Chapter 20

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Weeks went quickly by, with Maeve being occupied with studying and failing most of Mr. Jason's classes. Their relationship had sunk to the bottom of the ocean, and at this point, no one could rescue it. Both of them didn't have eye contact, didn't speak, and ignored the other.
          As much as Maeve has fought not to think of him, she was miserable. A deep, shattered void within her heart and soul was created, leaving her pessimistic. She was resentful, annoyed, and mentally drained.
         Both were stubborn, with no one stepping up and solving the real issue. Instead, Maeve set anything aside and focused on herself, her well-being, schoolwork, and friends. Although putting a fake happy mask on wasn't easy, it was exhausting, causing many headaches later, and agreeing on things she didn't want to do was one of them.
         In three days, a Halloween party would occur at the food court, and the professors will attend too. Maeve didn't look forward to that; however, she'd agreed to go because of her friends; she's been hiding her problems for weeks, and maybe it was time to break from her grumpy mood.
        Maeve despaired; she felt she was a walking ticking bomb ready to explode at the wrong moment and opportunity any time now. Keeping all of these dark, emotional thoughts inside her will be her death of her. So she pretended to smile, faked laughing, and acted like nothing was wrong, building a dark, burning hollow in her mind.
       On the other hand, Maeve wished to watch the CD she stole from Mr. Jason's place. She'd constantly been considering it for days and nights. Yet, seeing Mr. Jason, in general, made her intestines toss and turn. She didn't even have the time to see the recordings since her friends never left her alone, always having company over at their dorm room. Her friend's boyfriends came over to chat; even if it was forbidden, they sneaked in.
       Finally, though, that day came. She was finally alone and took her laptop over her lap to watch the video clip. Maeve was sitting in her bed and put on her headphones to listen in case they'll be noises. But, before she pressed start, she took a deep breath, preparing to witness the unseeable.
       The video started, showing Mr. Jason's front porch, which was empty. In the video, it was morning, and for hours nothing happened. Finally, at 8 AM, Mr. Jason was leaving his house, probably ready to have class. Until 5 PM, nothing happened; Maeve started feeling hopeless and remorseful.
        She was about to close the video player and her laptop when she suddenly heard a giggle from a female. Ms. Huancahuari stepped up the front porch, wearing red high heels and a short strapless red dress, hugging her curving figure. Her hair was down, she had make-up on, and she seemed drunk.
       She was dragging Mr. Jason up to his front porch, unsteady and giggly. He seemed neutral, with a slight smirk on his face now and then. He was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt with a pair of grey chinos pants. She then abruptly grabbed him by the collar, kissing him passionately and moaning.
       Maeve's eyes widen. Jealously rose within her, feeling like a volcano ready to eject magma and burn down the whole damn continent. Ms. Huancahuari ripped his shirt out with supernatural force, almost like it was made of paper. Mr. Jason kissed her back, opened the door, and they hurried indoors.
       Maeve was burning from the inside out; her blood was boiling; she wanted to scream, although she kept calm. She continued watching, hoping that this wasn't a waste of time.
      Nothing happened after 9 PM, although at 10 PM, a figure came up the front porch. It was a girl, a caucasian redhead wearing a white dress. She knocked on the door; she was crying, her body was shaking, and she seemed to have red stains on her dress. Mr. Jason opened the door.
      "Please help me." She said, and Maeve knew directly who this girl was. Elizabeth. Poor Elizabeth.
"What happened?" Mr. Jason asked concernedly, stepping outside his front porch and closing his door after him, probably because he'd still had company over. Maeve rolled her eyes yet continued watching.
       Elizabeth faced him and then the camera. Maeve saw her bewildered face; her neck was bleeding, between her legs was dried blood, and she looked ghastly. Mr. Jason appeared shocked but suddenly pissed off.
      "Who did this?" He asked with a low and hateful voice tone. Elizabeth cried, trembled, and couldn't stand on her own feet. She half fainted, and Mr. Jason caught her immediately. He put her slowly down to the ground in a sitting position. Then, he kneeled, trying to communicate with her.
        "Miss Martin, I want you to tell me a name and nothing else," Mr. Jason stated calmly, although his voice was still hateful.
"I was with Antonio; then I woke up being with... A monster. He had red eyes." Elizabeth cried, trying to grasp air to speak. Mr. Jason glared at the landscape, then took his phone out, ready to call someone.
       "Please, no!" Elizabeth cried, although Mr. Jason had already called the police. Talking to the police, Elizabeth was afraid, saddened, and ashamed.
"Stay here; the police are on their way. And when they come, please tell them everything, Miss Martin, details, names, and places. Do you understand me?" Mr. Jason stated gently with a comforting voice tone.
       "I was sexually assaulted." She said, choking on her words, weeping, and embracing him. He hushed her, trying to calm her down and comforting her.
"I want to call my parents." She whispered loud enough for Maeve to comprehend. She got out of his embrace.
       "Here, take my phone and call them." He gave her his phone and then halfway stopped. "Or do you want me to speak with them?" Mr. Jason asked softly, and his gentleness shattered Maeve's heart.
"I don't know their phone numbers. I should get my phone; it's in my dorm room, charging." She sobbed, and Mr. Jason shook his head.
        "I'm going to take it. Stay here." He said and got up, ready to leave.
"No, let me get it. I want to talk to my best friend. She's probably worried. She's at the sorority house. I need my best friend right now, please. I don't feel comfortable being here without her by my side. I want to get her on my own." Elizabeth begged him, and Mr. Jason shook his head, not agreeing. Finally, after repeatedly begging, she won the fight.
        "I want you to be here within five minutes with your friend. If not, I'm coming." Mr. Jason said strictly, and she left.
Mr. Jason was standing at the front porch, looking out at Elizabeth, then covered his face with his hands.
        A soft sobbing came out from him. He took his hands away from his face, wiped his tears away, took deep breaths, and gazed at the time from his phone, waiting eagerly.
       After two minutes, he left the front porch. Maeve closed her laptop and realized that she was crying. She then had an idea. An idea that she knew had to be done, and it would.

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