Chapter 17

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Maeve stared at the door for a couple of minutes. Shocked by Mr. Jason's statements and terrified that he would punish her later. Her hands were sweaty and shaky; she couldn't realize how he found out. Finally, the dryer made an annoying signal, and Maeve's clothes were done. Maeve, later on, went to the bathroom and folded them carefully. Then, she stepped outside the bathroom, leaving her folded clothes on his desk.
          His laptop bag was on the chair; she opened it and found his household keys. The keys had a spartan metal keychain with a keyring on a greek helmet and engraved Molon Labe, Hellas. Behind the keyring were engraved two names and a year, Gorgo and Leonidas, 480 B.C. Maeve thought this was odd; that's King Leonidas and the Queen of Sparta.
         She took the keys and her clothes and headed towards the door. Until she stopped, she turned around, gazing around the room. Maeve needed to find the key to the recordings of his security camera. Trying not to mess anything around, she was careful to put anything in place; he seemed very neat. Mr. Jason appeared to be a detective of any sort; finding out that she was the one who took his keys to the teacher's room was still unbelievable.
         Maeve traced her fingertips on the old books on the bookshelves, which were on the right side. They were books about history, religion, societies, mythology, and human anatomy. Then, she went to the other side, the left side, where she did the same thing. Again, some of the books were new, some old. Although this time, those books were about vampires, witches, witchcraft, voodoo, and dark magic, and one book was labeled MV and NV.
         She took that book out, checking out the front page. MV stood for Modern Vampires and the NV for Nosferatu Vampires. Maeve had a gut feeling; she needed to read through this book. She set the book between her folded clothes, hiding it in case Mr. Jason would come at any time.
Maeve took another book from the desk to replace the space from the bookshelf.
         Mr. Jason had been gone for too long, and Maeve had been searching his home for a while. Finally, she grew tired and headed towards the door. She put her shoes on and took a last look around the room. Maeve saw a book on the desk that caught her eye for a second. She came closer, fully aware of wearing shoes inside his home, taking a glimpse of the book.
         The book was labeled Van Helsing's prophecy, which raised something within her.
"See something you like?" Mr. Jason asked suddenly behind her; Maeve held her clothes close to her heart, trying her best to hide the book she took. She then placed his house keys on the desk.
         "No, I should go. I have my first lesson in four hours." Maeve said, turned around, noticing him leaning on the door valve, resembling a bad yet overly devastatingly handsome man.
He smiled at her and appeared suddenly lively and playful. "You seem to be in a hurry. Did you take something with you this time too?" He joked, laughed, and winked. Maeve gulped, halted up, unable to move.
          He stepped closer, looking down at her, observing every breath she was taking. Then, finally, he leaned to whisper to her.
"I was thinking, on my way home, that this is not college property. It's my sanctuary, always had been. It could be yours too if you'd ever want to escape and relax as you did today. I'm not your professor here, and you're not my student. I'm Iasonas, and you, Maeve." He whispered, his breath tickling the flesh of her ear and neck and giving her goosebumps with his seductive voice.
          Mr. Jason leaned back, staring into her eyes, grinning big. Maeve stared at him, surprised; he'd changed from being moody to overly flirtatious after he had a feast. In some ways, she could relate; when she's hungry, she's grumpy too but never energetic after a meal.
"Okay," Maeve whispered, fighting every dignity she had left within not to tear his clothes up and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.
          "Have a nice sleep Miss Molony," Mr. Jason said playfully and in a flirty tone. Maeve just nodded, slinked beside him, and left.
          She hurried to the school, up the stairs, and inside her dorm room. She sneaked inside without making any noise, placed the clothes on her desk, and lay down on her bed. Maeve couldn't sleep, though; a burning desire within her kept her awake. His scent from his clothes kept her awake, frustrated, and hot-bothered.
          She felt like a fool, falling this fast and hard for him; she couldn't control her emotions; they had already decided her fate, so she couldn't help falling in love with him. Maeve couldn't figure out if it were only the sexual chemistry or the breathtaking tension between them that made her foolishly fall for him, or maybe the fact that he was deviously handsome, resembling Adonis himself, would be one of the reasons.
          However, Maeve knew deep inside that that wasn't the only reason. They were presumably made for each other; they were built for each other in a mysterious or unexplainable way. He denied it, primarily because of his position and out of respect, although Mr. Jason doesn't appear to be a man that obeys the law or rules.
         He's a rebel, changing the rules and making rather his own. He's done it often during classes, modifying the curriculum, having unexpected quizzes, and out-of-the-ordinary challenging students to guess if some of the most historical events were genuinely accurate or not, also encouraging them to describe and narrate why they weren't valid.
        Maeve quickly looked at her schedule, which was hanging over her bed on the wall, and realized that her first lesson for today was his.
        She picked up her phone to see the time, sighed loudly, and put it down at once. Maeve had only two hours left before her alarm went off. All Maeve could think of was Mr. Handsome, the case, the vampires, her believably relative Abraham Van Helsing, and the book about his prophecies.

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