Epilogue: Not everyone has a happy ending

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Theme song: photograph- Ed Sheeran (love this song!)
Hunter Stone POV:
"Dude, you know since Steph is leaving, everyone's gonna be wanting to date Summer" Devon said smirking. "She is hot"
"It doesn't matter it isn't like she likes me" I responded.
"Okay please, you just sound like a fifteen year old girl hoping her crush would like her, grow some and tell her how you feel" Devon said urging me.
"I don't know" I started.
"I swear, if you don't I will" Devon threatened.
"That's blackmail" I said.
"We aren't in sixth grade anymore, Hunter" Devon said seriously.
"If you like a girl, you tell her how you feel. You don't sit there picking petals off a damn flower being like does she like me doesn't she!"
"I'm not picking petals off a flower" I said.
"Well it damn seems like you want to!" Devon said.
I sighed "fine, I'll tell her how I feel"
I sighed, lying on my bed. What was the chances that Summer liked me back? Then again how would I know if I didn't try. Devon was right, I was being such a  baby. 
I sighed grabbing my phone. I clicked on her name and sent her a text message.
'We need to talk' - Me
She replied a few minutes later with a simple 'ok'
'I'll be at your house at 5:30' - Me
She didn't respond, I put my phone down.
Well I wouldn't make it more awkward than it already is. I mean I kissed Stephanie, knowing what Stephanie did to her.
Urg idiot!
I grabbed a pillow, screaming into it. I was so frustrated.
"Hunter" Maddie said coming in.
"Hi Mads" I said not bothering to get up, my head on the pillow as I let out another long groan 
"How you doing?" She asked me.
"Okay" I said, she flopped onto my bed.
"What you doing?" She asked me.
"Nothing" I replied.
"Okay well I heard you passed with B minus'" she said.
"Yup" I said.
"Well done bro" she said to me smiling.
"Yeah whatever" I responded.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked.
"If it's Fast and Furious 7, I'm in" I said.
"Deal!" She said "then can we see your mother?"
I sighed "I don't want to see her"
"Come on, Hunter she has been asking for you" Maddie said.
"I don't care" I lied.
"Yes you do, I can see it in your eyes you do. Please just stop being stubborn and see her" Maddie said.
"No, I don't want to" I responded. 
"I understand you are hurt but-"
"No, no you don't understand. Not even a little bit, I've been through so much so flipping much for her to be happy, and she still has the nerve to ask for the bastard. The same bastard that literally kills her slowly, the same bastard that killed my sister. She refuses to believe it but he tore our family apart or what was left of our family and she still loves him, she still follows him. I don't care, I don't damn care anymore" I said shaking my head.
"You don't mean that" Maddie said "you're just disappointed in your mothers choices but listen, if you think you're in love with someone they can do the worst things to you or your love ones and you'll still have a soft spot for them. That's just how love works"
"He killed her child, why? What kind of mother would still be with him even she is still in love with him?"
"She's in shock, she forced herself to believe it was someone else and trust me Hunter, Raymond is a pathological liar, he can make anyone believe he did the right thing. That's what people like him do" Maddie said.
"Just see her, please" Maddie pleaded me.
"Fine" I said, It wouldn't hurt to see her once. 
Maddie smiled as I stood up grabbing my leather jacket.
"Let's go" I said as Maddie grinned rushing downstairs. We got into my car and I drove to the cinema's.
"Hello" I said to the ticket- sales woman.
"Hi, I'm Cathy and how may I help you?"
"Two tickets to Fast and Furious 7 please" I asked.
"Okay two tickets to Furious 7" she said printing the tickets out "and seats sir?"
"Where do you wanna sit Mads?" I asked.
"In the middle" she said.
"Cool" Cathy said.
"Seat F12 and F13?" She asked pointing at the high lighted seats on the screen.
"Yeah, thanks" I said.
We got salted popcorn and butter salted popcorn. I grinned as we went inside. I had been dying to watch this movie,
We went into the crowded cinema and the adverts started, I moved around sitting comfortably.
2 hours later.
"That was honestly the best movie I've ever seen!" I said looking at Maddie,
"I know right?" I said.
We walked out of the cinema's and headed to the car.
"To the hospital" Maddie said.
"Um-" I started, I didn't want to go, my heart froze inside my chest and I felt as if time had stopped. I didn't want to be hurt again. 
"No, Hunter please" she said.
"Fine," I said  hesitantly "but at half five there is somewhere I have to be and its four"
"Okay" Maddie said as we started the drive to the hospital, it wasn't that long and we got there in no time.
I unlocked the door and took off my seat belt. Maddie smiled and grabbed my hand "let's go"
"Fine, whatever" I said.
We got to the reception.
"Hello- I'm here for Diane Stone" I said.
"And who might you be?"
"Hunter Stone" I replied "her son"
"Okay, go straight through, seventh floor and door number 345"
"Okay thanks" I replied
We went up the elevator an Maddie gave me a supportive smile.
We got up and I looked at the first door.
I sighed before going in.
"Hello mom" I said. My mothers eyes snapped open, she looked at me, tears started flowing out of her eyes.
"Hunter" she said.
Oh so now you remember me
"Yeah" I replied.
"How are you, hunny" she replied "I've missed you so much"
No you haven't
"Good" I replied.
"You came" she said smiling through her tears.
Forced to come
"Yeah" I replied.
"Oh my gosh, Hunter!" She cried, a new set of tears flowed out of her eyes. She looked more alive than she was before. That is a good thing I guess. Her pale skin still remained just looking more healthy, slightly. Her eyes lost the bloodshot touch now faded to a lighter pink.
"Im horrible, I'm a terrible mother"she said.
"You are" I replied.
"Can you forgive me angel? Please" she asked,
"Okay" I replied, it came out more as a whisper. The most painful thing in life is to see your mother cry. As tough as you may be, it's the most painful sight ever.
"Can I get a hug? Please" she asked me.
I nodded, unable to speak. I slowly walked to her and hugged her. She was bony and I was afraid I might break her.
"You're thin" I thought aloud, "are you eating?" 
"Im trying to gain weight" she said letting a half hearted chuckle out.
"I don't think-" she started "never mind"
"What?" I said.
"Nothing" she responded.
"Can you do me something" she responded.
I nodded.
"Please visit, I need you" she said to me.
"Why is it important?" I asked
"Your my son" she pointed out.
"Fine" I said.
"And I have cancer" she blurted out.
"What?" I responded "you have what?"
"Cancer" she responded crying again. Time had shuffled to a stop, my heart ached. Time slowed as I tried to process what she had just told me. Tears filled my eyes and oxygen stopped making way into my body. 

