Chapter 35

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Early morning on Wednesday, the professors were called for a meeting that Rashidi requested. He's been anxious since the meeting will be about everything, prophecies, and vampire slayer. Rashidi had enough of keeping this unknown, not capable of speaking. Mainly because Kamama talked about how worried she felt about Ms. Molony; when Kamama examined Ms. Molony, she sensed some unexplainable force.
            Such a powerful force kept Kamama awake all night, talking it through with Rashidi for hours, and of course, that made Rashidi paranoid. The way she described to him what she sensed was bothering him and preserving him awake all night too. His thoughts were provoking, making him incapable of relaxing, and for the first time, he sensed fear. He's petrified of Ms. Molony. 
             This powerful force hidden deep inside Ms. Molony was like a bear hibernating till summer came around and awakened to begin slaying his kind. Yet he had to stay there, look into Kamama's eyes, appearing surprised and baffled every time she talked about Ms. Molony. He can't keep up lying all these weeks, months, and especially witnessing his best buddy, Iason, so miserable. Miserable because he's the one who figured it out but held it to himself, battling his demons since he's madly in love with his enemy. 
             Mei was the last one entering the office; they all seemed suddenly sore without explanations. Antonio, Mev, and Acalan also attended the meeting, even though the others questioned that with their looks. Rashidi stood behind the desk, trying to make eye contact with all of them. Mei stood on the other side of the desk; beside her was Sven, then Antonio. On the opposite were Cava, Kamama, and Mev. Acalan and Iason were leaning on the edge of the window. The only one not facing him was Iason, who had been off since Monday. 
              "So, what I'm about to inform you is a lot and a complete mess. I recommend you to sit down." Rashidi said and cleared his throat. They all gazed at each other and found themselves chairs to sit down, and once again, Iason didn't react nor move. He just crossed his arms, looking lost in his thoughts. Rashidi leaned over the desk and took a shivering breath. 
             "The vampire slayer is a student of ours, and it's a female, not a male. So the prophecy is real." Rashidi clarified, and everyone gasped, yet Iason flinched. 
"Are you out of your mind?! What are you doing!?" Iason yelled desperately. 
             "Shut the fuck up, man! I'm not going to let you go through this alone." Rashidi screamed back.
"Language!" Mei slammed the desk. 
             "Hell yeah, teacher drama," Antonio commented. 
"I'm betting that Iason will win," Acalan responded to Antonio's insensitive statement. 
"Enough, you two babies!" Mev sneered at the two. 
             "Listen to me, Ms. Molony is the vampire slayer-" Rashidi was about to finish his sentence when Iason punched him. Sven ran into Iason to hold him back, yet all Rashidi could notice was Iason's black eyes. They weren't magenta, instead wholly black, and the blackness expanded throughout the eye, switching between magenta and black. The switching looked like a flaw, as if something within him was transforming. Iason's eyes didn't seem vampiric anymore but demonic.
            The girls cried to stop fighting, Mei threatened to use her powers, and Rashidi knew he was screwed. Not only was Iason stronger and older than him, but this new power was something unfamiliar. 
            Suddenly an indescribable pain made them separate, and in agony, both of them put their hands on their heads, grunting. Rashidi acknowledged it was witchcraft, noticing Cava and Kamama holding hands and their hair floating into the air. When Iason relaxed, Mei glared at both of them. 
            "I know that Ms. Molony is the vampire slayer. I had the most pleasurable phone call at five am with no other than Armeen." Mei expressed sarcastically. "He told me everything, and obviously, I didn't believe him at first. Until I did my research and found out by myself." Mei continued, and Iason's face became white. 
             "Wait a minute, so you're implying that my girlfriend is a vampire slayer?" Antonio asked, bewildered. Yet, everyone overlooked Antonio.
"Not only did Armeen inform me about Ms. Molony, but he also confessed to our student killings. Furthermore, he last requested me to talk to you, Jason. So, speak. Now!" Mei stated, staring intensely at Iason. Rashidi was about to open his mouth, but Mei raised her finger to warn him. Iason glanced at Rashidi, then at Mei, and he swallowed. 
             "Yes, Ms. Molony is the vampire slayer. However, she hasn't been reborn yet. So unless a vampire bites her at a red moon, she'll be reborn into the last but most substantial vampire slayer ever." Iason explained with a deep voice tone. 
