Chapter 19: Cold

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I sighed as the cold water hit my back, grabbing my usual Summer Fresh shower gel as I scrubbed the days dirt off me, I washed my hair and got out the shower, wearing long fluffy pants and a hoodie with my favourite fluffy socks. I dried my hair and started straighten my hair until my fathers deep voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Yes" I called from my room but he didn't answer, I hated it when he did that.
Tying my hair in a bun as I headed downstairs. My father looked at me worried.
"I got a call from school" he started
Well that was never good.
Panic started rising from my chest, what if they found out about Summer? I was going to jail... Shoes I was going to jail, maybe I could run away? Maybe to China? Or Idaho ? Maybe even India? I could be an orphan and-
"Stacey?" My father calld once again interrupting my thoughts.
I looked at him.
"I got a call from school saying that you haven't been attending your classes? And he classes up have been attending you aren't concentrating" my father said his blue eyes filled with concern. I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged.
"If this has anything to do with your mother? Me taking custody of you-" he started.
I widened my eyes "no! No nothing like that dad"
"Maybe it's the whole divorce thing, gosh I've been so selfish! You need your mother. I'll take you to her on Saturday, I'm a horrible father" he said putting his head in his hands.
"No dad! I don't want to live her" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love staying here, this is my home"
"Maybe it's better, Stacey, for the both of us I mean I haven't gotten time and well you need her" he said,
"Please don't doubt yourself, your an amazing father" I said "it's just- have you ever had the feeling that you've done something horrible and your friend will never forgive you"
He gave me a small smile, "if she really is your friend she will forgive you. Maybe not forget it but give her time"
Tears started falling out my eyes "dad, I wouldn't even forgive me. I'm a horrible person"
He stood up and hugged me "darling, we all make mistakes, all of us and we all deserve second chances, I don't know your situation but I'm here to talk, anytime"
For the first time I was grateful for my father, I looked up at him with new respect. "T-thanks dad"
His always been busy with work, never ever had time for me but now, now it was different, I admit I was a child with many problems. Step one was admitting that Stephanie wasn't a real or good friend, she organised this whole thing and I went along with it because I was jealous, of her and Hunter, it was true. I would give anything to have him back. I loved him. I loved Hunter Stone with all my heart but me being rude to him provided a shield for myself, that way he wouldn't like me back, well now he defiantly won't but that way I would be able to stop myself from getting hurt. It was clear to see even to Stephanie that he loved Summer. You could see it in his eyes, the way he said her name. Jealousy got the best of me now I hurt my best friend possible my only real friend.
I decided to go to Stephanie's house, then to find Summer and apologize. I grabbed my rain boots and rain coat.
"Dad I'm going out" I said.
"Bye sweetie, love you" he said. A warm fuzzy feeling filled my heart, it was the first time wait her od my parents told me they loved me.
"Love- you too" I said closing the door behind me. I got into my red land rover, it was a present from my aunt, I got it when I got my drivers licence.
It started raining but luckily I arrived at Stephanie's house quickly.
Rushing out the car, I knocked on the door,
"Come in" Stephanie said.
"Oh my word what are you wearing?" She shrieked as I walked inside.
"I have to talk to you" I said.
She gave me a weird look but nodded. "Wait before you start do you want to go clubbing? I heard of this great club called club 98 and I really wanted to check it-" she started but I shook my head not letting her Finnish
"That's what I want to talk to you about, I don't think we should be friends, the whole thing about Summer? It treats me badly, she was actually a good friend to me and jealously got the best of both of us actually. I mean look at what we did, our initial plan was to hurt her, not break her down as a person, not to beat her up or to get people to beat her up. We just wanted to make her feel what we felt and now I don t even- I don't think i want to be friends with you because you are a bad influence on me, Stephanie you're a really cool person, if you stopped dressing like a barbie doll and making out with the first thing with legs and a six pack then maybe people would take you more seriously, people would respect you. The way people respected Summer, before we destroyed her. Before you destroyed her" I said.
She looked at me with shock, for the first time tears came out of her icy blue eyes. Her phone suddenly started ringing.
"Hello" she said wiping her eyes.
"Yes I'm with Stacey why?"
"Uh okay" she said, she then mouthed "it's Blair she wants to speak to both of us.
She put the phone on loud speaker.
"Can you both hear me?" Blair asked.
"Yes" we replied in unison.
"Well then great because I want you both to get the message that I wish you get wiped off the faces of the earth, you guys are evil. You hear me? Evil! How could you do this to Summer? And don't even try deny it okay? Cause I know it's you and your lucky I am not going to report you to the police! They are looking for the people responsible for her injuries and right now I have the good mind to let them know,"
"Blair" I started.
"DONT YOU DARE BLAIR ME! You make me sick, she's in hospital right know because of you! Hospital and she might not make it and if she doesn't I swear when I get my hands on you two" Blair screamed.
"Blair it was a-" stephanie started. But Blair ended the call.
Stephanie's eyes widened "do you think she might report us?"
Anger suddenly erupted through me "she is in hospital and all you think of is yourself?"
"I was just asking" she said shrugging "I need to call the boys to ask about the damage"
I shook my head.
"Your heartless" I said to her "heartless"
She glared at me "I'm not heartless, get out"
"I'd be glad to" I said slamming the door behind me, I got into my car and dialed a Blairs number.
"What?" She said.
"Which hospital is Summer in?" I asked.
"Why? So you could Finnish her off?" Blair said.
"No- if there was a way for me to explain how horrible I feel then I would" I started.
"Good you should feel terrible" she said.
"Blair" I begged.
"Seddingham Hospital" Blair said and ended the call. I drove to the hospital, the was nothing more I hated than driving in the rain. I got in the hospital and saw Blair. Her brown eyes looked at me with disgust, "I'm so sorry" I said.
"Save it" she spat.
I sighed and went to the desk. "Hi- can I see Summer Arias please"
"The doctors still seeing her but uh you can afterwards" she said. "For now please have a seat"
I sat next to Blair, Abby and Richard looked like they had been there for hours and Summers mom looked worn out.
"Where is Hunter?" I asked.
"That's all you care about?" Blair said.
"Blair-" Abby said tiredly, her voice cracked "he left in a rush saying he had to go somewhere"
The doctor came out with a worried expression on his face.
"Summer Arias?" The doctor called out.
We all stood up, I took time to look around and saw a few tired looking couples and other people who looked like they had survived a hurricane.
He opened his mouth to say something then closed it again, "uh, Summer may not- she may not make it" he said. Summers mom and Abby burst into tears whilst Summers dad and Richard just stared at him in suprise.
"Her temperature is dropping rapidly and her body is fighting against the blood she was given, I honestly don't know what happened, she seemed to be responding well to it" he said.
His words finally sunk in. She might not make it...and it was all my fault...
Summer wasn't going to make it.
Hello my beautiful jelly tots
How you all doing? I'm great thanks for asking ✌️
How is life?
Be happy jelly tots
Yours truly

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