Chapter 18: The attempt #2

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Hunter POV:
"Hunter Stone are you sleeping in my class?" Mr Freys asked me.
I groaned as I lifted my head from the warm desk. Rubbing my eyes as I saw Mr Freys' angry expression.
"I've been calling you got the past ten minutes" he yelled.
I groaned and reached for my forehead, he was giving me a headache.
"Sorry sir" I said.
He shot me a quick glare and continued with something about blood clots. I took time to zone out when suddenly it hit me, I forgot to meet with Summer yesterday. Damn I have to find her, it was almost second break now.
"And you have a test next week" Mr Freyes finished off.
I packed up my stuff and headed out the classroom and into the busy hallway.
"Hey Hunter" she said.
"What?" I said to her.
"Ready for that-" she started.
I rolled my eyes, putting my finger on her lips, I sighed "I'm not going to kiss you, Stephanie please stop being so desperate"
"What?" She shrieked, causing a few people to stop and look at us.
"Shh" I said looking around.
"Hunter why don't you like me? Is it because of Summer?" She demanded.
"Leave me alone" I said to her turning to walk away but she gripped on my hand. I started getting a little annoyed.
"Stephanie" I warned her, my voice getting deeper, I narrowed my eyes to a glare.
"Hunter" she said desperately.
I yanked my arm away, and walked to near the cafeteria.
"Hey- Blair?" I called out. She turned to me and smiled.
"Hunter" she breathed coming closer to me, she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.
"Do you know where summer is?" She asked me.
"No- she is probably in the library" I said brushing the matter off.
Blair nodded and told me about her crush.
"I mean I really like Devon- can you ask him if he likes me?" She asked me.
"Sure- Blair" I said to as we walked into the cafeteria. She smiled at me as Devon walked past with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Hunter you prick " he said shoving me.
I smirked at him.
"Duude, you costed me tomorrows game! And it was one of the biggest" he moaned.
"Shame" I said to him laughing.
"You should so try soccer" he exclaimed, ignoring Blair's presence.
I looked over at her and she gave me a feeble smile.
"I'll see you inside" she muttered to me as she walked into the cafeteria.
"Dude!" I said to Devon "Blair's hot isn't she?"
"She's okay" Devon said."Come lets go to the lockers I need to talk to coach"
"What'd you think about her?" I asked him.
"Who" he asked
"Blair" I said.
"She's okay" he repeated
"I like her" I blurted out.
Devin's expression was unreadable. His fingers clenched. Jealous much?
"Dude are you okay?" I said. He gave me a tight lipped smile
"yeah, why not" he said.
"I'm thinking of dating her, and you know" I said to him winking to prove my point. It sent him off the edge, grabbing my neck as he pushed me against the nearest set of lockers.
"do what?" He said glaring at me.
He started strangling me and I smirked, simple self defense, I had to restrain from using my reflexes. I pushed him off me and smiled.
"So you like her?" I asked him.
"No" he said.
"Come on dude, I was just joking, anyway I heard Joey likes her" I said to him.
"she isn't going to date Joey" he stated.
"jealous much?" I asked him.
"She deserves better and anyway he isn't her type" Devon said.
"Oh so you now know her type" I teased him.
He frowned "leave me alone Stone"
"you like her be honest man" I said poking him. He shoved my hand away
"Devon and Blair sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I started singing the childish song. Anything to annoy Devon.
"oh gosh man you like a six year old child, I don't like her okay? I like someone else" he muttered.
"who?" I asked.
"Wait- I wanne speak to coach" he said as we arrived in the gym. He went to speak to coach and I sat there and waited ten minutes passed and Devon finally came out looking mad.
"He won't lift it! I have to sit on the bench for the whole freaking game" he groaned. We started walking to the cafeteria
"Who do you like?" I asked.
"No one" he muttered as we sat down.
"no one what?" Blair said sipping on her milkshake.
"No one likes rasins" he said saving himself, his face turned deep red.
"Blair-" I started as she gave me her milkshake.
I took a sip of the vanilla heaven.