"Well, then, nobody will bite her, and this won't be an issue," Mei stated pathetically.
              "You can't alter fate," Mev responded. 
"What do you mean?" Sven asked, perplexed. 
"Well, the spell is too powerful that Abraham Van Helsing accomplished with the witch back then," Mev clarified, glancing at Iason. Rashidi didn't speak or react, and he was observing the discussion.
               "Then, we'll use magic to prevent this from happening," Mei said, peeking at the witches, looking her back with an unimpressed expression. 
"I'm sorry, but you can't change that kind of magic," Cava answered, shaking her head.
"Isn't it black magic?" Sven questioned.
              "No, it's white," Kamama replied, then glanced at Rashidi. He could see the sorrow in her eyes because he kept the truth from her. 
"How on earth is this white spell?" Mei asked, aggravated. 
"Because it contains good intentions," Kamama said with a soft voice tone.
              "By killing vampires?!" Mei's frustration was getting higher with every second.
"No offense, but you're not directly holy," Cava said with a sassy tone.
"Yeah, right, like you witches are?" Antonio challenged Cava by giving her a disgusted expression. Cava was about to respond until Mev placed her hand on her shoulder.
             "That's not what matters now. The thing is that Maeve, which name means the intoxicating one or she who rules in Irish mythology, will be irresistible on the red moon." Mev gazed around everyone. "No vampire can withstand her that day, none; it doesn't matter if you are a soul feeder or animal, or sexual or whatever you are, that night none of you can control yourself around her." Mev took a deep breath. "Hence the name; her father probably knew about her powers and fate and was aware that she'd be irresistible to any vampire out there." She continued, and Mei gave an odd look at Antonio.
              He stared back, and within her eyes, something seemed sinful, threatening too, although Rashidi couldn't figure it out. Then he gazed at Iason, who appeared to comprehend what Mei's peek indicated. Then, unexpectedly, Iason knocked his fist on the desk, wrecking it into two pieces and surprising all of them. 
              "I saw that. Don't you even dare to conduct what you've thought of, do you understand me?" Iason threatened Mei, which stunned them all. He was pointing at her with a hateful look.
"If you dare to hurt Ms. Molony or overpower her, I'll make sure to become something worst than a vampire slayer. I'll kill you, all of you." Iason's voice grew deeper, scarier, and diabolical. Then he turned around, about to leave.
            "How dare you!? Would you kill one of your own?!" Mei roared, and her eyes became purple.
"You're not one of my own anymore." Iason halted and turned his head to the side, looking at Mei as if she was his worst enemy. Suddenly the door opened, and Mariah stepped in. Iason turned his head, stepping cautiously one step back.
              "Oh, yeah, I forgot that Mariah, Jason's cousin, is here to visit. I called her because I was concerned about his mood swings." Rashidi announced nervously, and Mariah smiled big.
"Hello, cousin, and hello, everyone," Mariah greeted with an overly sensual tone. Rashidi was aware that Mariah was a sexual vampire, yet she was slightly different from the others vampires of her kind. She could persuade anyone to do things without second-guessing, and her beauty made the goddess Aphrodite die of envy.
               "Seriously, Ra? Behind my back?" Iason asked without facing him, then left the room, passing by his cousin. Rashidi knew Iason was mad at him, yet he felt it was too late to help him.
"Don't worry, and I'll take care of it. Nice seeing you." Mariah said, and her golden-brown hair shined through the light of sunrise. It was straight, silky, and long. Her round piercing green eyes and goddess-like facial characteristics made it impossible to form a sentence. Mariah grinned, about to leave, until Mev stood up.
               "Wait, I think this is a family matter; I should follow," Mev stated, and Mei reacted negatively. Mariah nodded, welcoming Mev to go with her.
"Family matter?" Mei asked recklessly.
               "Well, actually, Iason's mother was the very first Oracle and-"
"MEV!!!" Iason's roar came from outside the room, in the foyer. Mariah cringed, waving them goodbye, and Mev sprinted after her.
               Rashidi felt guiltier with every minute, knowing he kept other secrets from Iason. More likely, about Antonio, who was using Ms. Molony. Because Antonio wished to investigate if Ms. Molony remembered him killing her mother...

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