Trust vs. Mistrust (pt. 2)

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Lisa ended up staying for another hour or so after she sent her text as she got cornered by top designers, other famous models and even the media, for small talks, discussing interests for future projects and collaborations.

Little did she know that her significant other is still up and already has a million questions running in her head.

It was already about 3 in the morning when she arrived in front of the apartment building. She hurriedly went inside as the crisp winter morning air is starting to hurt her skin.

She made a bee-line to the elevator, pressing the button of her floor and leaned back on the cabin. She let her head rest on it, closing her eyes and blowing out cool air. She doesn't know what awaits her when she reaches home. She's silently hoping that Jennie is already sleeping.

Standing by outside of their apartment, she punched the passcode by the door and got inside. She tiredly removed her knee-high boots together with her pea coat and hanged it on the coat stand near the door and slipped on her wool slippers to keep her feet warm.

The blonde moved to the kitchen as quietly as she can to get some water. Her head started to ache, thinking it's the alcohol doing it's thing, hence the need to rehydrate herself a bit.

She didn't notice that someone was sitting at the corner of the living room, waiting for her.

As she was pouring herself a drink, a cold voice broke the silence of the place and she almost dropped the glass from getting frightened but managed to place it on the table, "Jesus, Jennie. You scared me." she put one hand over her chest and closed her eyes, trying to even her breathing.

The cat-eyed woman was now standing in the middle of the kitchen, arms crossed and is giving her an impassive look, "Do you know what time it is? You told me you're coming home a couple of hours ago. Where were you, Lisa? Did you have too much fun with your "friends" that you forgot about the time? About me?" and there it is again, the tone she's getting all too familiar with recently, the accusing one.

The blonde woman tried to ignore the tone and continued gulping down the water. She knew she's somehow at fault on this one since she did say she was coming home but got held up in the party, not being able to inform her about the last-minute changes.

Now, she's having second thoughts if this is the right time to have "the talk" since the brunette doesn't look calm enough for that and it might not end pretty.

Getting no response, the Korean stomped her way towards her, obviously growing impatient with her lack of response. She grabbed the younger one's arm harshly, forcing her to look at her.

"Why aren't you answering me? Am I right?", she continues to ask, getting sick of of the silent treatment she's having right now.

The Thai continued to remain unstirred, this is not the time to snap. She callously replied while massaging her temples using one hand, "Babe, please. I'm tired and my head hurts so bad right now. Can we please just do this in the morning?"

"Why? So you could come up with a valid excuse when you're sober? What did I tell you about drinking too much? Your friends got you drunk now, did they? Wait wait, let me guess. It's that Tzuyu, isn't it? You're always so close with her. Is there something going on between you two, huh?" Jennie challenged with fury in her eyes. Lisa has never seen that look from her for a long time, not since when they were just bestfriends in college and Jennie learned a truth from someone she deeply loved.

Lisa clenched her fists on her sides, trying hard not to bite back at the accusations thrown at her. She knew that Jennie was having suspicions of infidelity but it didn't hurt less when the judgment finally came out of her mouth.

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