Chapter 17: The attempt #Part 1

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Hey guys xx
Quick note please remember this chapter includes a bit more violence than usual xx so if you don't like it then send me a message I will give you a quick recap and also x Part 2 doesn't include violence so you can read that!
Thanks so much guys xx for all the love and support it means a lot x
I woke up the next morning actually bothering with my look for the first time. It was raining outside, I was glad I loved the cold weather. Deciding on jeans with my favourite Cami and grey jacket. I wore boots and gloves, my favourite pink scarf and a while beanie. I walked downstairs seeing my brother making breakfast.
"Hey" he said to me. I smiled in return.
"Thanks-" I started but he gave me a nod.
"Don't mention it" he said. I grabbed a bowel and made myself cornflakes. I finished my breakfast fast. After eating I drove myself to school.
I walked into the crowded halls, I walked to my locker getting my book out,
I stuffed it into my bag and got my gym clothes out and put them into my locker.
I started going to my next class but something caught my eyes. Hunter and Stephanie. Kissing. His hands were on her stomach and hers was on his head twirling a piece. I gulped as I saw the scene unfolding in front of me. Taking a deep breathe in as I forced myself to keep moving, I walked to my next class sitting in my seat as I put my face in my hands. I thought he liked me... Well it was more of a fantasy anyway, I mean who would like me? I mean seriously! I should stop dreaming.
"And?" Paige said to me.
I shook my head, taking a shaky breathe as I looked up to her.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing" I said.
"Okay" she said. She seemed fidgy for the whole class. I wondered what that was about. Walking out of my class as Stacey came to me.
"Hey bestie" she said.
"Hi" I said hugging her.
"How are you?" She asked me.
"Never been better" I said sarcastically but she didn't catch on.
"Hey I wanne show you something at break" she said to me.
"Uh okay" I said to her, we got in the class. The class seemed to drag on. One a negative note the rain stopped. It was still windy though. When the class ends I packed up and waited for Stacey. She smiled, "lemme take your bag" she said.
"Uh okay" I said as she hooked our arms together. We headed to the back of the school.
There was a huge group of people and I was suddenly shy.
"Uh Stace" I said to her, she gripped my arm hard. We walked closer to the group. It was filled with people I didn't know.
Stephanie was in the middle. Stacey threw my bag in the mud. I looked at her confused. "Boys, meet our little friend" she said shoving me into the middle of the group. Some of the cheerleaders were there. I was shoved into the middle of the circle. "Steph, but she-"
"Gerald if you don't do this your sister will pay!" Stephanie shrieked.
"But-" a guys who I assumed was Gerald said.
"Just do it" she said. Two people reached out and grabbed my hand. I let out a scream and someone slapped me.
"Shut up!" Someone said.
The group started attacking me, punching me and kicking me, I was dropped into the mud and I something hit my thigh. Someone else stepped on my stomach. I got winded, I couldn't breathe. I started having a panic attack then. Coughing as I tried to scream. They kicked me and told me shut up. Someone screamed "bury her!"
I felt someone yank me off the mud and I fell face first into another bit of mud.
Not breathing I tried to stand up but fell back down, I was too weak. No oxygen was making its was into me.
Panicking even more i thrashed around, moving my legs and arms around but I t kicked and something stabbed me. The thing stabbed me in my leg, countless amount of times until I lost consciousness, the last thing I remembered was me being carried into a bit of mud. Something pushed me down and down.

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