Chapter 14

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Two weeks passed with assignments, studies, and an overly stressed Maeve. Lucky for her, though, Vlad had never appeared since that day. Instead, Acalan had been around the sorority house selling drugs to students like it was candy.
         The fact that Acalan had greeted Maeve every time he noticed her at the sorority house by calling her: Hey, Chiquitita was irritating, and not only that, Antonio was noting: Hey, Bambina, every time he saw her too. Occasionally Maeve felt like she was a human magnet for bad boys only. 
          Mr. Jason, on the other hand, had been laying low. They've had casual conversations, nothing intense nor romantically involved acts. He'd never messaged her again, although he did mention Maeve after class to keep his number if she was lonely and Vlad was nearby.
          Nonetheless, her friends were okay, making it through without worrying, as Maeve did. Nevertheless, it was nerve-wracking to notice how all the students were stressed free from all their assignments. Maeve tried hard to balance her everyday life with the strange vampire-slaying mystery that suddenly appeared in her life out of the blue.
          She hasn't spoken to her father about the Van Helsing book. Maeve wanted to put it on hold, try to dig clues up herself, although the fact that she might be the next vampire slayer kept her sleepless night after night, trying to comprehend the whole thing.
         She had been thinking of the case every night before sleeping too. She couldn't rest, knowing that Vlad might be the killer and that he was free in society. It was frightening, haunting, and disturbing. She was almost sure, though, that Vlad certainly had something to do with the murder; even Mr. Jason admitted in the message that Vlad did something to a student, and it had to be Elizabeth. 
          Every day after school, she went to the library; she would have cute glances with Mr. Jason, but they wouldn't last long because he was busy with students lending books and asking for help.
         Today, they had a pop quiz in his lecture. Maeve's anxiety was over the roof, and she was the last to leave. She wondered how it went, glancing at Mr. Jason on aisle 12, helping a student out. Finally, when the student left, she walked toward him. "Hey, I have a question." She said nicely, and he chuckled.
         "When do you not have a question, Ms. Molony?" He asked jocularly. Their relationship developed into friendly through the weeks, although, with a catch, feelings were involved. They were playing a back and forward game, cat and mouse. Hot and cold, and it wasn't going anywhere; nothing transpired, but they were eye-fucking all the time.
         "How did it go for me on the pop quiz?" She asked by making puppy eyes at him.
"That won't work on me. Adoring, not working, though." He explained, leaning against a bookshelf. He wore a button-up grey shirt with white chino pants. He looked like a model from a Vercase magazine, Godlike even. His hair was slicked back, and his cologne was intoxicating, waking up the horny beast that Maeve had buried deep down—being this close to him after weeks also made it challenging to appease the beast. 
 "So it went bad?" Maeve asked cringy.
         "No, you were the one with the highest points." He said proudly, giving her a sexy look by lowering his face. He was checking Maeve out; his flattering long eyelashes and beautiful eyes roamed slowly up and down. While flames ignited her body, she tried her best to brush those feelings off. For weeks nothing happened between them, and suddenly, these sentiments overwhelmed her. Finally, their eyes locked, and Maeve recalled how to communicate again, an ability she suddenly forgot due to this seductive approach. 
         "Are you just playing with me?" She asked, confused. That question was meant for her pop quiz, although it had another intention. They were days she believed he was playing with her feelings, yet again she brushed that thought away too. He then smirked and rolled his eyes playfully. 
"Ms. Molony, stop worrying this much. You need to relax." Mr. Jason complained, crossing his arms. She smirked, nodded, and left faster than she anticipated. She hurried outside to grasp some air.
          Her friends were outside near the sorority house. Patricia and Rishaan were hitting it off; Soojin and Jerome were talking too. On the other hand, Kai ignored Maeve completely, which was understandable; she was doing the same. There wasn't any bond between them. Also, Maeve had been busy with the hot professor on her mind daily.
          "Maeve, did you know that we are 300 students? 200 attend here, and the other 100 are distance studying from all around the world," Soojin stated when Maeve arrived and sat with them. 
"When do the professors even have time to take a break? Have you realized that they'd never eat with us?" Patricia asked pensively.
          "I've heard they are eating in the professor's room." Soojin applied, and Maeve felt like something had kicked her in the head. A clue, as if Elizabeth's ghost was telling her to check the professor's room for more information.
           The professor's room had to contain a folder about Elizabeth; the issue, though, was how to get inside. When the college finished, the professors went to their houses, except Mr. Jason, who worked at the library. So Maeve could easily sneak inside and search after the folder. Firstly, she needed to be fast, careful, and think well through this matter. She might be suspended if anyone caught her.
          At this point, Maeve put a poker face on, trying not to seem too suspicious or bothered by her deep thoughts. Her friends wanted to hang out in the sorority house, although the only thing that was going through Maeve's mind was several scenarios of her sneaking inside the professor's room. 
        "You can go, I need to study, and I have a horrible headache." Maeve lied and massaged her forehead to seem upset by her so-called headache. Then, her friends hugged her, left, and Maeve was confident enough to start her little investigation, a dangerous adventure. 

The Vampire SlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora