VIP cinema (final)

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We walked around the place near the cinema, hoping, praying she’s somewhere here. I even returned to the theatre to see if she went back and also checked  the washroom nearby but unfortunately, no luck.

I sat at a nearby bench, elbows on my knees as I try to even my breathing and recall my moments with Jennie. 'Man, I can't believe I let her go just like that. If only I asked her a minute earlier, we could have-'

"She's wearing a yellow hoodie, right?" My blonde friend asked, distracting me from my inner thoughts and I just nodded, looking and feeling down altogether. I only have Jisoo and Rosé to turn to about anything and everything and I was hoping Jennie can be added to that list.

"Is that her?" With those words, I glanced the way where she pointed and there I saw her, walking towards a bookstore that is 5 stores away from the cinema, holding a drink like a happy kid. Unknowingly, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her skipping her way towards the door. Without another thought, I bolted to that direction, with my friends tailing me.

 Without another thought, I bolted to that direction, with my friends tailing me

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"Jennie, wait!" I shouted, not minding if others are looking our way. She stopped in front of the bookstore and scanned the area where the voice was coming from while sipping from her drink, lifting her brows up in question. She looked so cute, especially seeing her dumpling-like cheeks like that.

"Hey Lisa. Sorry I didn't get a chance to go back. I had to answer the call, my mom.. I started walking aimlessly and forgot my way.".

"It's fine. By the way, these are my friends, Jisoo and Rosé. They're together." Jisoo nudged my side like I just said something I wasn't supposed to.

Jennie gave us a surprised look, the good kind and smiled her gummy smile, "Wow. Really? That's awesome. Love wins. Yey!". The two just giggled at how cute she is with her words and actions.

"It's nice to meet you, Jennie. I hope Lisa here didn't annoy you too much a while ago", Chaeng retorted which earned a glare from me.

I cleared my throat on purpose to remind them I'm on a mission here so they finished the formalities and walked away. Knowing these two, they'd probably leave me behind so we'll have more time but getting her number is enough for today.

"Jennie, I know this may seem crazy but I really enjoyed talking to you back there and I was hoping maybe we could hangout again some time. Only if you want to. It's okay if it's not. If yes, then can I have your number and maybe we can plan or talk about the next one?" I thanked the heavens for not making me stutter at that coz I'm nervous and fidgety saying those and for what she'll reply.

She just smiled and said " Sure, give me your phone. I'll put my number in. I'm new here after all and it would be nice to have someone show me around the city" I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and handed it to her. I looked around to see if I can still catch up with the Chick and Chip. I saw them standing in front of what seems to be a Pho place. I bet Rosie is craving for Pho again. I shook my head and smiled at that.

Jennie handed me my phone back. I saved her number. I would have named it 'Hoodnini' but settled with 'Jennie'. 'You're so weird sometimes, Manoban'.

"Thank you. So..." I dragged. I wanted to say more but decided not to, "I guess I'll just see you around. Bye, Jennie. Talk soon" I gave her my brightest smile, hoping she'll see how happy she's made me today.

"Thank you, too. For not making me feel alone during my "alone" time" she responded, doing air quotes at the mention of "alone". I laughed.

"Sure thing". I smiled again and waved. She turned her back and I turned to the direction of the Pho place and saw my friends pointing at the menu that's placed by the door, probably deciding on what they will be ordering.

As I got closer, I was stopped by the voice I am starting to grow fond of. I turned and saw Jennie standing a good 5 steps away from me.

"Lisa, wait. Uhm..." I could see the nervousness and hesitation with the way she's looking at her shoes, moving them up and down.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked taking a few steps, closing the distance.

"Uhm... It's just that.. I haven't told you enough how much I enjoyed this as I should have. And if I am being honest, I like your company too much that I'm not ready to call it a day. I'm wondering if you'd like to have coffee with me and maybe talk about my favorite books and stuff? Though, I don't know a good coffee place from around here so maybe you can help me with that. This is me being spontaneous because a beautiful stranger once told me that "It's usually the random, unplanned things that make the most fun and unforgettable moments. Instead of planning for the next one, let's make it this "one" already. If you're up for it." She finished by placing some stray hair behind her ear and looking down. How could I say no to this. Welp. There's only one thing to say.

"I'd love to." I simply stated beaming in excitement and contentment.

"But before we do that, I need to do something first. Wait here, okay?" I asked and she nodded.

I made my way to my friends and pulled out a few bills.

"Here" I handed them a few thousand Korean won. The two gave me the 'what-the-hell-is-this-for’ look. I shrugged and said "I am paying back the movie ticket you bought. It WAS worth my while after all and so much more. So, here you go. And don't wait for me. Jennie and I will have coffee. Bye! Love you." I said the last part walking away and giving them a flying kiss, not giving them the chance to talk back. Pretty sure they'll bombard me with questions but that's for tomorrow's worry. Right now, this is about me and Jennie.

Coming back to where I left her, I found her standing there in the middle of the mall, her hands behind her back, twisting her body from side to side like a kid waiting for her parents to agree in buying her favorite toy. I looked at her from afar, taking her in and thought to myself that maybe this could be a start of a new friendship or maybe more. Who knows. I walked towards her slow and the smile on my face just won't fade.

"Shall we?" I asked. Her face lit up and I am blessed to see my now favorite smile of hers that I know I will never get tired of. She hooked her arm to mine and replied,

"Lead the way".


A. N.

That's it for my first short story. Sorry if it's not really good. It's just a thought since I usually watch movies alone or sometimes a third wheel among friends and I can't help to think what if that happens to me except the romantic twist in this. Thanks for reading. ▪J

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