s came up, reminding him how bitter love was, reminiscing how heartbroken he'd been when Anastasia died from breast cancer. It also emphasized how deeply and foolishly he'd fallen in love with the wrong type of woman. Iason always assumed that Anastasia was the only woman in his life. A fierce Greek-Russian woman with a touch of pure creativity, but until he realized that Ms. Molony, aka his rival, was the only woman he'd fallen intensely in love with. He loathed how considerably he cared about her, thought of her, and couldn't control these feelings.
               Oddly enough, Dilemma by Nelly and Kelly Rowland started to play in his stereo, making him groan loudly like an irritated teenager. At this moment, the gods were playing with him.
Unexpectedly, the outdoor was unlocked, and at first, he didn't react, presuming it would be Mariah until he scented Maeve's perfume.

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