Chapter 1: Innocent (Rewritten)

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I walked into the crowded halls, seeing a whole lot of girls squealing and gossiping, guys fist bumping and doing their man- hugs. Love sick couples sulking, couples making out. In other words: the usual.
Yeah. I was at one of those schools, where the only thing that really mattered was your status, this of course could be any stays. Wealth, popularity, looks etc etc.
I somehow managed to find myself right at the bottom of the social ladder. A nerd. Yes I  am an introvert, I love being stuck in my own bubble. Where my mind could run wild and have absolutely no limitations and in real life.
I wasn't bad looking, as I thought anyway. With brown glossy hair, hazel eyes. Tall and long eyelashes. My eye sight, contrary to popular belief was perfect so I didn't need glasses. My braces were taken off and I have to wear a retainer every night, I didn't mind it to much.
And yeah. I study, I don't love it but
I like getting good marks, what can I say- I mean I want to get a good job and then settle down, have a family of my own and grow old with a great guy and my grandchildren young and healthy.

That's my dream- well now it's almost impossible these days, but getting a suitable job is easy, my average is about 98% so I'm good with getting into college and from there a good job is easy to find. The second part was where my problem lies.

My locker. Locker 304. I hadn't been to my locker since the last year, I expected it to be a little dusty. I didn't mind that but what I didn't expect was for a foul smell, to burn my nostrils as I crept closer to the silver broad locker. I glanced around, hoping to see someone else old stale sandwich they had left over the holidays. Nobody seemed guilty, I sighed opened the metal locker.
Nearly jumping back at what I saw, the smell hit me stronger. Something small and black lay in a rotten bundle in my locker. I held my breath taking a closer look, it wasn't moving. Which simply meant two things. It was either dead or sleeping but the smell of it hinted dead. I picked out an old science book that was left in the bottom of my locker and poked the black heap. It moved, ever so slightly, it turned. I jumped back and spotted a long hairy tail. Ray.
I screamed, loudly... So loudly that the whole hallway went quiet and looked at me.
"Yikes," someone said in the crowd.
"Someone hates you!" another yelled.
"Everybody does," some girl in the front muttered.
I was too shocked to say anything, to even move or defend myself.
"Come on, move along  people," the janitor said, "come on, move it!"
He gave me a small smile as he put his gloves on, picking up the rat and placing it in his trolley thing. He grabbed some Handy Andy and cleaned my locker, and sprayed some air freshener in to get rid of the rat smell. My locker was as good as new and cleaner than the other lockers.
"Thank you," I said quietly. At least I didn't inherit my aunt's stuttering, especially when I am nervous.
"My pleasure," he said, pushing his trolley and moving away.
The crowd of people around my locker has lessened and I blushed.
I quickly put my books and gym clothes in my clean locker.
I walked into the bathroom to freshen up before my first class started.
"Oh look. It's the nerd," Stephanie said. Let me give you a quick four one one on friend.
She had blonde bright hair with obvious highlights and little flecks of brown. She had blue oceanic eyes that I would die for anyway. She had a beautiful figure and was literally dripping with money. And to unfortunately her most helpful member was her smart brain. She was a genius, with master plans and contacts she could destroy your reputation with a single word. So I did what a clever person, as myself would do.
I rolled my eyes and went into one of the stalls. Ignoring her foolish remark, I had to many things on my mind anyway. It was probably Stephanie who placed the rat in my locker. Or one of her slaves.
"Just to make sure I am not imagining things but did she just ignore me?"  Stephanie asked her side kicks.
"Totes," Sasha said.
"Like Ohmigosh, who like does that?" A girl said quietly. I think her name was Paige.
I finished doing my business so I went out of the stall and washed my hands once I was done. Stephanie came to me, giving me a glare.
"Listen here, Bitch" she said slapping me across my cheek, that would leave a mark. "I'm the boss here! You do NOT ever ignore me okay?"
I nodded quickly and ran out of the bathroom as quickly as I could. I wanted to defend myself but my cheek was burning and I didn't want to start doing something stupid like cry in front of her.
Once I got into the English class I sat down near the middle. I hated the front seats because you were under the watchful eye of the teacher and the naughty idiots sat there.
The back seats are where all the dodgy freaks stay. They always smell of alcohol or anything related. You could always find the dodgy freaks smoking near the fire escape.
I placed my books on the table and waited patiently as my peers filed in.
"Hey," a girl said to me, sitting down.
"Hi," I said.
"What happened to your cheek?" She asked.
I automatically touched my cheek. It stung like hell.
" I fell," I lied, coming up with the first excuse that come into mind. The last thing I wanted was a rumor to go around and I knew Stephanie wouldn't be stupid enough to tell anyone because she would get in trouble, surprise surprise like everyone else.
"Oh, well ouch," the girl said, well accepting m excuse with no more questions asked.
"I'm Stacy Reynolds," she said to me.
"Summer Arias," I said shooting her a small smile.
"Hey Stace, come sit over here," Stephanie said sweetly with a fake smile. Her purple nails pointed at a seat right next to her.
"Uh yeah," she looked at me as if asking for my permission. I went back to focusing on my work, it wasn't like I cared that much anyway. It was expected.
"No, it's fine," she said.
I looked at the girl with new found interest and she shot me a grin in return.
"Hello, class I'm Mr Hayes, your English teacher. Tell me one thing about you, starting with the you, Devon," he said looking at the guy in front. He gave us a lazy smile.
"I'm Devon, I'm popular and hot," he winked at all the ladies who literally swooned. I sighed, he was telling the truth. And hot was an understatement.
"Call me," he whispered looking at Stephanie.

