Chapter 20: Judge idiot

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Chapter 20:
My mind wasn't here, it was focused on Summer. I closed my eyes, imagining her laugh. It somewhat comforted me as I walked into the big board room.
"Hunter Stone" someone said, I looked up and saw a police officer, he guided me to a small box on the side of the court.
Carl followed me, he looked tired and worn out.
"State your case" the judge said.
Her smile, the way she became so shy around me, the way she was so sarcastic, her beautiful hazel eyes, her shiny hair glowing in the-
"Hunter?" The judge repeated "I don't have all day?"
"Yes your honour?" I said.
"Why did you run away?" The police officer next to me muttered annoyed.
"Sir-your honour" I started
"You do realise that this is a serious criminal offence, and you too Mr Carl Stone?"
I nodded, "sir I-"
"Carl, you could loose your job and Hunter could go to jail" the judge interrupted us again.m
"Yes but-"
"I could just do that"
"No but I have a-"
"I don't have to listen to your argument because-"
I glared at the idiot standing in front of me.
"Your honour, I have a reason for all of this, if you could just stop, just stop and listen for one freaking moment then maybe just maybe it will all make sense to you" I said, I suddenly realized what I said I put a hand over my mouth. Shock was plastered on Carl's face. Anger on Earnie's and I was sure I messed things up.
The judge looked at me with interest. A small smile was played on his face.
"Continue Mr Stone" he said.
"I ran away because I wanted to give evidence that I was framed by Mr Raymond Kendleson, he was the one taking and selling the illegal drugs and he is now selling it to innocent children, I have evidence." I started rummiging in my pocket, the police suddenly stood next to me. As if I was going to pull a gun out and shoot everyone in this room. I took out a small flash drive and handed it to a police officer. He took it and checked it then put it in a computer, a large projected started playing the first evidence taken, it was of Earnie's best friend and I, the second of Raymond and my mother"
"Who is the woman in the second clip?" The judge asked me.
"My mother" I replied.
"Alright, continue Mr Stone" he said.
"The main reason why I left right now was because I knew the night when I was getting arrested, Raymond said something concerning about my mother, he said in six months she will be his slave and sir that's exactly what is happening, if we don't help her, but I'm afraid she is going to die" I concluded. The judge looked at me once again.
"Well Hunter Stone"
Hey my awesome but strangely beautiful jelly tots
I'm to lazy to do an official Authors note
Lotsa love

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