A Little Closer (pt. 1)

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Majority of the student population would agree that winter mornings are perfect for sleeping in, for lazing around doing nothing, and if one got lucky enough, it’s perfect for cuddles and snuggles, because who would want to leave the comfort of their beds when they can be buried under layers of thick blankets and pillows, safe from the harsh, cold climate that is winter.

Unfortunately for Lisa, those days are done, along with the other students of Hana Academy. Their winter break is officially over and they all need to go back to class to finish the remaining few weeks of their academic year.

One thing about the Thai is that she is not a morning person. She never learned the art of waking up on her own unless there is a good enough reason to do so and coming to class didn’t exactly fit her standards of “good enough”.

Nevertheless, her phone alarm goes off at the bedside table. The blaring tone has been going off for a good minute now but the girl just won’t budge. It’s been set to alarm 5 times every 5 minutes.

At 6:15 A. M, her phone started to ring to a tone only assigned to a particular person in her contact list. This made her stir in bed and reach for her mobile phone, blindly tapping on her bedside table. She opened one eye to peek at her morning caller though she knew by heart who it really was since this has been their routine from the start of senior high.

If she’s being honest, the first thing she wanted to see in the morning is her favorite gummy smile plastered on the screen of the caller id. That’s a sure fire way to start her day. So when she did open her eyes and saw “Nini calling”, she cannot help but smile, stretching all those 17 facial muscles responsible for it. And her heart may have picked up a few beats faster. And her cheeks may have felt a little bit warmer with just the sight of her favorite person in the world.

Without letting a second pass any longer, she answered with a rasp in her voice, “Okay, okay. I’m up. Thank you. Good morning, Nini”, she let out a yawn and smiled again.

The girl on the other line responded huffing and somewhat breathing heavily, “Lili, you better be really up right now because I’m running a little late.”

“Zzzzzzzzzz” she jested, giggling at the end of it.

“Manoban! I’m serious right now! Get your ass out of bed. I have no time to drag you by the feet just to get you to class on time. You better be getting in the shower right now or else”, her Nini threatened, and she heard a car door closing from the other line.

“Okay, mom. Jeeez. So grumpy today. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? I’ll buy you coffee for that ‘coz I miss my best buddy in the whole wide world” The Thai said playfully with sleepy eyes while lazily sitting up on bed.

Her bestfriend just chuckled at that, “We just saw each other last week and no, I’m just stressed out. Anyway, I really have to go, Poopoo. Move it! I’m warning you. I’ll see you at school”

“Arraseo. See you. Drive safely!” then she ended the call. A split second after, she looked at the screen just enough time before the picture from her screen fades to black, she whispers to it ‘I love you’ and heaved a sigh before she scrambled out of bed and prepared for school.


As the blonde reached the campus of Hana Academy, a wave of emotions took over her. Happiness, excitement, anxiety, a bit of sadness was there, too but she tried not to dwell too much on the negative. She fixed her green checkered skirt and brushed of some lint from her grey blazer uniform.

She was passing by the open field before reaching the main entrance when she closed her eyes and gripped on the straps of her backpack, tucking both thumbs underneath as she breathe in air, as if taking in the very essence of this place and keeping it with her. She smiled a small one to herself, feeling the moment when the bell rang, completely ruining it for her.

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