Chapter 6: The wrong kind of confidence (Rewritten)

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The next day was worse, in the morning I couldn't spend time with Max because Richard stole my alarm clock and I overslept. I woke up at nine, an hour after school started. I rushed and managed to get out of the house by quarter past nine, my sisters car was taken for service and my parents had both left the house. No one bothered to wake me up. I had to walk to school, it would've taken me twenty minutes by a car but it took me forty minutes walking.I couldn't miss more classes, my grades were going down, my ninety eight percent average was changing to ninety seven.
And on top of that my whole body ached.

The halls were empty and I felt my heart beat quicken, I'd never been this late before, I didn't want to get detention, I saw a guy stroll past me, he had a cigarette in his mouth and he looked like he couldn't care less that he was late, he took his phone out and stopped, tapping his phone a few times. Suddenly a big dark figure came out stopping in front of me.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked me.
"I overslept sir" I started, my cheeks got warmer by the second, I wanted the ground to swallow me.

"Oh. You were out partying last night weren't you" Mr Graham said his voice stern.

"No sir, my brother stole my alarm clock" I said

"Lies" Mr Graham said the looked at the boy behind me "why are you late?"

They guy looked up for a split second and shrugged as if the strictest teacher in the school wasn't standing in front of him.

"Answer me! And no smoking on school grounds" he yelled getting red in the face. The boy smirked, he took a puff of his cigarette and took it out then proceeded to blow in Mr Graham's face causing Mr Graham to get more angry.

"Ah so you to late comers are together thinking you can just stroll into school as if you own the world? Well guess what you don't- so detention" Mr Graham yelled.

"Is that all you got old man?" The boy said daring to look into Mr Graham's green angry eyes.

"Fine, a week of detention" Mr Graham said glaring down at us, the boy was about to protest but I covered his mouth with my hand. The bell rang signaling for lunch and students crowded the halls."for both of you" Mr Graham yelled over the loud chatters of children walking out of class.

"What the heck?" I said looking at the boy anger boiled through my blood. He gave me a week of DT just because a stupid idiot couldn't keep his pie-hole shut.

The boy just licked my hand making me drop my hand and grimace he had a smug expression on his face "it's fine, princess I get more time with you!"

The day got worse from there, I had never been to detention before and nerves crept in. I headed over to the girls bathroom to wash my hands but Stephanie and her group were all in the bathroom, she had mascara all over her face and she was sobbing.

"I can't believe Hayes broke up with me" she said dabbing her eyes with a tissue,

"It's fine, Steph he wasn't that hot anyway" a girl from the group said.

"Yes, Sally, yes he was! He and I are in the top ten, him and I like totes matched we could've been like homecoming queen and king" Stephanie exclaimed.

"You can't say him and I and he and I in the same sentence it is grammatically incorrect and -" Sally started.

I took it as my chance to escape and go to another bathroom. As I turned around Stephanie spoke.
"Oh my gosh Sally, I swear to you if you don't shut up, I will end your life" she said "hey it's the nerd"

Stephanie and her group stared at me, I began to run out but Stephanie said "get her".

Stephanie gave a small smile as I struggled, the girls grip was strong.

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