Chapter 31

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Maeve was walking near the university after Mr. Naeem parked the car. He went towards the professor's apartments to gather them for a meeting. Meanwhile, Meave wanted to go and take a long shower, although she needed to leave Mr. Jason's phone first. Michaela was following her, always beside her, never leaving her alone.
              Every step Maeve took seemed heavier than the last; the more she neared Mr. Jason's bungalow, her heart cracked, and a bit of her soul left.
              Stepping up to the porch, she knocked on his front door and forgot to breathe for a second or two. The utter shock when the door opened was indescribable. A young girl opened the door, wearing his clothes and smiling at Maeve as if she was having a good time. The fireplace was on, making the atmosphere inside romantic. 
             "Hi! You must be Maeve?" She asked cutely, and Maeve felt her whole world collapsing. Abruptly, Mr. Jason appeared from the kitchen, holding snacks. The moment he noticed Maeve, he halted. Maeve looked back at the girl and gave her his phone.
             "His phone. Goodnight." Maeve expressed ice-cold and turned around, walking faster than she did before. Although Maeve never turned back, Mr. Jason ran after her, shouting her name. He grabbed her wrist and turned her around to face him, and the moment their eyes met, Maeve's tears started to fall. He was alarmingly close, with heavy breathing, eyes worried and teary. 
             "Are you alright?" Mr. Jason asked, and Maeve wanted to scream in his face and let the beast within her roar
"I'm getting beaten up by a Nosferatu vampire who had your phone for an extremely bizarre reason, and you're here fucking a teenage girl?!" Maeve yelled so loud that it made Michaela bark. Mr. Jason's eyes widened, and he was stammering. 
             "You disgust me! You filthy animal! I should report you to the police. Put your ass to jail!" Maeve was furious and felt like a Taurus seeing red, ready to strike. 
"No, you got it wrong." He finally put a sentence after his idiotic stammering. Yet, that wasn't enough for Maeve; she had more to add to the uproar. 
             "You know what? You don't deserve jail. No. No, I have a better idea." Maeve shook her head and laughed mischievously, even like a maniac. Mr. Jason's eyes seemed shuttered, every word cut him into pieces, and Maeve noticed it yet admired it far too much. It fed her; the more he broke, the more she felt mightier
             "You will end up with a stake in your black heart and mark my words; I will be the one to blame. You deserve to die because you are a monster!" Maeve continued stomping on Mr. Jason as if he was an ant.
             "I will kill you unmercifully as I killed the other vampires. So you better hide, you freak!" She screamed and pointed her finger at his face. One tear fell to his cheek; his eyes were dark and unreadable. Mr. Jason didn't say anything or react, making her madder.
              She wanted to chew him and spit his bones out like a real lioness. Lioness. Suddenly that word was circling in Maeve's head nonstop as if it wanted to inform or reveal her of something. Yet it felt like it was concealed or erased from her conscience. 
              Maeve then realized she was standing there staring into his eyes and breathing heavily. "I hate you with all my heart. You and your sad existence. Don't you ever talk to me again, nor being this close to me!" Maeve spoke furiously and turned around. She walked fast and then discovered that Michaela wasn't beside her.
              Maeve turned her face to the side and witnessed Michaela crying in Mr. Jason's embrace. He knelt to pat her for the last time and kissed her head. "Michaela, come now!" Maeve shouted, and Michaela ignored her at first but then started to wander with her tail and head down towards Maeve. 
              When Maeve finally arrived at her room with Michaela, she grabbed her pajamas and towel to change. She wanted to shower, get fresh clothes on, and sleep with Michaela by her side. "You should hide under my bed until I return, okay?" She whispered to Michaela and went to the bathroom.
               Maeve took a quick shower and went back to her room. Under the bed was Michaela playing with something. Maeve took a better look and discovered it was her diary; she then seized the book from Michaela's mouth and laid down in her bed, reading through it. 

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