Chapter 25

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Two days passed, and Rosas's death still bothered Maeve. After that, however, everything seemed to be back to normal. Most of the students have forgotten about the horrific incident. Brianna started to hang with Maeve's group, and the girls comforted and cheered her up in the best possible way.
              Although Maeve hasn't stopped thinking about the painting she hid in her wardrobe, she hasn't even looked back at it since the last time. She can't either face Antonio, who was unbothered as always yet surprisingly clingy on Maeve.
             He'd been complimenting her, greeting her, asking her out without his obnoxious persona. On some occasions, he's been helping her, such as reaching for a book in the library and helping her carry her tote bag. He's also been buying her snacks or sharing his own whenever he meets her. Antonio switched in two days; he's a different guy. Which troubled Maeve utterly; not only was he charming, he was smiling a genuine grin all the time he approached her.
             Yet, Maeve knew that he was the last one who'd been with Rosa. He'd either been remorseful, or all of this was just an act to cover up the evidence.
Rosa's funeral was yesterday in her hometown, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her case was also labeled as unsolved, just like Elizabeth Martin's. Maeve's inner investigation character was battling for her to start digging up some clues.
              For two days, she couldn't rest; nightmares were torturing her, smothering her for not doing anything. Her unexplainable inner senses were begging her to examine the case. But her school's work was rising, and the constant blocking of her thoughts whenever Mr. Jason came up consumed her.
            Wandering around like a zombie, feeling nothing, exhausted, restless, dizzy, and pretending everything was alright drained her to the fullest. She wanted to withdraw all these toxic feelings, negativity, and pressure, although she couldn't. Maeve wanted to scream, hit something, and cry, but nothing came out. There were no tears to cry; her voice was nonexistent, and her body was not uniting with the heart and soul.
            She's been only distant and professional against everything, even Mr. Jason. Maeve constantly corrected him by calling her only by her last name, which he continuously forgot or overlooked. She didn't focus on him at all; her head was swirling and fuzzy with the students' audacity these two days. Everyone appeared unbothered, completely careless, and emotionless.
            Maeve looked at herself in the mirror; she couldn't recognize the reflection and the woman looking back. Instead, she witnessed a troubled woman, deep within her thoughts and fatigued. The puffy eyes told a whole story of sleepless nights, and the nightmares left traces of small pimples on her forehead. Yet, there was more; her delayed period enraged her.
             Usually, she had a relatively normal menstrual circle, although this time being this late was concerning her. Maeve shook her head, trying to put mascara on her long eyelashes. The other girls were chatting about their weekend plans.
            "I think we should go out. Get fake IDs from Antonio and go party. We deserve it." Patricia nagged. Soojin agreed by nodding her head and fixing her hair. Maeve didn't answer; she continued to put on mascara and started to put some clothes on.
            She wore a black long-sleeved knitted dress which was close-fitting, and her black dr martens shoes and set her hair in a double bun, half-up, half-down hairstyle. When they were ready, they met with Brianna and headed to the Idea classroom. Maeve's least favorite classroom and professor at the institution.

