VIP Cinema (epilogue)

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I can’t believe I’m back at this coffee shop. The very coffee shop I asked Lisa on our first meeting to accompany me with. That felt like a lifetime ago. 8 years of being together and we're still here, loving each other. Who knew I’d meet the love of my life on a VIP cinema house? The odds were in my favor and I am beyond grateful.

I sat on the couch where we were on our first coffee date. I roamed my eyes and the place was still the same, glass windows from floor to the top, light bulbs  hanging as light fixtures, wooden tables with steel benches at the center with plants to accent the place and the smell of coffee beans fill the space still. I haven’t been here for a long time and the memories hit me and my heart felt good.

“Good afternoon, ma’am. What can I get you?” the barista approached me, wearing his uniform with a green apron.

“Hi. Is the Pumpkin Spice Latte already available?” I asked.

He smiled, “You’re in luck, it’s already available starting today”

“Great. I’ll have that and a slice of carrot cake please”.

“Would that be all?” he continued to ask.
I smiled and nodded. He excused himself and went on to prepare my coffee and cake.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the aroma of the coffee beans. It is true that the smell of coffee is one of those that make a person happy. It also reminds me of those moments when me and Lisa would make coffee to start our day because we both love it, even make fun on who needs more sugar, or more creamer. I smiled at the thought.

The man came with my order and left me in peace. The first sip warmed me and my heart. Thinking back on our first day, I ordered the same coffee and she ordered her favorite custom drink which is a mouthful to say.

As I’m enjoying my drink and my slice of cake waiting for my girlfriend, I cannot help but reminisce my years with her. Being with Lisa, I know I couldn’t ask for more. It’s not a perfect relationship because I believe there’s no such thing but I’d like to believe that we fit and that we are perfect for each other.

The moment I had with her in that movie house, I won’t lie that it was unusual. But that moment with her, I held on to it and wanted it to last because I’ve never met someone whom I can talk to so easily and pays attention to what I say. It felt natural and it felt…… right.

Lisa is the kind of person who may appear as silly and weird but she has a heart made of gold. Her heart is so pure that everybody loves her and everybody wants to be around her. She is everyone’s ray of sunshine and she does bring me light whenever I need it. She guides me and walks with me in times when I needed it. She’s the gravity that keeps me grounded in times when I needed to be reminded of who and what I am and what I can do. When it’s a long, hard day at work, the very thought of coming home to her gets me through the day.

I took another sip of coffee and a piece of cake when I felt my phone ring. It’s “her” without another moment, I answered.

“Hi, hon”.

Hey, baby. Are you at the coffee shop already?

“Hmm hmm. Where are you now?”

“I just clocked out. It’s rush hour and traffic’s not looking good. The place isn’t that far from here so I’ll just walk…. or maybe run”, she chuckles and I breathe out a small laugh

“Yah. Take your time. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere, Lis.”

Okay. Okay. Will be there in 20.”

“Okay. Take care. I love you”.

I love you, too. Laters, baby”.

I asked the barista for a glass of water because all of a sudden, my throat felt dry and my heart starts to beat uncontrollably.

I can’t believe this is really happening” I mused to myself. I reached for my pocket, a reminder of why I am being a nervous wreck right now and opened a velvet box, admiring the round brilliant cut ring I bought for this moment. “I hope she’ll say yes”. I whispered a silent prayer.


My eyes were fixed on the glass doors, waiting for her to come into view. I have thought about this day, to finally ask her to be with me for the rest of our days. I know I am sure of her and I just hope and pray she is sure of me, too.

In instinct, I looked to the left and saw her, walking like she usually does with her blonde hair gracefully swaying with the wind. She looked beautiful and I had to choke a small sob, thinking how blessed I'm the one she chose to love.

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