Chapter 32

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It was hushed in the professor's office, a chilling silence that was hair-raising, especially after what had been discussed a few seconds ago. Iason's world ceased moving and was out of function. He couldn't listen to anyone anymore, his ears were sealed, and all he could think of was how Armeen was scared of him. Yet, the more he thought of it, the more power and satisfaction it gave him. Most and foremost, it motivated him to fulfill the mission of Armeen's kingdom to fall. Suddenly Iason felt creative, and he wanted to play a game after a long time. He let everyone down, but it was never too late to bring back the old Pleistarchus and let the best reign win.
               "Why is he afraid of him?" Iason heard Cava ask, waking him up from his daydreaming. Mev, who had been incredibly strong and confident, was starting to get emotionally drained but still held her head high. Contrarily, Ra was quiet, deep into his thoughts, which was questionable yet understandable. 
                "I didn't know either back then, but now, I know why. Iason is Leonidas's only son, Armeen's father's number one enemy. Also, Armeen conquered Iason's land and raped his mother," Mev explained, and everyone gasped except Iason, who wished he could vanish. Then, Mei hit the desk so forcefully that it cracked. 
                "I can't believe you haven't told us anything about this, Jason!" She shouted, her voice dark and direct. Mei's eyes shone purple, making Mev terrified. Mev scarily stepped backward, and Iason stepped before her to protect her and make her feel safe.  
               "It's nobody's business. This discussion ends now." Iason warned them with an angry facial expression. "I also know that he's petrified of his ex-wife Damaspia, whom I know. I can call her. She can come and work at our institution so we can infuriate him. Let me designate this. As it seems, I have to fix this mess by myself." Iason stated stubbornly, grabbing Mev by the wrist, ready to leave. 
                 "Wait, if you need clothes or company, you can come and live with me," Cava stated sympathetically at Mev, to which she smiled in response and got dragged out by Iason. 
Leaving the university and coming outside to the fresh cool air was just what he and Mev needed. She appeared like she was suffocating inside there. He let her wrist and started to walk. She followed after, although he felt that Cava had a point. Maybe it would be best if Mev stayed at her house. 
                 "Hey, do you want to stay at Cava? I mean, she's a woman; maybe you'd feel more comfortable living with her." Iason clarified to Mev, who was walking beside him. She shook her head, then peeked at him. 
                 "I'd prefer to be with you. I mean it, Jason. Armeen is petrified of you. He doesn't even like to be near you; why would I move somewhere where he can easily come and kill me?" Mev demonstrated thoroughly. Iason didn't reply, knowing she was right; therefore, he didn't push back. 
                  "Are you OK?" Mev asked a question he didn't know what to answer. He felt dead on the inside, ironically. What did even OK indicate? So-so or just OK? He was puzzled about what it meant and didn't find any solution. 
                  "I guess you need to sleep on it," Mev stated after him not respond. Iason didn't mean to be rude. But, unfortunately, he was only lost in his thoughts, battling between Armeen and Maeve. Armeen, to destroy the kingdom he built, and Maeve to somehow explain vampires and her slayer task.
                  Nearing his doorstep without realizing it, he stepped inside his home. He sat immediately on the couch, trying to figure out what to do. "Are you not going to question me about how you will kill him?" Mev asked sneakily, and Iason puffed; he placed his palms on his face, hiding to skip the answer like a child.
                  Mev was silent momentarily as if she was thinking about something that concerned her. Her blood pressure was rising, and all he could hear was her heartbeat. He realized the blood he drank was starting to wear off from his system, and unexpectedly, he felt famished. It was unusual, whereas he didn't get this quickly hungry. 
                 "You should search Armeen's computer and library. You will find things there that will be useful in the future." She stated, and her voice seemed a little off. She might want to indicate something else but didn't explain it sufficiently. Iason took his hands off his face and then faced her questioningly. 
                 "What will I find?" He asked, tiredly yet hungry... He was starving. Iason stared at her neck, her nerve pumping blood; his inner self was telling him to drink, although he knew that wasn't acceptable. He couldn't keep his teeth from appearing, and then he covered his mouth in utter shock. Mev was overly and unexpectedly calm like she knew what was happening. 
                  "You've lost your humanity. I saw that in your eyes the moment Maeve left." Mev clarified sorrowfully, which bugged Iason. How could Maeve make him lose his humanity? Was he so devoted to her that he lost the only thing keeping him a sane vampire?
                   A modern vampire being a sexual vampire had its cons because he's a part-demon too. No other vampire had that extra capability. However, he knew that part of him wasn't supposed to surface. He heard tales of sexual vampires becoming Incubus entirely, and most were alarming. Becoming a demon wasn't on his agenda any time soon. He didn't even know how to become one, and they are many rumors, but none interested him. 
                 "You should be considering that you're not going to be yourself ever again," Mev stated, her voice changed, deeper and more profound. Iason didn't care, yet something within warned him that it had died. A piece of him was forever gone, and he suddenly felt tyrannized, lost, and terrified.
                 He strolled into the bathroom; looking at his reflection, he noticed some hair strands on the front. His hair changed color. They became the deepest black, the blackest black he'd ever seen. He touched them carefully as if they would fall off, but they didn't. He realized it was his hair growing out from his scalp. They weren't short nor newly outgrown. They just became black, unlike the rest of his hair. 
                  "What the hell is this?" He asked himself out loud and stared, puzzled at this new phenomenon. Iason puffed tiredly, shut his eyes, and today's actions flashed inside his head. The word monster was echoing all over again. Maeve's uproar, her flaming eyes of hate, concurred his mind. The thought of disappearing was crawling up, making him feel uneasy, even weak. 
                   "Iason, your colleagues, wrote you a message," Mev said on the other side of the room. Iason jerked, eyes wide open; he stepped to the living room. His phone was on the coffee table, and he lifted it reading through the SMS. Cava and Kamama were almost done with the spell, so Armeen couldn't be near the institute. Iason closed the phone, ready to leave it on the table again, but opened it again; he had to call Armeen's ex-wife, which was odd, yet he swallowed his pride.
                    After two signals, Damaspia answered, her smooth feminine voice giving him flashbacks of the past, steamy flashbacks, flashbacks he kindly regretted. He shook the thoughts away, trying to be professional and straightforward. Iason sighed, ready to talk business with his ex-boss, ex-wife, and revenge sex partner. 

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