Well of course.

"I'm Trevor and I come from Johannesburg," another boy said standing up and smiling, I could tell he was a friend of Devons and not too bad looking either. He had a small dimpled smile, black hair. Emerald sparkling eyes.

And so the class continued. When Stacy finally stood up, she turned and looked around at the whole class before saying.
"My name is Stacey and I am new to this school"
She sat down and turned to me, waiting for me to stand up. I stood up and glanced at the class shyly.
"My name is Summer and I love to-"
I paused trying to think of something that wouldn't make me seem lame. The whole class was silent, waiting for my answer.
"I love to- draw" I sat down quickly and tried to hide the blush that was forming on my cheeks. That was the biggest lie ever. I couldn't draw to save my life.
When class was finally over, Stacy waited for me, no one ever waited for me before. I know it was a small thing but I felt myself smile again.
"What class do you have now?" Stacy asked me.
"," I said.
"Oh no, I have dance," she said frowning.
"Oh my gosh you have dance now?" Stephanie asked.
"She just said so" I said to Stephanie, who in return gave me an annoyed look.
"Yeah," Stacy said, giving her a small smile ignoring the tension between Stephanie and I.
"Same, let's walk together," Stephanie glowered, giving me a smirk.
"See you then." Stacey said to me
"Bye," I said weakly as I walked in the opposite direction. I knew from that smirk that Stephanie would do everything in her power to take Stacey away from me and I could do absolutely nothing about it.

Film class dragged on, we were analysing a film: Enders game.
I found it boring, but on the bright side we were going to the cinema's sometime this month to watch Annie.

At break I looked for Stacy but I couldn't find her anywhere so I walked to the cafeteria on my own.
I found her laughing to one of the populars' jokes. She gave me a small smile as she said sorry to the populars and sat by me.
"Hey Sum," she said, giving me a smile as she sat down.
"Why are you sitting here?" I asked as I saw Stephanie bore holes through my head.
"Because you my friend, silly," she said smiling.
"But- the populars..." I started not to sound insecure but what the hell?
"But nothing," she said eating her sandwich, "Hey do you want to come with me? Steph invited me over for a back-to-school party."
I tucked my hair behind my ear, "I don't want to crash her party," I said.
"Come on! She basically invited the whole school!" Stacy said, "You have to come!"
"I don't know. What if-" I started.
"Please," Stacy said.
"Fine," I said giving in, I didn't want to loose my first friend because I was too boring. Stupid self consciousness.
"Okay, I'll lift. Meet at yours at five?" She asked.
"My house?" I asked ", yeah five is fine," I said, giving her a fake smile.
She grinned as the bell rang "okay well I've got Physics gotta go but see you at yours?" She waved.
I couldn't help it I had a really bad feeling about this.
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