Chapter 23

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Maeve woke up; her whole body was aching, and her muscles were sore as if she had a tense exercise. She couldn't get up from bed; her body was weak, exhausted even. Yet, somehow, she felt like a new woman, completely satisfied, rejuvenated, and loose.
            Her head was spinning; Maeve couldn't recall yesterday's events. Hazy visions were rising in her head, images of Antonio, Acalan, and, last but not least, Mr. Jason. They didn't make sense; she didn't remember what they were about. All she knew was that Mr. Jason was close to her in one of her visions and kissed her dearly. After that, it was dark, blurry, and vague. She tried her best to shut her eyes and reach back with her conciseness on the night's incidents with Mr. Jason. However, her memory failed her continually.
            Maeve tried her best to get up from the bed; her legs were shaking, her arms were sore, and her head was heavy. She thought she might have a hangover, although she couldn't recollect having a drink yesterday. Maeve walked towards her mirror and was astounded by her reflection. Her hair was messy, her makeup smudged, and for some unexplainable reason, she was glowing.
           She touched her face, trying to comprehend what had happened. Her lipstick was smudged around her lips and cheeks; her chin was red, not from the lipstick but rashed and raw. Maeve recalled Mr. Jason's kiss; his beard must scratch her delicate and sensitive skin. As for her reflection implicates, it had to be more to the story than simply one passionate kiss.
           Furthermore, she was naked under her clothes or, more likely, Mr. Jason's clothes; she wasn't wearing any panties. Maeve was bewildered, aroused, yet petrified. Different scenarios were rolling through her head. She wanted to call him, even if she had prevented herself from doing that all these months. It was her long, intriguing, taunting torment not to call or text him.
          She respected his privacy, though, yet text messages could be evidence for many things if any of this goes wrong. Maeve doesn't want them to get caught, and he loses his extraordinary job because of her. Inspecting her surroundings, she discovered a white blanket that wasn't hers on the ground, yet she recognized it. Maeve's wardrobe was opened, too, her clothes tangled inside.
          Peering around, she searched for her diary, which she couldn't find. She gave up after five minutes, wanting to take a much-needed shower. Outside the hallway, the coast was clear; everyone was presumably sleeping after a wild party.
          She placed her smart card on the lock to open the bathroom door. Maeve stepped inside the big plain restrooms, with multiple dorm showers on the right side. On the left side were the mirrors and sinks, also bathroom stalls.
          She went for the first shower, took off her clothes, and showered for a long time. The water streamed down on her face and body, cleaning herself up. Abruptly Maeve noticed a small scar on her wrist. Tracing the spot with her fingers, she wondered when she cut herself, although nothing came up.
          After thirty minutes, she got out of the shower and tip-toed back to the dorm room. She wore jeans and a knitted oversized sweater in pink. Maeve folded Mr. Jason's clothes and the blanket and took his book, which she placed on the rack of his things. In the shower, she had the idea to return everything to him.
          She's going to attend this institution for approximately three years. She has to settle down, apologize for being a brat, and mature as a woman. This high school fancying the professor has to end. She's not only putting in danger his career but also her future and reputation.
          Maeve preferred a degree instead of focusing on unnecessary matters. She's neither a detective nor a homicide; she might be a slayer, yet she doesn't feel like one. Evolving, becoming an independent woman, taking responsibility, and focusing on her education was her number one priority. Until then, she had to fix her unfinished business before taking that step. She's been failing Mr. Jason's lessons and wanted to make amends.
          Maeve slipped into her coat, brown dr martens, and a matching pink beanie. She wore no makeup nor fixed her hair, only dried it. Then, grabbing his things, holding them near and dear to her chest, she walked outside into the cold, heading towards his bungalow.

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