"You guys would make a good couple" Devon said.
"We're just friends" Blair said.
"Who exchange spit?" Devon asked raising his eyebrows "where is Stephanie and them?"
"Ew you make it seem like we make out with each other, we were best friends back in Seattle until she had to move, she moved just before my dad died, now we are reunited" I said to him.
Devon crinkled his nose "well then, Blair I would exchange with you"
"Are you asking me out?" She said smirking.
"No, no darling I don't date" he said winking "but friends with benefits do just fine for me"
"Blair you would be an idiot to agree to this dumbass" I said biting my taco.
She laughed and shook her head "then I guess I'm an idiot"
I was outside of Summers house, no one was inside so I waited for a good ten minutes then decided to go home. I was feeling sad for some reason.
When I got home, I ate supper and watched TV, then at about eleven o'clock I remembered I have a Maths test. I actually wanted to do well. I want to make Summer proud. Wait what?
I got into my bed and suddenly Earnie and Carl started yelling at each other about something. I closed the door, suddenly I got reminded of my mother and Raymond. They used to argue like this, Raymond would be high or drunk or even both. My sister would normally get scared and come into my room, I would close the door and lock it, wrapping her in my arms, I would put the cover on both of us. I would put loud music on, so she could listen to the earphones. She wouldn't hear Raymond stomp up the stairs, she woundnt hear Raymond knock on our door and yell at us. She would be asleep, I would usually open the door before Raymond broke it and let him beat me to protect her. I cringed at the memory. Crying myself to sleep as pathetic as it sounds.
The next day after school:
I walked got out of my car, knocking on the door of Summers house. Mrs Arias opened the door and smiled.
"Hi" she said to me. "Who do you want?"
"Summer" I said to her and her facial expression changed.
"Oh" she deadpanned
"Is she here?" I asked.
"She hasn't come home today or yesterday" Mrs Arias said.
"Okay, I'll wait for her" I said. I walked to my car, twisting my fingers nervously. I had decided to thank summer for all her help. I was gonna tell her it was my last week here. Sitting in the car, I checked my phone. My phone suddenly rang and Stephanie's name popped up.
"What?" I said.
"you up for a party tonight?" She asked me.
"No" I said "Thanks though"
"Okay" she said and dropped the phone, there was something about her voice. Stacey walked passed my car and knocked on her door.
I got out of the car and walked up to her.
"She isn't home" I said to her.
"What are you doing here"she said to me. She turned to look at me.
Tears filled her eyes and her eyes were puffy and red, there was mud on her jeans and her hair was a mess.
"Tutorial" I said to her "Fudge, what happened to you?"
I touched her face softly.
She pushed my hands away angrily "leave me alone"
"Stacey" I said to her.
"Come" I said to her, what the fudge I was doing? I didn't know but I grabbed hand and we got into my car, we drove to the beach and stared at the ocean for a bit.
"What's wrong?" I said breaking the silence. She breathed.
She just shook her head and started crying again. I reached over and hugged her. Her flower scented perfume made me feel comfortable. I waited as she sobbed into my shirt making my shirt wet. I somehow missed Summer, she always smelt like fresh fruits.
Stop comparing them.
She got up bumping her head on mine. "Sorry" she muttered.
I smiled gripping my head.
"I'm so sorry" she said reaching up and Removing my hand and placing her on my head. I think she meant to kiss me on the cheek but I ended up turning my head. We moved in sync and I felt a sense of familiarity. Every thing felt right about this situation. She suddenly pushed me away. "I can't- Hunter, you should hate me" she said to me. "You are going to hate me when you've found out what I've done"
She then started sobbing again "I'm a horrible friend, I'm terrible"
She left me there confused as she cried.
"Take me home please" she said. She muttered her address.
I nodded and drove her home in silence,
I stopped outside her house and she got out, not even thanking me. I drove home.
What was I even thinking?
I got inside the house and immediately, a sweet aroma filled the air. I walked to the kitchen finding Earnie making pancakes.
