Chapter 5: Arguments (Rewritten)

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Summer POV:
Hunter had a cold look on his face, he looked torn between anger and hurt. Stacey on the other hand was angry plain angry, tears dropped on her rosy pink cheeks.
"What are you doing here?" Hunter asked crossing his arms over his chest. I took a chance to look at him properly, he had blue beautiful oceanic eyes and eyebrows shaped to perfection, his lips were pinkish red and his hair was floppy and brown, he looked tense and by the way he was standing he was obviously uncomfortable. He had jeans on with a blue V- neck sweater. He looked generally tired as if he hadn't had a good sleep for a while and he had a few scars on his face and arms. I wondered who had hurt him, I wanted to comfort him, but in reality I knew that was just weird.
"I live here, why are you following me Hunter, I thought you said we were-" Stacey didn't get to finish her sentence, Hunters facial expression changed, anger replaced his torn expression.
"Following you? Following you, Stacey, you of all freaking people in this world I would choose to follow you? You went against me! I told you I needed a break and all of the sudden I was your enemy, I can't help it if I don't feel the same way about you" Hunter frowned.
"There you go again, acting as if your innocent, Hunter" Stacey said glaring at him,
"Because I am innocent, Dammit you know I am" he suddenly shouted, his eyes fixed on Stacey,
"Well I think your parents would disagree" Stacey said daring to take a step forward.
"They aren't my parents and you know they aren't, you know what they did to me" Hunter said.
"What? so making you stronger is bad parenting?" Stacey asked "because if they didn't make sacrifices maybe you wouldn't be such Mr I can conquer the world right now!"
"You know what I am so done" Hunter said hotly, he turned around stalking out of the room. Stacey just stood there sobbing her eyes out. Blair and I just looked at each other wondering what was going on. Stacey just sighed, as the bell rang. "I'm so sorry" she said looking at me. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet. The rest of the day went quick, the nurse let me out, Blair said goodbye to me, I didn't see any of the cheerleaders. I ran well more of limped out of school as fast as I could so I wouldn't see any of the jocks, I didn't see Hunter for the rest of the day so I couldn't say thank you to him,I looked for my car in the parking lot finding it I remembered my sister had my keys so I waited for her. She came out surrounded by jocks.i knew I was safe because of my sister, even though she hated me she wouldn't allow anyone to hurt me. Physically that is verbally? Nah she would help.
"Abby" I said desperately trying to get her attention, she rolled eyes eyes at me laughing at what a jock was saying.
"Hey Abbs, you know you're in the top ten this year?" Devon said staring at her, I shuddered, he was hitting on my sister. The to ten most good looking people in our school.
"Every year, Dev its nothing new" she said, in the corner of my eye I saw Richard come out and I tried to wave to him but he ignored me and grinned at my sister, "I'm in the top ten" he said.
"Well done bro" she said slapping his hand,
"Two members from the same family in the top ten? Dude that's an achievement!" Devon exclaimed grinning, "does anyone have the whole list?"
"Abigail Arias, Stephanie Cole, Richard Arias, Hunter Stone, Devon West, Paige Denovan, Sasha Cascade, Laura Saide, Nicole Qualie and Hayes Valentine" a senior said reading the list from his phone "Nicole tweeted me the list" he explained. Would there ever be a day when I get added to the top ten? I mean even my baby brother who just got into high school managed, it wasn't fair. The crowd stood there talking for about twenty minutes then Abigail said she had to go home so she finally opened the car.
I slid into the passenger seat without a word. Abby looked at me, she had a look on her face I've never seen before, a look as if she cared, like really cared
"Why do you have a black eye on your face?" She asked me.
"Tripped and fell" I said quietly, I knew that if I told her the truth she wouldn't believe me.
"Clumsy" she said sniggering she punched my shoulder gently but it still hurt. The look was gone as quickly as it came.
"Hey who chooses the top ten?" My brother asked as we started going.
"Previous top ten members, you aren't allowed to nominate yourself though" my sister explained.
"Sweet" my brother said "hey, Summer can you try make yourself look pretty by the end of this year so we can be the ultimate top three?"
"Chardy, don't go around asking the impossible from people, you'll make them feel bad" my sister said.
Abigail and Richard laughed and made jokes about it while I sat there in the car wanting to cry, I looked out the window so they wouldn't see the tears in my eyes. Once we reached home I ran out of the car.
Mother gave me a cold look ignoring my black eye, Hurt filled my chest her look felt like a slap across the cheek. No worse
"What?" I asked quietly.
Mother didn't say anything, she just pushed past me and went to hug her two children, I rushed upstairs looking for Maximus. Max was sitting in my room waiting for me to let him out. "Mom? Why is Max in my room?" I asked opening the door and I let the big dog rush past me.
"He was being a nuisance" mother replied. I heard her mutter 'just like his owner' but I pushed tried to ignore it as I rushed down the stairs.
"Well you can't just trap him in my room, he is a puppy he needs room to move, he needs to do his business" I said looking at her, she gave me a cold look and her brown eyes filled with hatred.
"Well then maybe it's time he left, your sister doesn't need him anymore" she said putting her hands on her hips.
"I need him, you can't do that! Mom I need Max, and he needs me" I said I sounded like a baby but I didn't care, hot tears ran down my cheeks. It made my cheeks sting and my foot ached as I rushed down the stairs. I tried to hide my limp.
"It's my house, Summer, i can do whatever I like" mother said.
"Mom, no please" I said, "what has he ever done to you?"
She ignored me continuing, "he can find a new home, I can call a few people and-"
"No!! You can't do that! Please I'll do anything-" I said.
"No, it's final Summer I'm selling him" mother said.
"What if he goes into a family who abuses him? Mom what if-"
"Summer please just shut up, Max is going and that's final"
"NO I WONT LET YOU" I shouted angry replaced the pain I felt " he is the only thing I have- the only thing that understands me mom please-"
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me you have no right, He is going" mother said.
"It's like you love seeing me upset" I said angrily, "you love torturing me"
I ran upstairs without another word. I just wanted to die, I really didn't want to be here, anywhere but here, in the stupid house with stupid people who just didn't care.
I wanted to die.

Hey guys xx
Boring chapter, next one has a some action!
Yours truly x
BTW: has anyone listened to find Yours Truly album by Ariana Grande? If you have? What's your favorite songs or song :)

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