Iason was wandering around in his home, thinking and talking to himself. He'd pulled out all the books about vampires, prophecies, and the high-power society of vampires. His knowledge about this matter was extraordinary. Thanks to his sleepless nights of studies about the subject. Still, he felt that something didn't add up.
              On his sofa was his best buddy sitting and eating Doritos out of the bag. Rashidi was glancing through the open books spread around the coffee table. He ignored what Iason was mumbling to himself and didn't focus on him. Rashidi got light-headed after observing him wander around the living room for twenty minutes.
             "I'm getting sick of you wandering around like a madman. You remind me of those creepy people mothers always warn us about." He told Iason, who froze and glimpsed at him.
"Why aren't you troubled about Rosa's death? Can't you realize that he's desperate?" Iason defined.
             "It's obvious that Antonio killed that girl. He probably got excited by her blood type." Rashidi stated and rolled his eyes. Iason scoffed and stared at him as if he was an idiot.
"Haven't you paid any attention to my verdicts? There is a high society of vampires; they call themselves The Old Ones. Their powers are truly out of this world."
             "Oh, isn't the vampiric government enough now we have these old ones?" Rashidi nagged, then took a quick breath. "Where did you get this information, and how powerful are they?" Rashidi asked tiresomely. He was already wearied from the storytelling, although intrigued.
             "I got them from Mr. Khan's library. I also wanted to check his computer, but it needs a password." Iason scratched his head. Rashidi was about to scold him when Iason lifted a finger to prevent him from speaking.
             "Anyhow, apparently, if vampires only drink blood that it's rare for the rest of their lives, they've become mighty. Get incredible abilities or powers no one can ever perceive. I've read that there are five of them, and to become immortal, they have to become six." He explained, and Rashidi listened to him; he knew he was forced to do it.
             "Also, they are from ancient civilizations. I guess that's why Mr. Khan is trying so hard to get as much rare blood as possible to prove that he's the right one to take the sixth place." Iason explained thoroughly. Rashidi furrowed, his brows seeming confused.
            "Wait, I don't get it. How do you even know he wants to become like these old ones?" He asked, and Iason took a deep breath. Iason looked then down to the ground.
"I'm trying to figure it out. His laptop probably has the answers we need. But that bastard never leaves his room. So we need to sneak inside and hack the computer." Iason glanced at Rashidi, smiling sheepishly.
             "We? Hell no. I rather die than mess with that man." Rashidi shook his head.
"Innocent people are dying. Ra, you don't get it. We have to stop him. I know his next move. If the prophecy is right-"
             "Prophecy?! Ian, are you out of your mind?" Rashidi interrupted him.
"Listen to me! The prophecy tells that if the vampire slayer gets bitten by an old one, she'd-"
"She? They are only male vampire slayers Ian..." Once again, he interrupted Iason.
            "Let me speak for the love of the gods and goddesses," Iason complained.
"We don't have time for this now. Your class starts in 5 minutes. First, I need you to stop reading those books, man. You sound like a lunatic."
             "Ra, this is very important; they'll be another attack. I don't want him to lay a finger on her..." Iason stated furiously, and his eyes darkened. His fists hardened, he tilted his head down, and his jaw clenched. Rashidi studied him as if he was trying to figure out what he meant and who he was mentioning until he noticed Iason's dark eyes almost turning red.
            "Your eyes are almost turning red again, man. You think he's after Miss Molony?" He whispered and stepped slowly towards him. He placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
            Iason closed his eyes, yet his horns emerged. The veins of his horns were flashing magenta color, and his wings appeared and flapped. He opened his eyes, and fuchsia color eyes were shining. All Iason felt was rage, frustration, and madness.
            "I'll murder him if he touches her," Iason said, and his voice was more profound than usual, alarming even. Rashidi took his hand away from his shoulder, realizing it didn't help calm him down. "Ian, calm down. It would be best if you were strong and patient." Rashidi pointed out. Iason thought of Maeve for a second; his horns and wings disappeared.
           "You don't get it. I'm worried. I sense that if Maeve wasn't with me that night... It would be her lying dead outside, not Miss Garcia." Iason spoke with a scared voice tone. Rashidi frowned, thinking deeply about his statement. Then he glanced at the books on the table and reached out for one of them. He was reading quickly through the one about the Van Helsing prophecy.
            "If the vampire slayer gets bitten by an old one, she'd become a human slayer, meaning that she'd hunt humans with rare blood types. Additionally, getting bitten by the Old One will make her a vampire, the most ruthless and sinister ever. Therefore no one can and will stop her." He read out loud. "Anyone trying to prevent her from her task will die immediately." Rashidi continued reading through the book.
             Rashidi left the book down slowly, staring perplexed at Iason. Rashidi suddenly seemed to be off, disoriented, and mentally tired. Iason was about to ask what was bothering him all of a sudden but then checked his phone and put it back in his pocket.
"I need to leave for class soon. We'll talk later." He mumbled, to which Rashidi nodded in response and disappeared supernationally.

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