Chapter 15

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After one month of a hot summer, fall started to appear, leaving some traces of yellow leaves on the ground. The temperature started to change; everyone began to wear cardigans. Birds didn't chirp the same as they did before. Students didn't hang outside under the trees as before too. The greenery started slowly disappearing, creating the gorgeous natural scenery of the upcoming autumn. The landscape was entirely beautiful.
          Autumn was Maeve's favorite season; it was when she felt the best, motivated, and inspired by the view outside. College work mainly occupied Maeve's life, and she had no free time for her plans. Maeve never dared to sneak into Mr. Jason's bungalow. She tried for an extended period to find any source of courage and boldness to accomplish her mission, although she failed every time, being too concerned and neurotic.
         She'd put the case on the side, trying to keep up with the homework and assignments. But, on the other hand, Mr. Jason had been wildly off lately, almost like something was bothering him; he's been moody, not tolerating anyone coming late to class and not having the same enthusiasm for lecturing either.
         Acalan had been at the sorority house every Friday, selling drugs to some youths, still greeting her with the same pet name. Antonio tried multiple times to ask Maeve out with his obnoxious persona and lousy boy facade. She declined him every single time. Her best friends kept pushing her to give Kai a chance, maybe because she was the third wheel of the company.
       Soojin and Jerome hit it off, and so did Patricia and Rishaan. But Maeve wasn't interested in Kai and vice versa.
         However, Maeve's inner emotions were pinned on Mr. Jason, who was mostly suddenly uninterested in her. No eye-fucking, no compliments, nor sexy smirks. It was frustrating for Maeve; they both knew their chemistry was there, flaming hot burning them every time their eyes met.
         Although he backed off, seeming not to desire to do anything because of his position as a professor. Maeve tried to converse with him, asking him why he was so pensive lately, which he denied with a smile. Something was bothering him, although being this mysterious, secretive and stubborn made Maeve upset. Possibly he didn't like to speak about himself, or perhaps it was because she was his student.
         Nevertheless, their eyes told other stories about two people being in difficult positions, forbidden positions, and situations that could destroy lives and establishments. It also demonstrated emotions covered with a robust lock and a key gone somewhere in the conciseness. Those feelings couldn't lie, nor could these deep-gazing-eyed moments. Not being able to touch each other was the constant long tempting desire, glorifying them with lust and unreachable thoughts due to their professions.
         Maeve sighed, feeling butterflies inside her stomach, gazing at Mr. Jason standing on aisle 9 in the library. She was sitting on the desk with her laptop open, trying to study, yet her view bothered or, more likely, amused her.
          Mr. Jason was sorting some books without realizing that a couple of eyes were inspecting every detail of his toned body, following every move he made.
          Mr. Jason wore a white button-down shirt with skinny black jeans and black and white converse shoes. Maeve was drawn to him, his fashion style and devilishly handsomeness. Even if he broke her heart back in the botanic paradise of his, she was still swooning over him. Even if he kept being distant, she was still mesmerized by his face.
          Maeve couldn't stop thinking of him; sometimes, it felt like they were meant for each other. It's been an extended sense of hers for a couple of weeks. Every time he talked without finishing his sentence, Maeve knew beforehand what he was about to say. On some occasions, they complete their sentences together. On other occasions, when Maeve thought of a particular book she wished to read, he knew. Almost like they are connected, having the same thoughts.
         Maeve once read Plato's book about Greek mythology, describing how humans were created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Somehow, Zeus feared their power, so he'd slip them into two different parts, which condemned them to spend their entire life to find their other separate half. Of course, Maeve knew her other half was Mr. Jason; all the sentiments, chemistry, and tension implied certainty.
        "Daydreaming once again, Ms. Molony?" Mr. Jason asked, waking her up from her deep trance. Maeve jumped a little from her seat; not only did he scare her, but he also surprised her.
         Mr. Jason was standing beside her, looking down at her. He hasn't been this close to her in a whole month. Electricity was flowing within her veins, her palms were getting sweaty, her heartbeat was beating fast, and her mind was foggy. Mr. Jason furrowed his thick eyebrows, seeming concerned and pensive.
         "Are you okay? You seem... Lightheaded." He asked slowly in his soothing, masculine voice. To which arising every hormonal cell in her body, Maeve sighed.
        "I'm just tired... Overwhelmed." Maeve said, staring into his brown with a touch of green eyes. He nodded, breaking their eye contact by randomly stepping away. He hadn't changed; he kept up with that odd behavior. He gave her attention, grasping every air out of her system with his sensual aura to leave her bewildered later. 

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