A Little Closer (final)

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A. N.
Story is inspired from the song "Fall" by Ben&Ben as requested by @iainptolemiuse

The time has come and it’s the weekend of Jackson’s pre-graduation / farewell party. Lisa decided to hitch a ride with Jisoo and Chaeng and is now sitting at the back, lost in her thoughts as she stare out the window, with Honne’s "Location Unknown" playing on the radio while Jisoo is driving along the highway going to Jackson’s beach house in Chungcheongnam-do.

The song didn’t help Lisa as she swim further in her ocean of thoughts about Jennie. While she was counting down her remaining days in Seoul, she also kept track of the days she could've spent with her favorite person but didn’t, couldn’t. After their date back at the diner, the Thai hasn’t seen Jennie much. Even at school, they only got to see her during classes they have together and then she'll be gone, saying she had errands to do for her SNU application or need to do things for Alex. Lisa had been miserable because of it.

She did try checking up on her friend from time to time, asking her how she’s been but every time she does, she’d only get dry responses, late replies or worse, nothing at all. And she can’t help but think that she hasn’t even left for Thailand yet here they are, slowly drifting apart.

She considered it as her mini training, that maybe this is fate’s way of slowly weaning her off of the Korean’s presence in her life because sooner, she’s gonna have to get used to Jennie’s absence, that she can’t be there for her all the time and she for her as well, both literally and figuratively.

Knowing that Jennie will be at the party, Lisa was a mess with her emotions. She was excited, anxious and dreadful. The small distance created from the past days of barely talking and seeing each other made her unsure on how to act around her bestfriend, having no clue if they’re still okay with the silent treatment she’s been getting from Jennie.

Other than that, she’s also thinking that Alex might be there and she doesn’t want a repeat of what she saw back at the burger place. Because this time, she wouldn’t know what to do when she sees them being clingy and sweet towards each other. It’s bad enough that her Jennie chose to spend more time with him over the limited time left she could’ve spent with her. But to witness them looking like a couple, Lisa thinks her heart wouldn’t be able take it. So, she was hoping that this night, she’ll have the chance to talk to her, ask her why the Korean was slowly pulling away from her and maybe, if she’s brave enough, tell her how she really feels about the brunette. Friendship be damned, she’s leaving anyway. For once, she wanted to be honest with her feelings. No more hiding away.

“Lis.”, Jisoo called.

“Lisa.”, she tried again but got nothing.

“Lalisa Manoban!” she glanced from the rearview mirror and saw Lisa jerked from her seat and looked back at her.

“Huh? What?” the blonde replied.

“Where was your head this time? You’ve been zoning out a lot lately. Are you okay?” Jisoo asked.

“Yeah. Just lost in my thoughts. Sorry. What is it?”

“I was asking how are you feeling right now? You know Jennie’s gonna be there.”, the older queried, quickly eyeing her from the mirror before keeping her eyes back on the road.

Rosé, on the other hand, moved from the shotgun seat and turned to her while munching on a bag of chips, waiting for her response with such enthusiasm.

“Honestly? I feel like I wanna puke with how nervous I am. Being around her in the same room again just to hangout? Felt like it’s been ages since the diner incident. I don’t know how to be around her anymore. I felt like she’s already slipping away, you know? I don’t know if it’s because I am leaving her, or… or.. SNU is taking much of her time, or because of her friend.” she replied frantically then sighs in defeat.

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