"No" I shook my head  refusing to take in the information, it was possible. Very, especially with all the drugs in her system deep down even I knew that. 

"Hunter-" she started.
"He's taken everything, everything from me" I responded.
"Hunter-" I started
"My sister, my mom now!" I said.
"You don't know that" she said.
"Everyone" I whispered.
"He didn't taken me away from you, he didn't kill-"
"Don't you dare Finnish that sentence" I responded "I cannot believe you still defend him"
"Hunter" she started a tired gasp leaving her thin lips.
"No, it doesn't matter, please it doesn't" I responded.
"It does" my mom said reaching her bony hand to me. Memories flooded my brain.
The way he slapped her, how he has punched her.
"She'll be my slave in 6 months, she'll be mine" he said.
I suddenly got dizzy, I had to get out of here.
"I'm sorry" I responded.
"What- Hunter?" She responded.
"I'll be back, I promise tomorrow" I responded.
Before she could respond I was out of the door.
"Hey" Maddie came to me.
"I'm fine" I responded,
"Okay" she responded. I knew she wasn't convinced but she didn't say anything and I was grateful for that.
"Can we go now?" I asked.
"Yes sure" she responded
We went downstairs. As soon as I got into the car, I felt better.
"How is she?" Maddie asked.
"She's getting there" I responded "she has cancer"
"I know" Maddie said giving me a sad smile.
"It's fine" I responded "she'll get through it"
I was saying it more to convince myself and to calm me down.
"Yea she will" Maddie responded.
"It's half past 5, you have do go somewhere" she responded.
"Oh yeah, I'll drive there can you take the car home?" I responded.
She nodded.
I drove to Summers house, stopping just before her house. "Thanks Mads" I responded. She nodded and slid into the drivers seat.
"See you later then" she said to me.
I nodded.
I walked to her house, I was just about to knock when she opened the door, she was was with that guy.
I sighed, hiding behind a tree.
"Okay then" Summer said.
"Yes, my mom will be back to pick Lilly up" the guy said "thanks for babysitting her"
"I don't mind,She is adorable" Summer said.
"Thanks again" he said then looked around "it's nice to finally have some time alone with you"
I smirked "why?"
He kissed her "so I could do that"
Summer laughed "what did you want to ask me?"
She looked so happy though.
"Oh yes" he said. "So I really like you, like a lot. I have known you for less than a year, and every time I'm with you I feel like I don't know like all my worries go away, you keep me calm, you always make me laugh. And I want to be with someone like that in my life. I honestly don't spend one day without thinking about you,hoping your free to do something and I enjoy the time we spend together."
"So what are you saying?" Summer asked.
He sighed.
"Summer Leila Arias, will you go out with me?" The guy said.
Please say no.
Summer kept quiet for the longest time.
"Yes" she finally responded breaking my heart in a thousand pieces.
The end (forreal this time)
Omg! Thank you guys for the amount of support and love you guys give me! Like seriously you do not understand how much it means to me! Thank you to each and everyone of you who bothered to press the vote button, to comment. To even add my story to your reading lists. I don't think I would have the determination to Finnish my book without the amount of reads I had. Thank you! Really :*
My book is finally completed.
It's been so much fun to write this book JT's!
I'll keep editing it and working on the bonus chapters.
My goodness this is getting emotional *wipes a fake tear away and grabs a tissue*
Goodbye for now x
Lots of love

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