Trust vs. Mistrust (final)

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The brunette went back to their room after cleaning up the mess she made in the kitchen. Try as she might, tossing and turning, sleep is nowhere to be found, not after eveything that's been said and done.

She started crying again, thinking back on what happened earlier, cursing at herself for being stupid.

Lisa has been part of her life for the longest time and may probably be the only constant person she'll ever have yet she's screwing things up with her trust issues.

Sure she got cheated on by her ex. Sure her parents were never really there for her growing up, making her come second at their priority list with their work as number one.

Trust was never an easy thing for her to give, for disappointment always comes with it and she's had her fair share of disappointments that will last her her lifetime.

But what about Lisa? The blonde has been there for her way back when they were just bestfriends in their teenage years. She's done nothing but to prove herself worthy of that one thing she cannot give.

Should she really let past hurts destroy the only good thing she has in her life?

Jennie cried harder, thinking perhaps she did too much damage on their relationship, thinking it's beyond repair now. She hugged her pillow close and shut her eyes, letting the tears stain it.

'I can't lose her'


Lisa found herself walking aimlessly around the neighborhood. It's freezing outside but it's nothing compared to what her relationship has become.

All she knew was that the room wasn't big enough for the both of them so she needed to get out and take a breather.

As the cruel winter air is starting be a little too much, she found herself entering an open coffee shop. She removed her beanie and parka coat, shaking off the snow in her hair and headed towards the counter.

Of course she's not hungry after how the night turned from worse to worst but she needed to buy something somehow from the café to make her stay worthwhile at least. She settled with a cup of coffee and a pastry. She removed her gloves and held the cup, savoring the warmth it gave her hands.

She carefully blew on it and let the first sip of the morning brew warm her throat and body and help her shake off the remaining effects of the alcohol, sighing in comfort.

She looked around the place and saw a couple, enjoying their moment in silence. The woman has her head resting on the man's chest, holding her cup of warm goodness while he has his arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding his cup with the other hand. They were looking outside, watching the light snowfall hit the pavement.

She can't help but smile bitterly at the sight. She and Jennie loved to cuddle and drink coffee in the morning. Now, she's not so sure if she can still have those.

She started to tear up a little. She doesn't know what to do anymore. What else can she do? She's not perfect but she knows she did her best for their relationship.

The ball is not in her court anymore but in Jennie's.

She kept observing the couple and now they are looking at each other, eyes screaming of love, adoration and longing despite the close distance.

The blonde blew on the cup again and images filled her head, of her and Jennie. Of them running in the empty school hallways hand in hand. Of Jennie giving her red velvet cake as peace offering when they had petty fights. Of them hugging and crying in Jennie's room when she had her heart broken. Of Jennie showing up in one of her photoshoots and ending up doing the shoot together. Of them dancing in the rain after having their first date as girlfriends. Of them just lazing in their couch, with Jennie finalizing a design for a client while she had her head on her lap, reading a book.

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