"Hi Arn" I said to him "I need some advice"
"What?" He asked me as he put a plate full of pancakes in front of me "you need to cut up on the junk"
"Thanks" I said sarcastically.
"No serious, I think I'm already seeing a little bump by your stomach, getting a little belly there aren't you?" Earnie teased me.
I lifted my shirt, showing my six pack, yeah I'm going to admit. I was proud of it. You work hard enough? You get it.
"I think I'm okay" I said to me and he groaned.
"How'd you get a six pack?" He said to me. I smirked while pouring whipped cream on my pancakes.
"Dunno, worked for it" I said to him.
"I work hard and I am stuck with a damned four pack" Earnie groaned.
"Ah suck it up man" I said finishing my pancakes.
"I have to go Finnish up and study" I said to him.
"Study? Since when?" Earnie asked.
"I have a tutor I normally study with but she isn't there" I said "I'll check on her tomorrow."
"Are you sure, why don't you go check now?" He asked. I checked the time, it was only half past seven. I got in my car and drove to her house. I closed the door and walked to the front porch. I knocked on the door and Abby came out.
"Hi" I said to her.
"Hi" she said. "I wanted to ask you something"
"Yeah" I said
"We have a family thing next week, do you want to be my date?" She asked
"I can't" I said "I'm out of town next week"
"Oh, that's a shame" she said "what do you want?"
"Summer?" I said.
"Oh, she isn't home" Abby said.
"What?" I asked "doesn't that worry you?"
"She might be at friends house" Abby replied
"Oh" I said to her "okay then I'm going"
"Bye" she said to me. I got in the car and drove home. I had a bad feeling about this.
I got home and walked into the house Carl was reading a newspaper and Earnie was washing the dishes.
"Find her or kiss another girl?" Earnie said to me.
"Kiss another girl?" Carl said looking up from his newspaper, his eyebrow was raised.
"yeah, he got kissed by two" earnie sniggered. "In one week"
I rolled my eyes. "She isn't home"
"That's weird" Carl said to me.
"I know, maybe she is with s friend" I said, "I'm going to bed."
"Okay night" they said in unison
I went up to my room, I showered then got into bed.
Why was my gut telling me that she wasn't at a friends? Why do I even care so much?
The next morning was torture. I couldn't sleep so I woke up at four, I took a shower then ate breakfast. I headed to Starbucks for lunch, grabbing my favourite coffee as I sat there staring into space. I checked the time, school had started an hour ago. So I rushed to school and walked into the empty halls.
"I'm so sick of children being late" a teacher came out to me and glared "what's your excuse"
I shrugged and walked past him.
"Come here" the teacher screamed.
"You are to far" I said to him.
"What's your name?" Sir asked me.
"George" I said as I slipped into the classroom.
"Hunter? Why are you late?" The teacher asked. I looked over to where Summer usually sits.
"Traffic" I lied as I sat down.
"Okay, so let us continue then" she said. I was distracted for the whole class.
When lunch finally came I found Stacey by the lockers.
"Hey" I started. She had her usual scowl on her face.
"What?" She shot back.
"Have you seen Summer?" I asked.
"Do I look like Summers babysitter?" She asked me, her eyes were narrowed into a glare and her arms folded across her chest. Her lips formed a straight line and her hair was loose on her shoulders. She was wearing a cropped top and a skirt that was way to short. She wore black high heels and her face was caked with makeup. She looked like Stephanie's twin sister. I shuddered.
I walked in the opposite direction and found Blair sitting by the steps.
"Have you seen Sum?" I asked her.
"I was looking for her, she isn't in the library or the bathrooms" Blair said finishing her sandwich "I thought she might be with you"
"No" I said "can you-"
"Let's go look for her" Blair said sipping her juice, "want some?"
"Yeah" I said grabbing her drink and sipping it.
"Thanks" I said and she smiled as we looked through the classrooms.
"She isn't in any of the classrooms" Blair said looking at me, her eyes were filled with concern and her blonde hair lay limply on her shoulders.
"Janitors closet" I said, I walked to the nearest janitors closet, not even bothering to knock, I opened it and saw Stephanie and some dude in a heavy make out session.
"Fudge" I said as I saw them, slamming the door I walked the other way.
"Hunter- Hunter wait" Stephanie called out to me.
Blair gave me a weird look
"Don't ask" I said as we walked out on to the field.
"She isn't here" Blair said.
The bell rang and I sighed.
I got out my lunch and ate it as the halls filled with students.
"Hunter" Blair screamed grabbing my hand as she pulled me away from the busy crowd and onto the field
"There is one place we haven't checked" Blair said as I have her half of my pizza.
"Maybe she isn't at school, let's just-" I started.
She finished the pizza and narrowed her eyes at me.
"Let's check at the back of the school, Hunter! I know she is in trouble, it's my chickstincts"
"Chickstincts?" I said to her.
"My chick instincts" she said as we walked through the mud.
"There is nothing here" I said "see"
"Hunter" she started
"I told you there isn't anything" I said to her.
"Hunter why is there a hand appearing from the ground. She pointed to a small thing on the ground. She walked to it and dropped onto mud.
"Oh i don't know, it's the freaking invasion of zombies it isn't a hand let's just go" I said following her.
She started digging in the mud.
"Blair this is ridiculous" I said to her.
She continued to dig and I started to see a muddy face then she stopped.
Gasping as I dropped in the mud. Grabbing handfuls of mud,
Blair and I dug her out of the mud and I grabbed her wrist. There was still a pulse and I looked over at Blair.
"Call the ambulance" she said to me in a panicked tone. I nodded and grabbed my phone. My hands were muddy and my phone didn't recognize my finger print. I typed in my password and phoned the ambulance.
"hello?" I said.
"Hi, this is Seddingham Hospital how may I help you?" The girl asked.
"I need an ambulance, there is a girl here, she- she seems to have been-" I was lost for words,
"Sir? Sir?" The lady repeated.
Somehow I found my voice and managed to tell her where to go.
"Get a teacher" Blair demanded as she scraped as much mud off of Summer.
I ran inside the school, Miss Chèz was there and she looked at me.
"Hunter?" She asked "have you been playing in the mud or something?"
"No" I said to her "I think Summer isn't okay"
She gave me a weird look "she was buried in the mud behind the school"
I started running to Summer and Blair, Miss Chèz gasped, tears flowed out of her eyes as she saw Summer.
"What happened?" She asked me.
"I don't know" I replied.
"Did you call an ambulance?" Miss Chèz asked me.
A siren was heard from a distance, I knew it was the ambulance.
"Hunter-" Blair said "can you carry her to the front"
I nodded and picked Summer up, she was very light to be honest.
I carried her to the front of the school and I got a few weird looks but I ignored them. A man in uniform looked at me then took Summer from my hands. "Do you want to come with her?" He asked me and Blair. We nodded and Miss Chèz said she would excuse us. We rode in the ambulance, on one bed was Blair and I sitting and the other was Summer lying there. We got to the hospital fast, when we arrived they took Summer out of the ambulance and into ICU. I called Abby.
"Hey Abby" I said to her.
"what? I'm in Maths" she hissed
"Your sister is in ICU" I said to her.
"where are you?" She asked.
"Seddingham Hospital" I said
She dropped the phone and we sat in the waiting room.
I paced back and forth and Blair stared in one spot for twenty minutes. Abby and Richard came in.
"Where is Summer?" Richard asked.
"Inside" I said pointing to the big door that wrote 'ICU- Intensive Care Unit, Seddinghem Medical Centre"
"Ma'm? Sir please take a seat. The doctor will be with you in a second" a nurse said. Abby nodded and grabbed Richards hand forcing him to sit next to her.
We waited another hour until the doctor came out.
"Do any of yof the know where Summer's parents are?" The doctor asked
"My mom is on her way" Abby replied. The doctor nodded.
Just then Summers mom came in, she looked worried
"Where is Summer? Where is my baby?" She asked
Abby waved at her mom and she came over. "Mrs Arias?" The doctor asked and Summers mom nodded.
"Well can I speak to you I front of them or-" the doctor started and Summers mom nodded.
"Summer has a light concussion, she seems to have been attacked by a a group of people, she was stabbed in the left leg five times and ten in the other leg, she lost a lot of blood but we have gotten blood from our blood donors, on her left arm there is cuts, now I don't think the people who attack her did this, I think she has been cutting herself- the cuts are in straight lines and appear to be older than the stabs on her legs. She seems to be getting a infection in her right leg since she didn't get it covered and was in the mud. Summer has been having a really hard time to breathe for the amount of time we have taken her in but we're doing the best we can. I think she'll be fine, I can't be certain at this point, if it's alright with you well have to keep her for an estimate about plus minus two days, if she wakes up. Visiting hours are gonna have to wait because we still have to run more tests on her. The police are going to be here in about ten minutes or so to question you guys just to ask what you know and the police are already at school just observing the scene." The doctor said, he spoke fast and straight to the point.
"So do we just sit and wait?" Summers mother asked with a shaky voice, tears sprang out of her eyes.
"Yes, it will be advisable" the doctor said "I've got to go but for now I don't there is anything to be worried about but I need you to bare in mind that she was in the mud for an estimate of two, three days and she might not make it" the doctor finished off "I'll see you in thirty minutes"
The doctor left. Summer has been cutting herself. She tried to kill herself. Everything was more clearer now. So much more clearer now. My phone suddenly rang,
"Yes, Carl?" I said.
"Raymond is coming for you" he said
"What? Carl I can't talk now" I said.
"Raymond is coming to you're school now, Hunter now you have to get out of there. He knows you have the footage, he knows you are out and he knows where we live. We are on our way to fetch you" Carl explained
"I'm not at school, I'm at Seddingham hospital" I explained
"Then I'll fetch you" Carl said.
"No, Carl. I really don't give a damn in Raymond gets me, my friend is in hospital and she- she might not make it and I can't- I can't leave her" I said "the police are coming for questioning and they might get me but I can't leave her here I care about her" I said
"Hunter, I'm outside the hospital, I need you to listen to me and hear me well, I need you to come with me, okay, please. Your friend will be fine, but your the only real family I have and I'm not going to loose you for this and get this if I loose you, I loose my job and everything I've worked hard for. Hunter please, i need you to come right now" he begged me.
I sighed "okay"
I looked around.
"I have to go" I said and ran out of the hospital, I spotted Carl's car and slid into the back seat.
"Ready to hit the road?" Earnie asked.
I nodded and sighed. We started driving to Seattle.
I kept thinking of Summer. Why did I keep thinking of her, why did I keep her in my mind, why did she matter so much to me and worst of all Raymond chose this moment to come after me. Really?
My phone started buzzing, I looked at the texts.
'Where are you?' Blair 4:35pm
'The police are here for questioning' Blair 5:00pm
'Hunter' Blair 5:13pm
'Hey Hunter? Where r u? I need to talk to u' Stephanie 5:41pm
'Hi, I wanted to apologize for being so rude to u' Stacy 5:41pm
I put my phone on the side and lay down on the back seat. I fell asleep for about two hours, it was already dark outside and it wasn't from the tinted windows. Sighing as I checked my phone. There was one text that made me want to cry, one text that made me want to stop this car and turn back. One text. My heart shattered into a million little pieces.
"Hunter, this is Blair. I don't know where you are but I need you to come to the hospital like now. Summer isn't going to make it' Blair 8:00pm
Hello my jelly tots
Cliffhanger for life!
Okay so why I haven't updated.
1. I had a sort of writers block
2. I was lazy
3. I was busy ( school urg)
4. Eskom...
Longest chapter EVER! Took me two rewrites and three hours to finish this chapter. I knows it's pretty bad and a bit confusing but meh.if there really is a hospital called Seddingham then um im sorry it was the first random name that came into my head and it has really nothing to do with that hospital.
Why jelly tots? Because I feel like jelly tots and they are the best, all that sugar- ry goodness just like BOOm!
Yours Truly x
I feel like jelly tots...imma get me some jelly tots.

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